2009年2月15日 星期日

piece together jigsaw puzzle, Tangram

Key Jigsaw Piece in Cancer Discovered

Tuesday 6 January

Scientists have discovered a crucial piece in the cancer jigsaw, identifying one key enzyme responsible for allowing cancer to spread, according to a study published in Cancer Cell.

Cancer metastasis, the spreading of cancer from its original location, is responsible for 90 per cent of cancer related deaths.

Lead researcher Dr Janine Erler from The Institute of Cancer Research has discovered that the LOX enzyme is crucial in promoting metastasis and says:

“This research has identified how to prevent a cancer from establishing itself in a new area of the body. This is the crucial missing piece in the jigsaw that scientists have been searching for and is the first time one key enzyme has been identified as being responsible for effectively allowing the cancer to spread.

“LOX works by sending out signals to prepare a new area of the body for the cancer to set up camp. Without this preparation process the new environment would be too hostile for the cancer to grow. If we can interrupt the body’s ability to prepare new locations for the cancer to spread to, we can effectively prevent cancer metastasis.”

The paper looked specifically at how LOX enables the spread of breast cancer, but researchers have evidence that the enzyme is also crucial in the metastasis of other common cancers.

The Institute of Cancer Research hopes to use the discovery of how LOX works to aid the spread of cancer to develop new drug treatments to prevent cancer metastasis.

“Cancer metastasis is very difficult to treat and this new discovery provides real hope that we can develop a drug which will fight the spreading of cancer,” Dr Erler said.












科學家認為,對"危險受體"這種細胞有了更多瞭解後, 也許能夠在利用人體免疫系統對抗自身癌症的研究方面有 很大幫助。

{鏡子和七巧板} 是楊周翰先生的一篇比較文學的英文論文的中文(王寧)翻譯:The Mirror and the Jigsaw: A Major Difference Between Current Chinese and Western Critical Attitudes, Representations, 4, University of California, Berkeley

問題是:jigsaw 一般指很複雜得拼圖A jigsaw puzzle is a picture, which is adhered to a thin and stiff background, like wood or cardboard, and then cut into multiple pieces. The pieces are assembled by the user to reform the original picture. Although the origin of the word puzzle is unknown, it is known that the first jigsaw puzzles were made in the 1760s by European cartographer John Spilbury. In 1762, Spilbury hit upon the idea of gluing maps onto thin mahogany and cedar panels and cutting them up with a fine marquetry saw.

七巧板 的英文為Tangram (Chinese: 七巧板; Pinyin: qī qiǎo bǎn; literally "seven boards of cunning") is a Chinese puzzle, and a type of dissection puzzle. 'A tangram consists of 7 pieces, called tans, which fit together to form a shape of some sort. The objective is to form a specific shape with seven pieces.

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jigsaw (puzzle) noun
1 [C] a picture stuck onto wood or cardboard and cut into irregular pieces which must be joined together correctly to form the picture again:
We spent all evening doing a 1000-piece jigsaw.

2 [S] a complicated or mysterious problem which can only be solved or explained by connecting several pieces of information:
The police are trying to the jigsaw of how the dead man spent his last hours.


