2011年11月30日 星期三

giving SB a break, willpower, self-discipline, self-indulgence, self-renewing

Greg Walton and Carol Dweck write in The New York Times: When people believe that willpower is fixed and limited, their willpower is easily depleted. But when people believe that willpower is self-renewing — that when you work hard, you’re energized to work more; that when you’ve resisted one temptation, you can better resist the next one — then people successfully exert more willpower. It turns out that willpower is in your head.

The research suggests that giving ourselves a break and accepting our imperfections may be the first step toward better health. People who score high on tests of self-compassion have less depression and anxiety, and tend to be happier and more optimistic. Preliminary data suggest that self-compassion can even influence how much we eat and may help some people lose weight.

This idea does seem at odds with the advice dispensed by many doctors and self-help books, which suggest that willpower and self-discipline are the keys to better health. But Kristin Neff, a pioneer in the field, says self-compassion is not to be confused with self-indulgence or lower standards.

giving s/b a break

1. Give someone a chance or special consideration. For example, She begged the professor for an extension on her term paper, saying "Please give me a break." [c. 1900] Also see get a break.
2. give me a break. Stop trying to fool or upset or bother me. For example, Don't tell me the party's been postponed again--give me a break! This interjection is usually uttered with semihumorous exasperation. [Slang; late 1900s]

or will pow·er (wĭl'pou'ər) pronunciation
The strength of will to carry out one's decisions, wishes, or plans.

2011年11月29日 星期二

doozy, annual, seiannual

'BFF,' 'Zombie Bank': Actual New Entries in the Dictionary
The New Oxford American Dictionary has released its annual list of added words, and it's a doozy. Abbreviations like BFF (best friend forever) and TTYL ...

semiannual Pronunciation (adjective) Occurring or payable twice each year.
Usage:Our semiannual family vacation to France usually occurs in December and July.

n. Slang, pl., -zies.
Something extraordinary or bizarre: "Among the delicious names taken by, or given to, minor political parties in the United States . . . are these doozies: Quids, Locofocos, Barnburners, Coodies, Hunkies, Bucktails" (Saturday Review).

[Possibly blend of DAISY and Duesenberg, a luxury car of the late 1920s and 1930s.]

pregnant (MEANING), beam (SMILE), reverie

In one of the classic scenes in American cinema, young Benjamin Braddock is attending a cocktail party celebrating his graduation from college and entry into adult life. His internal reverie on his future is interrupted by Mr. McGuire, who says he has one word of advice for him. After a pregnant pause McGuire says, “Plastics!” Then he beams at the self-evident brilliance of this remark. Benjamin does not know what to say in reply.

pregnant silence

The Blizzard

A group of four mountaineers struggle up a mountain path during a horrendous blizzard. It has been snowing for three days and the men are dispirited and ready to give up. One by one they stop walking, giving in to the snow and sure death. The leader endeavors to push on, but he too, stops in the snow. A strange woman (possibly the Yuki-onna of Japanese myth) appears out of nowhere and attempts to lure the last conscious man to his death - give into the snow and the storm, she urges him on, into reverie, into sleep, into certain death. But finding some heart, deep within, he shakes off his stupor and her entreaties, to discover that the storm has abated, and that their camp is only a few feet away.

pregnant (MEANING)
filled with meaning or importance which has not yet been expressed or understood:
There followed a pregnant pause in which both knew what the other was thinking but neither knew what to say.


--> ━━ a. 妊娠している; 満ちた, はらんだ ((with)); 意味深長な, 含畜のある; 創意に満ちた.
 ━━ n.
preg・nant・ly ━━ ad. 意味深長に.

beam (SMILE)
verb [I]
to smile with obvious pleasure:
She beamed with delight/pleasure at his remarks.
The child beamed at his teacher as he received the award.
[+ speech] "I'm so pleased to see you, " he beamed (= said as he smiled).

She gave a beaming (= wide and happy) smile.

reverie, -y[rev・er・ie, -y]

  • 発音記号[révəri]

1 [U][C]((形式))(…の)空想, 幻想, 夢想((about ...));((古))妄想(もうそう)
be lost in (a) reverie
2 《音楽》夢想曲.

