2014年4月12日 星期六

keynote, coverage, medium, message

The funny 'what djs do these days' video might paint DJs as vacant knob-twiddlers, but being a great DJ is not like being a great guitarist. All that matters is that they make you dance.

'A good DJ is the medium rather than the message – and if the message is strong enough, it's OK to just press play.'

Rock DJ: why there's more to modern dance culture than technical skill

The 'what DJs do these days' viral video is funny – but has a depressingly rockist approach to dance music
When thousands of Iranian citizens flooded the streets to protest the controversial results of last Friday's presidential election, news viewers in the U.S. rushed to Twitter to protest what they saw as a lack of coverage of Iran on CNN.

Bill has frequently been the keynote speaker at major conferences on quality and management as well as annual executive meetings. He has written numerous articles on the subject of quality and his work has been included in several recent books as well as two PBS documentaries. Tunghai Deming Scholar Lectures 2008

noun [C]
the most important or most emphasized part of something:
This issue has become the keynote of the election campaign.
a keynote address/speech/speaker (= an important talk/speaker at a formal meeting)
日文: 基調講演

Durward, Michael to Keynote at PLM Road Map Conference
Ten Links (press release) - Novato,CA,USA
The application of lean manufacturing principles to product development organizations and processes has gained broad popularity. ...

◎美國品質學會ASQ東北區第 56屆之會議基調演講 Oct 19 Morning - Keynote Speaker
"Business Growth and Future of Quality"
The subject of my keynote speech will be "Business Growth and the Future of Quality." It will deal with the major new business profitability and growth opportunities companies are obtaining from today's new total quality leadership practices. It will also relate to our new book, The Power of Management Capital, from McGraw-Hill which discusses some of these practices and one of whose areas of coverage is, in fact, continuous management innovation.
1980 年代出從他學了不少。他的名著Total Quality Control by AV Feigenbaum (McGraw-Hill, 1983/1991 。初版翻譯影響日本和台灣很深。再版增補不少,幾乎成為 TQC 手冊,就沒人翻譯了。我從尤建新等三人合著『質量管理學』(北京:科學出版社, 2003),知道他 1998年到過上海演講。十要點中有一說:「全面質量是一種道德規範。」( p. 24

See also key (IMPORTANT).

  1. The extent or degree to which something is observed, analyzed, and reported: complete news coverage of the election.
    1. Inclusion in an insurance policy or protective plan.
    2. The extent of protection afforded by an insurance policy.
  2. The amount of funds reserved to meet liabilities.
  3. The percentage of persons reached by a medium of communication, such as television or a newspaper.


━━ n., vt. 【楽】主音; (政策などの)基調; 主旨; 力説する, 強調する; 基調演説をする.
keynote address [speech] (政党の)基調演説.


