2007年10月2日 星期二

fire up sth or fire sth up

Yahoo Fires Up Search Engine

Yahoo introduced a newly minted Yahoo Search, as the operator of the Internet's No. 2 search engine once again tries to gain ground on leader Google Inc.

fire up
sth or fire sth up

to make something start to burn [e.g. cigarette, barbecue]

He paused and fired up another cigarette.
If we fire up the barbecue now dinner will be ready in an hour.

(American) to start an engine

She fired up the car engine, slipped it into gear, and went speeding off.

fire up sb or fire sb up

to make someone become excited or angry

The issue has fired up civil rights activists.
We had an argument about it and she got all fired up.

(from Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs)