2011年11月27日 星期日

'hijacking', extensive, have one's say

From a selection of photographs compiled by Hopper and gallerist Tony Shafrazi—more than a third of them previously unpublished—this extensive volume distills the essence of Hopper's brilliantly prodigious photographic career.

On this date in 1971, "D.B. Cooper" — real name unknown — boarded a Northwest Orient flight in Portland, Oregon. Carrying a black briefcase that he said held a bomb, he hijacked the plane, demanding and receiving $200,000 when the plane touched down at Seattle-Tacoma. He then ordered the plane back up in the air and parachuted out somewhere over southwestern Washington. Except for $5,880 of the loot found on the banks of the Columbia River in 1980, no trace was ever found of the man or the money. The drama series Prison Break featured a character suspected by the show's hero, Michael Scofield, of being the mysterious hijacker.

Japan Wants More Say Over US Troops on Okinawa
Voice of America
November 26, 2011 Japan Wants More Say Over US Troops on Okinawa Steve Heman | Tokyo Japan's foreign minister is promising Okinawans that Tokyo will press Washington to give Japanese authorities more jurisdiction over US forces on the island. ...

1 ((one's 〜))言いたいこと, 言うべきこと
have one's say
2 ((略式))発言の権利, 発言の順番[機会];((the (last) 〜))決定権
have one's say in ...
give a say about ...
have the last say on ...
3 ((主に方言))話, 談話
have a say with ...
4 ((古))言うこと, 言ったこと, 格言, ことわざ.
1 ((驚き))まあ;((喜び))よかった, うれしい;((抗議))なんだ.
2 ((相手の注意を引いて))おい, ちょっと.
3 ((あいさつ))やあ.
[古英語secgan. アイスランド語segja(言う)と同系. △SAGA, SAW3

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hijack Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 to take control of an aircraft or other vehicle during a journey, especially using violence:
Two men hijacked a jet travelling to Paris and demanded $125 000.

2 DISAPPROVING to take control of or use something that does not belong to you for your own advantage:
He resents the way his ideas have been hijacked by others in the department.

hijack Show phonetics
noun [C or U] (ALSO hijacking)
when someone uses force to take control of an aircraft or other vehicle:
The hijack ended with the release of all the plane's passengers unharmed.

hijacker Show phonetics
noun [C]

━━ v., n. 乗っ取り[取る], ハイジャック(する); 強奪(する).
hi・jack・ee ━━ n. ハイジャックの被害者.
hi・jack・er ━━ n. ハイジャックの犯人; (貨物などの)強奪犯人.
hi・jack・ing ━━ n. ハイジャック(事件), 乗っ取り.

October 18, 2007 2:23 PM PDT

Reports: China 'hijacking' Google, Yahoo, Microsoft search sites

Ticked off that the United States gave the Dalai Lama the prestigious Congressional Gold Medal this week, China may be taking out its aggression by "hijacking" American search engines.

There's speculation that the Dalai Lama's recent award from President Bush (their meeting, pictured above) has prompted Net users in China to be rerouted from U.S. search sites to Baidu.

(Credit: White House)

Over at Search Engine Land, Danny Sullivan reports that numerous users trying to access Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft search engines from within China or using Chinese Internet service providers are being redirected to Chinese-owned search engine Baidu.

Sullivan says it's not exactly clear how that process is working, but he cites a news report from 2002 that indicates this sort of thing has happened in China before. At the time, a Baidu official denied having any part in the rerouting.

So is the Chinese government to blame? After all, its extensive attempts at censoring what its citizens view on the Internet have been well-documented.

It's worth noting, however, that the reported redirects may not have any direct link to the Dalai Lama events. The Associated Press reported earlier this week that Beijing has been ramping up its filtering of political sites in an attempt to stifle political dissent leading up to the Communist Party Congress, a meeting in which leaders are selected to serve under the president for the next five years.


  1. Large in extent, range, or amount.
  2. Of or relating to the cultivation of vast areas of land with a minimum of labor or expense.
extensively ex·ten'sive·ly adv.
extensiveness ex·ten'sive·ness n.

