Setting the Table
to put a cloth, knives and forks, etc. on the table in preparation for a meal:
Could you lay the table for lunch, please?
Setting the Table : The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business by Meyer, Danny (HarperCollins )
能讓這位美國知名的餐飲大亨如此成功的原因,是因為他深信人類具有提供並接受款待(hospitality)的強烈本能需要。 本書敘述引領作者走進餐飲業的真實人生經驗,不僅為餐飲服務業提供借鏡,也值得創業者和經理人參考。
作者指出,善於款待別人極為重要,對象從為自己工作的人開始,接著依序是顧客、社區鄰里、供應商以及投資人。這與某些傳統商業模式恰好相反,他稱之為「有 智慧的殷勤款待」(enlightened hospitality)。也因此,他所有的商業決策和一切成就,都以此為基礎。
. (片語 phrase)
1. 舞臺立體布景(如:樹,門,岩石等);舞台セット; 凝った
2. (文學、音樂等作品中)具有強烈效果的片斷; 型通りの芸術作品
3. (軍事、外交)事先佈置好的行動; 綿密な計画に基づく軍事行動.
4. 花式煙火; 仕掛花火
They're lovely, these almost accidental observations that interrupt the setpieces on language and difference, and when Z has been allowed to throw off the faux-naivety of the early chapters, she comes much more fully to life. And as with all good textbooks, there's the satisfaction of learning and understanding.
幾年前,hc在 bog (simon university )一文:淺談 set piece
「謝謝「路人」的set-piece 為「橋段之英文」之指引。它可以寫篇關鍵字。小讀者等人有沒興趣?」我自己來,因為我碰到這字眼已兩年,剛好可以趁機整理一下。
我起先不認為set piece是「橋段」,不過它值得我們認識。或許我錯了,詳後文。
兩年前比較過兩本辭典對於set piece的翻譯。【朗文當代高級英語詞典】的解釋:A set piece以固定程式和風格安排的具有特殊效果的場面、片段。
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary:有特殊效果的場面、片段,不必然與主題相關。 set piece is part of a film, play, etc. which is exciting and attracts attention, but is often not a necessary part of the story or does not cause the story to develop.
The musical has no real story - it just consists of a series of set pieces
我還收一比較難的句子:Mr. Columbus, in contrast, is a master of the obvious and the emphatic. After the boisterous clowning of the opening set piece -which involves the ritual humiliation of the Dursleys, Harry's swinish Muggle guardians -the picture settles down into a plodding, heavy rhythm.
Toget 軟體下載:... 你可以扮演其中歷史上留名的人物。 遊戲中涵蓋了美國歷史上十多個有名的戰爭,包括:: classic set piece battles at Dettingen (1743(軍事、外交)事先佈置好的行動); Almanza (1707); wide-ranging(1777);&
The idea is that you used *some* of your 10 seconds of maneuvering to get a bead on your foe, but you weren't able to just sit there aiming. Weapon Acc is mostly used for carefully placed shots in "realistic," wargames-style set-piece battles. (軍事、外交)事先佈置好的行動
昨天查WordNet Dictionary
「Definition: [n] a piece of scenery intended to stand alone as part of the stage setting n. set piece, n. 【物】 (舞台上的)單件立體佈景. See Also: scene, scenery」
最讓我滿意的是 The New Oxford American Dictionary【這一說法可以當"橋段"的定義】
set piece
'a thing that has been carefully or elaborately planned or composed, in particular:
a self-contained passage or section of a novel, play, film or piece of music arranged in an elaborate or conventional patterned for maximum effect. 這一說法可以當"橋段"的定義。其他如一篇精心設計或準備的演講稿。
Three years before, he had enjoyed a Two Ronnies Reunion Night on BBC One. Barker joined Corbett to introduce the best of their sketches, and the hardware shop "Four candles - Fork handles!" set-piece was judged the most popular by a television audience of millions.
看一段影評談 quality set piece.
"Bourne Identity" is classified as an action flick, but the action is decidedly different than that in other movies of the same genre. Containing very few special effects or CGI, the action centers on motion and pursuit, endowing the film with a edgier, more physical tone that is highlighted by a stellar car chase. Set in the middle of the movie, the sequence featuring a beat-up MG racing through the streets and alleys of Paris is the best cinematic chase since at least The Rock, if not long before that. The cat-and-mouse concept of the entire film is encapsulated in this quality set piece, which is more than just eye candy, serving also as a key turning point in the plot.
* 這在足球賽的free kick或scrum精心安排的戰術:妨礙敵隊得分set piece。其他類似:「當在比賽中你獲得了一個任意球之後,先仔細觀察場上隊員的位置。如果你覺得當前隊員的站位不甚理想時,可以按下空白鍵注意,此時並不是在變換陣形,而是在做罰球前的戰術扯動(set piece)」;
Henry surprised with dominance | ALL BLACKS| ONE SPORT |
"We were able to provide quality set piece ball and that's what's been lacking in recent times," Henry said. "So the quality of the set piece was the big ...
Mo Yan’s powerful new novel, “Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out,” contains many such vivid set pieces. His canvas covers almost the entire span of his country’s revolutionary experience — from 1950 until 2000, in the so-called “reform era” of post-Deng Xiaoping China.