2009年12月29日 星期二

Makes Good and makegood, unforeseen circumstance

漫畫來源: Ted Goff

Putin Makes Good On Threats, Pulls Russia Out of Arms Treaty

Russian President Vladimir Putin made true on earlier warnings to withdraw Russia's participation from the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) on Saturday.

make good 讓某事成真
When someone makes good something, they either pay for it, or make it happen:
The shortfall in the budget will be made good by selling further shares.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

makegood 媒體的補償廣告客措施


Credit given to an advertiser (or advertising agency) by a publication or broadcast medium for an advertisement or commercial spot to make up for an error or unavoidable cancellation on the part of the publication or broadcast medium. The credit is usually in the form of a rerun of the advertisement or commercial.

In print advertising, the publisher must agree that an advertisement was poorly run. Generally, print makegoods are given when an advertisement has been placed in a position in the publication other than the one contracted for or when there has been some mistake on the part of the publisher in the printing of the ad copy.

In broadcast, a makegood may be offered in the form of an extra run of a commercial when the broadcast medium did not deliver the audience size or composition promised for a previously contracted commercial. Broadcast makegoods are also given when transmission was poor, through some fault of the broadcast medium, or when the commercial did not run as scheduled, through some unforeseen circumstance.

All makegoods are subject to negotiation between the advertiser (or advertising agency) and the medium.


Not felt or realized beforehand; unexpected: unforeseen difficulties.


