2024年4月27日 星期六

Cease-Fire, Humanitarian Cease-Fire, gross violation/ interference. Number of Trump Allies Facing Election Interference Charges Keeps Growing

Number of Trump Allies Facing Election Interference Charges Keeps Growing

University of Southern California Confronts an Unfamiliar Era of Protest

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9 New Books We Recommend This Week

Suggested reading from critics and editors at The New York Times.

A Classic Chicken Dish That Makes You Feel Like a Grown-Up

Roasted chicken Provençal, with five stars and over 10,000 reviews, is effortlessly elegant.

9 New Books We Recommend This Week

Suggested reading from critics and editors at The New York Times.

Five Action Movies to Stream Now

This month’s picks include competing assassins, a mysterious hitchhiker, a stoic bricklayer and more.

‘The Royal Hotel,’ ‘Zola’ and More Streaming Gems

Female-centered buddy comedies, rom-coms and Outback thrillers are among the under-the-radar recommendations for your subscription streamers this month.

Tomorrow: From Style

Every day we’ll feature stories from a different section. Check back daily.


When U.S. Diplomats Visit China, Meal Choices Are About More Than Taste Buds

Visits to China by American officials like Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken can bring fame to local restaurants, as well as scrutiny to the dignitaries.

Did Richard III Kill the Princes in the Tower?

Philippa Langley devoted years to the search for Richard III’s remains. Now, she’s trying to crack a 15th-century cold case: Did he really assassinate his nephews?

N.F.L. Draft Had Some Style Winners

The next class of football stars has done some fashion homework, but the evening was pretty tame compared with the N.B.A. draft.

‘Challengers’ Review: Game, Set, Love Matches

Zendaya, Josh O’Connor and Mike Faist play friends, lovers and foes on and off the tennis court in Luca Guadagnino’s latest.

With YouTube Booming, Podcast Creators Get Camera-Ready

To some, “video podcasts” are a contradiction in terms. That hasn’t made them any less popular.

Beth Linker Is Turning Good Posture on Its Head

A historian and sociologist of science re-examines the “posture panic” of the last century. You’ll want to sit down for this.

Shelley Duvall Vanished From Hollywood. She’s Been Here the Whole Time.

After two decades, the actress known for her roles in era defining films like “The Shining” and “Nashville” has returned to acting. But what happened to her?

Let This Breakfast Change Your Life

A simple miso-roasted salmon, part of a traditional Japanese spread, is both sustenance and self-care.


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The New York Times Company 620 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018

A U.S. Call for a Humanitarian Cease-Fire in Gaza

He claimed that the way he'd been treated was a gross violation of his civil/constitutional/human rights.

EU honours Chinese dissident

Chinese dissident Hu Jia has won the European Parliament's prestigious Sakharov Prize. Making the announcement in Strasbourg, European Parliament President Hans-Gert Pöttering said this year's award acknowledged the daily struggle for freedom of all Chinese human rights defenders. Hu is a campaigner for civil rights, environmental protection and AIDS advocacy in China. In April, he was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison on charges of inciting subversion. China has criticised the decision to honour Hu Jia as a "gross interference" in the country's domestic affairs.



in·​ter·​fer·​ence ˌin-tər-ˈfir-ən(t)s  
the act or process of interfering
something that interferes OBSTRUCTION
the illegal hindering of an opponent in sports
the legal blocking of an opponent in football to make way for the ballcarrier
confusion of a received radio signal due to the presence of noise (such as atmospherics) or signals from two or more transmitters on a single frequency
something that produces such confusion
the mutual effect on meeting of two wave trains (as of light or sound) that constitutes alternating areas of increased and decreased amplitude (such as light and dark lines or louder and softer sound)
partial or complete inhibition or sometimes facilitation of other genetic crossovers in the vicinity of a chromosomal locus where a preceding crossover has occurred
the disturbing effect of new learning on the performance of previously learned behavior with which it is inconsistent


━━ a. 太りすぎた; 大粒[ざらざら]の; こんもり茂った; 濃い; ひどい; 粗野な, 粗悪な; 下品な; 無知な; 〔米俗〕 =grody; 総体の; 全体の.
━━ n.pl. ~(・es)) グロス ((12ダース)); (the ~) 総体.
in (the) gross 卸売りで; 概して; 総体で.
━━ vt. 総収益をあげる.
gross out 〔米俗〕 嫌悪[恐怖,ショック]を与える, 怒らせる.
gross domestic product 国内総生産 ((略 GDP)).
gross・er ━━ n. 〔俗〕 (映画などの)ヒット作品.
gross income 【経済】総収入, 粗収益.
gross interest 【金融】粗利子.
gross loss 【会計】総損失.
gross・ly ━━ ad.
gross margin [profit] 総[粗]利益.
gross misconduct 重大な不当行為 ((業務上の著しい規約違反行為;窃盗や暴力行為等)).
gross national product 国民総生産 ((略 GNP)).
gross・ness ━━ n. 粗野, 下品.
gross-out ━━ n., a. 〔俗〕 ひどく気持ち悪いもの, 吐きそうなくらい嫌なもの; =gross.
gross profit 【会計】粗利益, 総利益.
gross receipts 総受領高.
gross sales 【会計】総売上高.
gross ton グロストン ((=2240lbs.)).
gross tonnage 総[純]トン数.
gross yield 【株】総収益.

Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 to break or act against something, especially a law, agreement, principle or something that should be treated with respect:
They were charged with violating federal law.
It seems that the planes deliberately violated the cease-fire agreement.
The doctor has been accused of violating professional ethics.

2 to go, especially forcefully, into a place or situation which should be treated with respect and in which you are not wanted or not expected to be:
The fishermen claimed that ships from another country had violated their territorial waters.
Questions of this kind violate my privacy and I am not willing to answer them.

3 FORMAL rape (FORCE):
She said that she had been treated so roughly by the hospital staff that she felt violated.

violation Show phonetics
noun [C or U]
He claimed that the way he'd been treated was a gross violation of his civil/constitutional/human rights.
The takeover of the embassy constitutes a flagrant/blatant violation of international law.
It was clear that they had not acted in violation of the rules.

The German government said Wednesday that the international community needed to continue pressing Iran to halt its uranium enrichment program as Tehran remained in violation of international law.

violator Show phonetics
noun [C]

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


