2016年9月7日 星期三

the fabric of sth, vanity searching

  • ...making for an instability that tears away at the fabric of the family
是指家庭結構 不是"織就的經緯"

This week, I’m at the Macworld Expo in San Francisco. At a gathering of user-group members on Monday, I tried out a new song parody. It was inspired by a comment somebody made about how electronics and the Internet are now completely meshed into the fabric of our society. What would it be like if it all went away?

Do You Use Google For Vanity Searching? You're Not Alone
TechCrunch - Atherton,CA,USA
A new study from the Pew Internet and American Life Project has found that 47% of American adult internet users have undertaken a vanity search in Google or ...

 Vanity Searching 和下述
Egosurfing, also called egogooglingautogoogling or self-googling, is the practice of searching for one's own given namesurname, full name, pseudonym, or screen name on a popular search engine, to see what results appear. It has become increasingly popular with the rise of popular search engines such as Google, as well as free blogging and web-hosting services. It is sometimes combined with third-party tools such as GoogleFight when several people egosurf together.
Similarly, an egosurfer is one who surfs the Internet for his own name, to see what, if any, articles appear about himself.

See also

External links

(STRUCTURE) Show phonetics
the fabric of sth the structure or parts especially of a social unit or a building:
the fabric of society
Unhappiness was woven into the natural fabric of people's lives.
We must invest in the fabric of our hospitals and start rebuilding them.


