Lick my boots: Vintage photos of women wearing kinky boots
Slightly NSFW.
Computer games are a proving ground for some of the most sophisticated machine-learning around.
Russia Uses Syria as Proving Ground, and West Notices
The operation in Syria — still relatively limited — has given Western officials a deeper appreciation of the transformation that Russia’s military has undergone under President Vladimir V. Putin.
WASHINGTON — The Food and Drug Administration intends to post inspectors to embassies and consulates throughout the developing world in hopes of improving the quality of the food and medicines increasingly flowing to the United States, a top official said Thursday.
The agency’s commissioner, Dr. Andrew C. von Eschenbach, said that he wanted to have “boots on the ground” in nations like India and China and regions like Central and South America and the Middle East.
lick someone's boots
phrase of lick
- excessively obsequious towards someone.
proving ground
An area or situation in which a person or thing is tested or proved.
A proving ground is the US name for a military installation or reservation where weapons or other military technology are experimented with or are tested, or where military tactics are tested. The usual British term is training area.
Wikipedia 說明
"Boots on the ground" is an all-purpose term used to describe ground forces actually fighting in a war or conflict at the time of speaking, rather than troops not engaged or being transported to the fighting.
Example: "The Pentagon may say we have enough, but that's not what I'm hearing from the boots on the ground."
It is from this term that journalist Karl Zinsmeister titled his book Boots on the Ground: A month with the 82nd Airborne in the Battle for Iraq.