2011年11月25日 星期五

rub off, version, limit down

Taiwan stocks open up; HTC limit down for second session
Reuters Africa
TAIPEI, Nov 25 (Reuters) - Taiwan stocks opened 0.61 percent higher on Friday, led by iron and steel makers, though smartphone maker HTC fell by the 7 percent maximum allowed for a second session after cutting its revenue forecasts. ...

German Beer Consumption Not What It Used to Be

It seems that Germans are sticking to some secret New Year's resolution to
drink less beer -- for the second year in a row. And their good example
has rubbed off on their neighbors.

The DW-WORLD Article

Amazon's Kindle Looks to Europe
European publishers hope the buzz around electronic books in the U.S. will rub off on them now that Kindle's international version is on its way.






そして、いよいよ、本番・・・・。始めは、本来の旨みを出す煎じ方ではないため、どのお茶も同じように感じてられ苦戦しましたが、慣れるに従ってしだい に、特徴がわかるようになった受講生が多くなり、白熱した雰囲気が感じられるようになりました。正答を知るたびに、会場から歓声やため息が漏れ聞こえまし た。

aIMG_4536.JPG aIMG_4538.JPG

茶歌舞伎が終わった後にはお茶とお菓子で懇談、今回のお菓子は「亥の子餅」旧暦の十月に食べるお菓子とのこと。源氏物語にも登場するこのお菓子は、安産祈 願の縁起物で、表面には猪のように焼き色がつけられ、中の「あん」には干し柿や栗、松の実が入った大変豪華なものでした。



1 文学作品などの版。改訂版・翻訳版など。「フランス映画の英語―」「ロング―の曲」 2 商品などの特定の型。特に、機能を向上させていくものの、一つの版。「ワープロソフトの新しい―」→リビジョン

rub off phrasal verb INFORMAL
If a quality or characteristic that someone has rubs off, other people begin to have it because they have been with that person and learnt it from them:
His enthusiasm is starting to rub off on the rest of us.

limit down
Some markets close trading of contracts when the limit down is reached; others allow trading to resume if the price moves away from the day's limit. If there is a major event affecting the market's sentiment toward a particular commodity, it may take several trading days before the contract price fully reflects this change. On each trading day, the trading limit will be reached before the market's equilibrium contract price is met.

diaspora, a flaming row (ARGUMENT), Iran-Contra affair erupted

On Nov. 25, 1986, the Iran-Contra affair erupted as President Reagan and Attorney General Edwin Meese revealed that profits from secret arms sales to Iran had been diverted to Nicaraguan rebels.

A flaming row

Protests over Tibet could overshadow the Beijing Olympics. China has the means to defuse the row

EU won't mediate in gas row 

The Czech European Union Presidency says it won't assume a mediating role in the dispute between Russia and Ukraine over gas prices and allegedly unpaid bills. Russia's gas giant Gazprom accuses Ukraine of siphoning off gas headed for Europe to meet domestic demands, a claim Kiev denies. Russia cut supplies for the Ukrainian market on New Year's Day over the row. Russia is the EU's largest single supplier of natural gas, and 80 percent of its deliveries pass through Ukrainian territory. Three years ago, an almost identical row led to unexpected gas shortages across Western Europe.

2007年7月19日 星期四


下文的 The Chinese Diaspora
數十年前唐君毅翻譯成"中華兒女 花果飄零" (記憶猶新 不見得可靠)

noun [U] FORMAL
the spreading of people from one original country to other countries

the Diaspora group noun [U]
the Jews living in different parts of the world outside Israel, or the various places outside Israel in which they live

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


林 太乙於2003年7月5日病逝後,其編譯家夫婿黎明開始考慮這些文物的處理問題。目前獨居於維州水晶城的黎明表示,他深恐自己照顧不力,而生長於西方的兒 女,對這些東西又毫無興趣,遂決定捐贈給博物館,不但為藝品找一個有專人保管的家,同時因有展出機會,讓更多的藝術愛好者欣賞。

