2023年5月25日 星期四

Doppelgänger 分身, Googleganger, a terrific and sobering read

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Zanny Minton Beddoes

The question of whether Donald Trump could really be America’s next president is one that now comes up in almost every conversation I have with business leaders and politicians. This week our cover package in most of the world explains why the chances of Mr Trump re-entering the Oval Office are uncomfortably high. The accompanying Briefing by Idrees Kahloon, our Washington bureau chief, is a terrific and sobering read that outlines why Ron DeSantis has little chance of winning the Republican nomination.


How a Japanese Empress Inspired an American Literary Prince
John Burnham Schwartz talks about his new novel, “The Commoner,” which is told from the point of view of a fictional doppelgänger for Empress Michiko of Japan.

How a Japanese Empress Inspired an American Literary Prince By MOTOKO RICH John Burnham Schwartz talks about his new novel, “The Commoner,” which is told from the point of view of a fictional doppelgänger for Empress Michiko of Japan.


or doppelganger (dŏp'əl-găng'ər, -gĕng'-

━━ n. 生霊(いきりょう); 分身.


A ghostly double of a living person, especially one that haunts its fleshly counterpart.
German, a double : doppel, double (from French double; see double) + Gänger, goer (from Gang, a going, from Middle High German ganc, from Old High German).

The coinage of the term Doppelgänger (commonly Anglicized as ‘doppelganger’) is not certain, but it was a sufficiently unfamiliar term for the writer Jean Paul Richter to have to gloss it in a footnote to his novel, Siebenkäs, of 1796. According to this founding definition Doppelgänger (literally ‘doublegoer’, by contrast with the German Einzelgänger, or loner) is the name given to ‘people who see themselves’. It seems, then, that there is uncertainty from the start as to whether the apparently original self or its alter ego is the double in question. This indicates the fundamental level at which the phenomenon challenges conventions of identity, by making the self see itself double (or, more precisely, see itself going double, as a duplicate body which may go its own way).

A ghostly double of a living person, especially one that haunts its fleshly counterpart.
[German, a double : doppel, double (from French double; see double) + Gänger, goer (from Gang, a going, from Middle High German ganc, from Old High German).]

But what's a "Googleganger?"
A play on "doppelganger," the word is "a person with your name who shows up when you Google yourself," according to the society.





[编辑] 其他

  • 台灣宗教人物宋七力據說有分身的神通能力。
  • 在網路上同時擁有的其他多個用戶帳號也被稱為分身
  • 維基百科用戶的附加帳號稱為傀儡
  • 傳說中忍者擁有製造多個分身的法術。

[编辑] 虛構作品


[编辑] 文學

<藍,或另一種藍> 山本文緒

[编辑] 電影

[编辑] 電視劇

  • 假面騎士KABUTO仮面ライダーカブト
    • 其中出現具有擬態成人類的能力的地球外生物Worm。
  • 假面騎士AGITO仮面ライダーアギト
    • 當天蠍座排列成十字架形狀時,天蠍座的人會目睹和自己長得一樣的人,原因不明地接連自殺。

[编辑] 動漫畫

[编辑] 遊戲


