2015年12月13日 星期日

keep one's eyes open, handgun holster, armchair, ottoman, love seat and sofa

One woman recounted being raped while handcuffed to a hospital bed. Another told reporters, "I kept begging, 'Sir, don't make me do this.'"http://cnn.it/1NgUZeD

"All I could see was my life flashing before my eyes and the holster on his right side."

And peel an eye for the revealing detail. I unloaded a heap of what I thought was insightful historical stuff on Stewart Alsop, the all-time best columnist, and he winnowed out one item to mark a turning point: when Richard Nixon stopped putting a towel on the silk ottoman in front of the chair before putting his feet up. That was the day the President first felt comfortable in the Oval Office.

keep one's eyes open

Alsokeep one's eyes peeled or skinned. Be watchful and observant. For example, We should keep our eyes open for a change in the wind's direction, or Keep your eyes peeled for the teacher.
The first phrase dates from the late 1800s; the second and third, both colloquial and alluding to the lids not covering the eyes, date from the mid-1800s and 1830s, respectively.

ottoman pronunciation

IN BRIEF: An upholstered footstool.

pronunciation He sat perched on the ottoman wringing his hands.

WordNet: ottoman
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.
The noun has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: thick cushion used as a seat
Synonyms: poufpouffehassock
Meaning #2: a low stool to rest the feet of a seated person
Synonyms: footstoolfootrest

adj. - 土耳其的, 土耳其民族的, 土耳其人的
n. - 土耳其人, 一種絲織品, 絨腳墊
n. - 土耳其人, 軟墊椅子

日本語 (Japanese)
adj. - トルコの, トルコ人の
n. - トルコ人, ソファー, 足載せ台

    Handgun holster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    A handgun holster is a device used to hold or restrict the undesired movement of a handgun, most commonly in a location where it can be easily withdrawn for ..

10/13 SIMON U 聚會。博學的張華兄說一般所謂沙發組分為
armchair (單人座)
love seat (兩人)
sofa(「約」三人)-Dco Foot Stool, Armchair, and Love Seat (2-Seater Sofa) - $356.25 - Gibraltar Furniture



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so·fa (sō 'fə) pronunciation

A long up━━ n. ソファー, 長いす.
sofa bed
 ソファーベッド. holstered seat typically with a back and arms.
[Turkish, from Arabic ṣuffa, carpet, divan, from Aramaic ṣippā, absolute form of ṣippə tā, mat.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2007, 2000

Word Net
The noun sofa has one meaning:
Meaning #1: an upholstered seat for more than one person
Synonyms: couch, lounge

But all is not lost. Bovril, a traditional hot beef drink served to men in sheds, is back, now the European Union has lifted its ban on Britain's beef products. Tea-time has never been more popular—London hotels are booked up for months in advance. Although the music show "Top of the Pops" has disappeared from the BBC's schedule, Auntie has graciously brought back "Dr Who"—and a new generation can enjoy the deliciously spine-chilling experience of hiding behind the sofa whenever the Daleks appear.

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(2~3人掛けの)ソファ:couch / sofa / settee など
Your sofa is stained, dingy, and saggy in the middle.
*stained :染みがついた
*dingy :黒ずんだ、薄汚い
*saggy :(時間が経って固さが無くなり)くぼんだ、たるんだ、垂下した

2人掛けのソファ、ラブソファ: loveseat / love seat
The loveseat is too small for either of us to sleep on.

肘掛け椅子、アームチェア:armchair / easy chair
Don't you think this armchair is getting wobbly?
*wobbly :(人・意見・物などが)ぐらつく、不安定な。