這次大都會博物館(Metropolitan Museum of Art)特展主題「腳踏東西文化的華裔作家林語堂」(Bridging East and West:The Chinese Diaspora and Lin Yutang),展期自今年9月15日至2008年2月10日。展出期間除書畫展示和介紹,也舉辦配合特展主題的相關活動,並將林語堂生平及所展出文物編印成冊,供參觀者購買收藏。

紐約時報 2019.3.11每日一詞 :Diaspora |故土在遠方:那些流散異鄉的人

數十年來,每次大島次郎想要見到他的兄弟姐妹,他都必須前往朝鮮。他是日據時期遷往日本的約32萬朝鮮族的一份子,他的父母和兄弟姐妹早已在1960年代返回朝鮮。在英語中,他被稱為Korean diaspora (朝鮮族僑民)。
當這個群體指向中國人時,Chinese diaspora是常見的表達,它被譯為“海外華裔”、“海外華人”。在文學中,diaspora literature(離散文學)也是被反復書寫的主題。已故作家余光中的《鄉愁》描述的就是許多海內外華人感受到的苦痛,以及對文化統一的渴望。

Diasporas and Domestic Entrepreneurs: Evidence from the Indian Software Industry

http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5737.htmlNew working paper for download by HBS professors Ramana Nanda and Tarun KhannaThe Indian diaspora is estimated at over 18 million people spanning 130 countries. Given that formal institutions in India remain weak and hence the informal barriers to trade are higher, do diaspora networks serve as substitutes to the functioning of the local business environment? Do they help entrepreneurs to circumvent the barriers to trade arising from imperfect institutions?

flame (EMOTION)
a powerful feeling:
Flames of passion swept through both of them.

1 If an emotion flames, you feel it suddenly and strongly:
Seeing the damage made hatred flame within her.

2 to suddenly become hot and red with emotion:
His face flamed (red) with anger.

adjective INFORMAL
a flaming row a very angry argument in which people shout at each other:
We had a flaming row over it last night.

1 [C] a noisy argument or fight:
My parents often have rows, but my dad does most of the shouting.
What was a political row over government policy on Europe is fast becoming a diplomatic row between France and Britain.

2 [S] loud noise:
I can't concentrate because of the row the builders are making.

to argue, especially loudly:
My parents are always rowing (about/over money).


  • 発音記号[kɑ'ntrə | kɔ'n-]
[名]((しばしばC-))コントラ:ニカラグアの反政府右派勢力(1981-1990).Member of a counterrevolutionary force that sought to overthrow Nicaragua's left-wing Sandinista government. The original contras had been National Guardsmen during the regime of Anastasio Somoza (see Somoza family). The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency played a key role in training and funding the group, whose tactics were decried by the international human-rights community. In 1984 the U.S. Congress banned military aid to the contras; the efforts of the administration of U.S. president Ronald Reagan to circumvent the ban led to the Iran-Contra Affair. A general peace in the region was negotiated by Costa Rican president Oscar Arias Sánchez, and in 1990 Nicaraquan president Violeta Chamorro negotiated the contras' demobilization. See also Daniel Ortega.


  • 発音記号[kɑ'ntrə- | kɔ'n-]


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[irʌ'pt]

1 〈溶岩・火山灰などが〉(…から)噴出する((from ...));〈火山が〉噴火する;〈間欠泉が〉噴き上がる.
2 〈うっ積していた感情が〉ほとばしり出る;〈言葉などが〉(せきを切ったように)どっと出る;〈暴動などが〉勃発(ぼっぱつ)する
erupt in giggles
erupt into violence [a riot]
3 〈発疹(はっしん)が〉(皮膚に)吹き出す, 〈皮膚が〉発疹する.
4 〈歯が〉生える.
1 〈うっ積していた感情などを〉どっと出す, ほとばしらせる.
2 〈溶岩・熱湯などを〉噴出する(eject).
[ラテン語ēruptus (ē-外へ+rumpere壊す+-tus過去分詞語尾=壊し出された)]

2011年11月23日 星期三

The Good, the Bad and the Exaggerated

The Good, the Bad and the Exaggerated in Michael Moore's New Film, 'Capitalism: A Love Story'
Michael Moore's movie, Capitalism: A Love Story, doesn't pull any punches in its depiction of capitalism as the monster that is destroying America. Moore's villains range from Wall Street bankers to Wal-Mart to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, while capitalism's victims include those who are losing their jobs, their houses and, in some cases, their faith in a system that is supposed to reward hard work and playing by the rules. Knowledge@Wharton asked Kent Smetters, a professor of insurance and risk management at Wharton who describes himself as "generally right of center," to review Capitalism: A Love Story.

