2007年7月31日 星期二

frisk, capacity (POSITION) , stand pat, the faithful

新聞 (WSJ)
Bank of England Might Stand Pat on Rates
The slide in stocks makes it more likely the Bank of England will keep its key rate on hold at its meeting this week.

Three Arabian-style mosques, constructed in Kaohsiung, Taichung, and Lungkang 龍崗, have joined Taipei's two mosques in meeting the needs of Muslim faithful.


hc案 不知是否用 the needs of the (Muslim) faithful比較好

Can He Take a Frisk? 
Barack Obama knows that he is left with one final roll of the dice. So, he sets up a secret meeting with Bill Clinton.

capacity (POSITION)
noun [S] FORMAL
a particular position or job:
In his capacity as secretary of the residents association, he regularly attends meetings of the community policing committee.
She was speaking in her capacity as a novelist, rather than as a television presenter.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

verb [T]
to use your hands to search someone's body when they are wearing clothes for hidden illegal objects or weapons:
We were all frisked at the airport.

the faithful plural noun
the followers of a particular religion:
We heard bells calling the faithful to prayer.


━━ a. 誠実な ((to, in)); 信頼できる; 貞節な; 正確な ((to)).
━━ n. (the ~) ((複数扱い)) 信者たち; 熱心な信奉者[支持者].
faith・ful・ly ad. 忠実に; 正確に.
faith・ful・ness n. 忠実(であること); 貞淑; 正確さ.

stand pat
Refuse to change one's position or opinion, as in We're going to stand pat on this amendment to the bylaws. This expression may be derived from the verb pat in the sense of "strike firmly and accurately." [Late 1800s]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms


