2023年12月3日 星期日

run-in, in the final running for, in all cases and at all times. 磨合

China's Huawei won a contract to supply the network infrastructure for a Cox cellphone service, and is in the final running for a potentially bigger wireless-network contract with Clearwire.

“Women in Love,” a 1969 adaptation of the D. H. Lawrence novel, was his breakthrough film, and “The Devils” (1971), about a 17th-century outbreak of religious hysteria, was his most notorious. Both caused run-ins with censors.

Ai has had past run-ins with authorities, in particular for supporting victims of the devastating 2008 Sichuan earthquake, but his wife said the current situation was worse.
His detention has sent a chill through the activist community and prompted many to call for his release online through Twitter messages or blog postings.
In previous cases involving economic crimes that others saw as political persecution, Zhao Yan, a news assistant for The New York Times, was jailed for three years in 2007 on charges of financial fraud. Xu Zhiyong, an outspoken lawyer, was investigated for alleged tax evasion in 2009 but later released.
On Wednesday, U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman mentioned Ai among other activists who "challenge the Chinese government to serve the public in all cases and at all times."
"The United States will never stop supporting human rights because we believe in the fundamental struggle for human dignity and justice wherever it may occur," Huntsman, who leaves his post later this month, said in a speech in Shanghai.

The iconic anthology series “The Twilight Zone” spoke truth to the era’s social ills and tackled themes of prejudice, bigotry, nuclear fears, war, among so many others.

  1. A quarrel or an argument.
  2. Printing. Matter added to a text.
adj. Printing

Having been added to or inserted into a text.


Pronunciation: /ˈrʌnɪn/ 


1British The approach to an action or event:the final run-in to the World Cup
1.1The home stretch of a racecourse:the horse galloped on strongly up the run-in
1.2A period during which an engine or other device is run in:each system did run-in for at least 30 days
2informal A disagreement or fight, especially with someone in an official position:a run-in with armed police in Rio
2.1collision:a run-in with a parking meter

【磨合】;「教育部國語辭典」無此詞,不過國立編譯館的電力工程名詞: run-in 磨合運轉,跑合試車,試車,試運轉:



「引擎磨合:基本調整雖然在之前已經證實了引擎磨合的時間過長,對於燃料的投資不符成本,因而減少磨合時間,但面對於唯一個一顆引擎,我們還是小心的對待為妙,我們選擇使用FLASH30%航空燃油來磨合,因為該燃油潤滑油比例高、售價低、 ... 」

「汽车磨合的目的是使机体各部件机能适应环境的能力得以调整和提升。新车、大修车及装用大修发动机的汽车在初期使用阶段都要经过磨合,以便相互配合机件的磨擦表面进行 ... 」


Initial operation或running-in 初期運轉
為了讓某item 在使用之前能有安定或穩定的特性,先讓該item 先運轉一定期間。有的稱為 RUNNING-IN。
「台灣高鐵列車再次發生誤點事件一個月內第11次;高鐵凸槌誤點一個月內第11次 ;高鐵凸槌誤點未檢修仍載客&..」
Initial Quality Evaluation 系統初期品質評價
美國汽車業的評價系統最完善(J.D. Power等)。
其中有所謂「初期品質調査」(Initial Quality Study 2006年のインドネシア初期品質調査;www.jdpower.com ...)。它的期間,是從購入新車到之後的2-6個月之間。將這些顧客對某些車種的「不良」方面的抱怨等加以指数化處理。
DHsu to HC,, 剛剛看了您的 running-in﹐這詞電子公司常用﹐談談我待過的公司的用法: Run-in : 時間較短﹐通常在開放空間下執行﹐環境溫度不致升高; Burn-in:時間較長﹐在半密閉空間執行﹐有時候會控制溫度﹐使之在較高溫的環境下執行。