The 19th Century writer Mark Twain once famously told a newspaper journalist: "The report of my death was an exaggeration," following unfounded media speculation that the author had suffered a fatal illness.

v., -at·ed, -at·ing, -ates. v.tr.
  1. To represent as greater than is actually the case; overstate: exaggerate the size of the enemy force; exaggerated his own role in the episode.
  2. To enlarge or increase to an abnormal degree: thick lenses that exaggerated the size of her eyes.

To make overstatements.

[Latin exaggerāre, exaggerāt-, to heap up, magnify : ex-, intensive pref.; see ex- + aggerāre, to pile up (from agger, pile , from aggerere, to bring to : ad-, ad- + gerere, to bring).]

exaggeratedly ex·ag'ger·at'ed·ly adv.
exaggeration ex·ag'ger·a'tion n.
exaggerative ex·ag'ger·a'tive or ex·ag'ger·a·to'ry (-ə-tôr'ē, -tōr'ē) adj.
exaggerator ex·ag'ger·a'tor n.

SYNONYMS exaggerate, inflate, magnify, overstate. These verbs mean to represent something as being larger or greater than it actually is: exaggerated the size of the fish I caught; inflated his own importance; magnifying her part in their success; overstated his income on the loan application.
ANTONYM minimize


New Drew Brees ad for Vicks VapoRub.

New Drew Brees ad for Vicks VapoRub.

How Do VapoRub Ads Spell Relief? 'D-A-D'
By STUART ELLIOTT 39 minutes ago

Vicks VapoRub uses Drew Brees, the quarterback of the New Orleans Saints, in a campaign that emphasizes his role as a father.

從Tony獎的驚豔女巫談"terrific!" 2004/6

「恐懼是我一生最大的熱情。」(據R. Barthe說這是霍布斯的話)

靈感來源 "Kristin Chenoweth appeared at the Tony Awards as the terrifically shallow witch Glinda from "Wicked."

Parables of Sun Light 一書所記(1977年10月23日),談到所謂用語上的「世風日下」(The corrosion of language)。 ---它談一位青年人打電話到旅館,要陪作者Rudolf Arnheim (著名的藝術-心理學家)去演講處。作者說兩分鐘之後用大廳見,該青年答:「terrific! 」



HC認為,作者的有感而發,也沒什麼道理,因為語言是約定俗成的東西。 根據牛津大學出版的20世紀新字選,此用法1930年開始使用,是歷代各有其「驚奇、崇拜」熱情的口語中最為耐用的,我在1980s才懂得它的意義。


「terrific這詞和terrible一樣,都與拉丁文terrere(嚇唬)有關,也和英文terror有關。不過terrific現在的意思含糊,日常可以用來形容任何極端的事務(extreme)、極大的(extreme big)、極好的(extreme good)等等。」

We faced a terrific problem.(我們碰到極棘手的問題。)
My fish was a terrific size. (我的魚極大尾。)
We had a terrific time.(我們過一段極歡樂的時光。)

terrific (VERY GREAT) adjective INFORMAL
used to emphasize the great amount or degree of something:
The police car drove past at a terrific speed.

terrific (VERY GOOD) [Show phonetics]
adjective INFORMAL 1930
very good:
a terrific opportunity
You look terrific!

