2024年12月26日 星期四

e·no·phile also oe·no·phile. Mr. Parsons, a jazz-loving oenophile who served on the board of the Apollo Theater and owned a Tuscan winery

The Economical Oenophile ( By Robert Parker)

Years ago I wrote in The Wine Advocate that Dan Kravitz was perhaps the top U.S. importer of wines priced under $10 a bottle. Even though the dollar bought a lot more then, Kravitz still has a knack for finding good wines at great prices. Hand Picked Selections, his Warrenton (Va.) company, distributes in most major markets. You can also track down his wines by contacting the company at (540) 347-9400 or info@hpswine.com, or visiting the Web site, winemerchant.net.

Richard Parsons, Serial Fixer of Media and Finance Giants, Dies at 76

Mr. Parsons’s lengthy résumé is a catalog of corporate emergencies at Time Warner, Citigroup and the Los Angeles Clippers.

A black-and-white close-up of Richard Parsons.
“I want my legacy to be simple: I left the place in good shape and in good hands,” Richard D. Parsons said in a 2007 interview.Credit...Chester Higgins Jr./The New York Times

Mr. Parsons’s winding career tracked the biggest companies in American media and finance — and the biggest problems. Time and again, he stepped in when things looked catastrophic and put his smooth leadership style to work, disentangling Gordian knots and assuaging discontented shareholders.

Mr. Parsons, a jazz-loving oenophile who served on the board of the Apollo Theater and owned a Tuscan winery, rose to the top of the business world in an era when he was frequently the only Black executive in the boardroom. A self-described “Rockefeller Republican,” Mr. Parsons spoke out on social justice issues in the wake of George Floyd’s murder in 2020, signed a letter protesting a 2021 law that imposed restrictions on Georgia voters and co-founded the Equity Alliance, a fund that backs early-stage ventures led by women and people of color.

帕森斯先生曲折的職業生涯追蹤了美國媒體和金融界最大的公司——以及最大的問題。當事情看起來是災難性的時候,他一次又一次地介入,並運用他流暢的領導風格發揮作用,解決棘手的問題並安撫不滿的股東。 帕森斯先生是一位熱愛爵士樂的品酒愛好者,曾擔任阿波羅劇院的董事會成員,並擁有一家托斯卡納酒莊,在他登上商界頂峰的時代,他經常是董事會中唯一的黑人高階主管。自稱為「洛克菲勒共和黨人」的帕森斯先生在2020 年喬治·弗洛伊德被謀殺後就社會正義問題發表了講話,他簽署了一封信,抗議2021 年對佐治亞州選民施加限制的法律,並共同創立了平等聯盟(Equity Alliance)。

美國候任總統川普在社群平台Truth Social 談笑要加拿大,巴拿馬運河,格陵蘭島

e·no·phile also oe·no·phile (ē'nə-fīl') pronunciation
  1. One who appreciates and enjoys wine.
  2. A collector of wine.

[Greek oinos, wine + –PHILE.]


