2024年5月20日 星期一

mountainous, as Taliban adapt, clime, yuppie, adept. a day after both leaders died when their helicopter plunged into a mountainous region.

 The Upside of Google's Mobile Ad Push
Wall Street Journal
Yet beyond the earnings malaise, Google has proved more adept than other Web companies at adjusting to the consumer shift toward mobile devices and the corresponding growth in mobile ads, analysts said. For one thing, Google's mobile-search ads have ...
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We are concerned with education. This Association, so rich in its membership of educationalists, with the conception of reform as the very reason of its being, is among those bodies which must take the lead in guiding that educational reconstruction which by a sociological law follows every social revolution. We do not want impracticable ideals, only to be realisrd beyond the clouds in
"Some wild, weird clime,
Out of Space, and out of Time."

How I Learned to Love Goat Meat
Goat, the most widely consumed meat in the world, has been edging its way into yuppier climes for a year or so.

Afghan Police Are Set Back as Taliban Adapt

Over the past six weeks, the Taliban have driven government forces out of roughly half of a strategic area that American and NATO officials declared a success story last fall.

a·dapt (ə-dăpt') pronunciation

v., a·dapt·ed, a·dapt·ing, a·dapts. v.tr.
To make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation.
To become adapted: a species that has adapted well to winter climes.
v. tr. - 使適應, 使適合, 改建, 改造, 改編, 改寫
IN BRIEF: To change or get in line with new circumstances.

pronunciation The horse took some time to adapt to the new barn.
Tutor's tip: When some people are asked to "adapt" (or adjust) to new circumstances, they prove that they are more "adept" (more than capable; expert) than others. To "adopt" means to take into one's family.

IN BRIEF: n. - The weather in some location averaged over some long period of time.
Tutor's tip: In this "clime" (climate), a "cline" (gradual change in organisms of similar species often due to environmental or geographic changes) will occur as one continues the mountainous "climb" (to go up).


Term derived from young, urban professional, a designation that came into vogue in the 1980s. The yuppie population consists of that group of people in their thirties whose lifestyles are upwardly mobile and who represent a target audience for some advertisers, such as BMW automobiles or Fila sportswear. The term has come to have a somewhat pejorative connotation, particularly when applied to a specific individual.
Onionhead Cerebrum Rose Huang,「雅痞」源自英文「Yuppie」的中譯,字義取自「Young Urban Professional」的縮寫,原指「年輕、都會、專業」的人士。


[形] 〔dépt | ǽdept〕 (…に)熟練した, 熟達した, (…が)うまい((in, at ...))
an adept mechanic
be adept in calculations
be adept atinfishingevasion
━━[名] 〔ǽdept〕 (…の)熟練者, 達人, ベテラン((at, in ...))
an adept in lying
an adept in diplomacy
[中ラテン語adeptus(ad-へ+apisci達する+-tus過去分詞語尾=技術に達した人). 原義は「錬金術師」]


