PBS NewsHour
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said there was insufficient evidence to prove that soaps and washes with antibacterial ingredients were "more effective than plain soap and water in preventing illness."
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said there was insufficient evidence to prove that soaps and washes with antibacterial ingredients were "more effective than plain soap and water in preventing illness."
Ingredients in Antibacterial Soap Could Put Fetuses at Risk
WICHITA, Kan. — For the first time in years, only a Wichita police car has been waiting outside the abortion clinic of Dr. George R. Tiller, who was shot to death a week ago. Gone are the trucks bearing enormous images of bloody fetuses, the signs offering the home addresses of clinic workers, the crowd of protesters yelling to women as they enter.
...Separately, the sixth edition is hailed as accurately charting the rise to prominence of ‘green’ issues in society, evidenced by the inclusion of “carbon-neutral,” “carbon footprint” and "Chelsea tractors.” Carbon Neutral 碳中和 carbon footprint
Other noteworthy additions include "WAGs" – to denote wives and girlfriends, “Webinar” – an online seminar, and “charette” – to denote a meeting or conference devoted to planning or problem-solving.
“Papped” – being photographed by the paparazzi, “brag book” – a photograph album and “size zero” to denote stick-thin models also make up 2,500 new words now in the Shorter OED.
Other spelling changes made as part of the updating of the text include cafe for café, fetus for foetus, kaftan for caftan, and raccoon for racoon.
---The 6th edition of the SOED (2)
fetus━━ n. (妊娠3か月以後の)胎児.
Line breaks: fetus
NOUN ( plural fetuses)
late Middle English: from Latin fetus 'pregnancy, childbirth, offspring'.
The spelling foetus has no etymological basis but is recorded from the 16th century and until recently was the standard British spelling in both technical and non-technical use. In technical usage fetus is now the standard spelling throughout the English-speaking world, but foetus is still found in British English outside technical contexts.
最后更新时间: 2007年9月20日 格林尼治标准时间10:47更新
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收录在最新出版的辞典的环保新词计有:“carbon-neutral”、“carbon trading”以及“Chelsea tractor”等。
随着社会名流应运而生的新词还有:“WAGs”(wives and girlfriends)、“pap”(a paparazzo,自拍者)等。
包括“nanny state”在内的多个新的政治名词,也首次被收录在《牛津英语大辞典》之内。
* “green audit” - 检验一家公司减少危害环境所作的努力
* “carbon footprint” - 一个人或组织因为消耗传统燃料而产生俄二氧化碳排放量
* “carbon trading” - 一个国家或组织获分配的二氧化碳或温室气体排放量,不同国家或组织可以互相交易此排放量
* “carbon-neutral ” - 二氧化碳净排放量为零,尤指透过植树等活动抵消二氧化碳排放量
* “Chelsea tractor” - 在都市地区驾驶的大型、四轮驱动的车辆
* “nanny state” - 过度保护或干预个人生活选择的政府
* “Great Satan” - 形容美国的帝国主义恶势力,尤指美国的中东政策
* “biosecurity” - 保护人口免于受到有害的生物媒介的危害,例如口蹄疫或禽流感
* “addy” - 电子邮件地址
* “webinar” - 网络研讨会
* “cattle class” - 飞机经济舱
* “manbag” - 男人的手提包或肩包
* “yummy mummy” - 已为人母但又美丽漂亮的女性
* “pap” - paparazzo,自拍者,喜欢拍摄自己的照片或录像再放到网上分享的人
* “WAGs” - wives and girlfriends,足球明星或社交名流的妻子和女友