2016年4月25日 星期一

the gamut, run the gamut, drawdown, photography, Gamut Fallacy

Moscow's Syrian drawdown reflects divisions between its foreign and defense ministries: http://ow.ly/4n0Q88

Bush refused to rule out any Iraq options, including sending more troops. The president said he awaits recommendations of a military review that could run the gamut from beefing up U.S. forces to beginning a drawdown.

Gamut Fallacy in 
The republic of technology: Reflections on our future community    – 1978

by Daniel J Boorstin (Author)

"Photography records the gamut of feelings written on the human face, the beauty of the earth and skies that man has inherited, and the wealth and confusion man has created. It is a major force in explaining man to man." — Edward Steichen

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Photo by Edward Steichen       
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Edward Steichen, born on this date in 1879, was a pictorialist photographer at a time when photography was not universally respected as an art form. Steichen worked with his close friend, Alfred Stieglitz, to found Photo-Secession, a group that strived to have photography recognized as a fine art. As curator of NY's Museum of Modern Art, Steichen created the Family of Man exhibition. The collection of 503 photos taken by some 270 photographers in 68 countries was a depiction of the human experience. It was turned into a book, with a forward written by Steichen's brother-in-law, Carl Sandburg.

Photography照相 ━━ n. 写真術, 撮影術.

Rupert Murdoch’s vast media holdings give him a gamut of tools to enhance his financial interests and establish his legitimacy in the United States.


Pronunciation: /ˈɡamət/ 


(the gamut)
1The complete range or scope of something:the whole gamut of human emotion
2Music A complete scale of musical notes; the range of a voice or instrument:the orchestral gamut
2.1historical A scale consisting of seven overlapping hexachords, containing all the recognized notes used in medieval music, covering almost three octaves from bass G to treble E.
2.2historical The lowest note in the gamut scale.


run the gamut

Experience, display, or perform the complete range of something:Owen runs the gamut of emotions in the space of the film


Late Middle English: from medieval Latin gamma ut, originally the name of the lowest note in the medieval scale (bass G an octave and a half below middle C), then applied to the whole range of notes used in medieval music. The Greek letter Γ (gamma) was used for bass G, with ut indicating that it was the first note in the lowest of the hexachords or six-note scales(see solmization).
the gamut ━━ n. 【楽】(普通the ~) 全音階; 全音程; 長音階; (声・楽器の)全音域; 全範囲; 【コンピュータ】表示可能色領域.
 run the (whole) gamut of ありとあらゆる…を試みる.

noun [S]
the whole range of things that can be included in something:
In her stories she expresses the whole gamut of emotions, from happiness to sorrow.

Warburg invests in nine different industry sectors, which essentially cover the entire gamut of the U.S. and international economies.

run the gamut of sth
to experience or show the whole range of something:
Jonson has run the gamut of hotel work, from porter to owner of a large chain of hotels.
She was fired from her first role, in “The Big Pond” in 1928, after one performance. Dorothy Parker memorably wrote in her review of “The Lake” in 1933 that “Miss Hepburn runs the gamut of emotions from A to B.”

n. a reduction in the size or presence of a military force: the unit is the first to leave Germany as part of the drawdown.)


