2023年12月3日 星期日

auscultation, dtethoscope, “to reflect the ethos, mood or preoccupations”

Oxford’s Word of the Year is based on usage evidence drawn from its continually updated corpus of more than 22 billion words, gathered from news sources across the English-speaking world. The selection, according to Oxford, is meant “to reflect the ethos, mood or preoccupations” of the preceding year, while also having “potential as a term of lasting cultural significance.”

Having pioneered key advances in the field, including a “two-sided” chest piece - the basis for most stethoscopes used in medical practice today - and “tunable” technology that makes stethoscopes more convenient for clinicians,

...continue to push the boundaries of auscultation technology


(ô'skəl-tā'shən) pronunciation
  1. The act of listening.
  2. Medicine. The act of listening for sounds made by internal organs, as the heart and lungs, to aid in the diagnosis of certain disorders. ━━ n. 【医】聴診.

[Latin auscultātiō, auscultātiōn-, from auscultātus, past participle of auscultāre, to listen to.]

━━ n. 【医】聴診器.
 ━━ a. 聴診器の[に関する].
steth・o・scop・i・cal・ly ad.