2011年11月22日 星期二

Concierge Medicine: The Doctor Is (Always) In, If You Pay Enough

Concierge Medicine: The Doctor Is (Always) In, If You Pay Enough
For anyone who has ever waited days or weeks to see the doctor, concierge medicine sounds appealing: For an additional fee, patients typically enjoy same-day appointments and 24-hour access, more face time with the doctor and extra preventative care. Doctors who offer concierge medicine say the practice frees them from the constraints imposed by insurance providers and allows them time to give patients the individualized attention they need. Skeptics argue that concierge medicine promotes a two-tiered system, improving health care for a few but worsening it for everyone else.

A concierge (French pronunciation: [kɔ̃sjɛʁʒ]) is an employee who either works in shifts within, or lives on the premises of an apartment building or a hotel[citation needed] and serves guests with duties similar to those of a butler. The position can also be maintained by a security officer over the 'graveyard' shift. A similar position, known as the portero, exists in Spanish-speaking regions. The term "concierge" evolved from the French Comte Des Cierges, The Keeper of the Candles, who tended to visiting nobles in castles of the medieval era. In medieval times, the concierge was an officer of the King who was charged with executing justice, with the help of his bailiffs.[citation needed]

ascendancy, ascent, descent, three estates of the realm

the three estates of the realm


譬如說第40頁A Satire of the Three Estates 應該是

4 ((古))(政治・社会上の)身分, 階級
the three estates of the realm
(封 建時代のフランスなどの)聖職者(clergy)・貴族(nobles)・平民(commons)の三身分;(英国で)上院の主教議員(Lords Spiritual)・貴族議員(Lords Temporal)・下院議員(Commons)の三身分(▼国王・上院・下院や聖職者・貴族・選挙人の意で用いることもある).

非"現世/心靈 勳爵"等

The Cambridge Illustrated History of British Theat...

'Right Is Wrong'

Reviewed by JACK SHAFER

Arianna Huffington blames the Democratic Party and the press for the Republican ascendancy.


Inspired Minds: One-to-One with Author A S Greer

Greer's "The Confessions of Max Tivoli," was named a best book of 2004 by
the San Francisco Chronicle and the Chicago Tribune - while his latest book
"The Story of a Marriage" has been described by The New York Times as
ascending to the heights of masters.

The DW-WORLD Article

Wilson sometimes spoke of himself as a journalist, citing as his heroes and predecessors the likes of De Quincey, Poe and Shaw, but this was mainly a way of establishing his distance from whatever school of literary criticism happened to be in the ascendancy. We can call him a man of letters who was primarily a literary critic, with a special bias toward history and biography. Or, perhaps more simply, a critic of history.

布羅諾斯基《文明的躍升》給我們的啟示是:人類過去的成就雖然很重要,但它必須受到無數 ...

The Ascent of Man (1974) by Wikipedia article "Jacob Bronowski".

The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World


Niall Ferguson traces the historical evolution of the financial system, from its origins in ancient Mesopotamia to the latest upheavals on what he calls "Planet Finance." In doing so, he reveals financial history as the essential backstory behind all history, from the civilization of the Renaissance to the origins of the French Revolution. Ferguson elucidates key financial institutions and concepts by showing where they came from. What is money? What do banks do? What's the difference between a stock and a bond? Why buy insurance or real estate? And how exactly do hedge funds make (and lose) money? This is history for the present, providing an invaluable long-term perspective on the current global "descent of money."

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descend (NEGATIVE MOOD) PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
1 If a negative or bad feeling descends, it is felt everywhere in a place or by everyone at the same time:
A feeling of despair descended (on us) as we realized that we were completely lost.

2 If a condition, usually a negative condition, descends, it quickly develops in every part of a place:
Silence descended on the room/over the countryside.

descent PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
noun [S or U]
a change in someone's behaviour, or in a situation, from good to bad:
His descent into crime was rapid.


━━ n. 上昇, 登ること, 登山, 登り坂[道]; 昇降; 騰貴; 源への遡及(そきゅう).


━━ v. 上がる, 昇る; 登る; 上り坂になる; (時代が)さかのぼる.
ascend the throne 王位につく.
as・cend・ance, as・cend・ence, as・cend・an・cy, as・cend・en・cy ━━ n. 優勢, 優越, 優位, 主権 ((over)).
as・cend・ant, as・cend・ent ━━ a., n. 上昇する; 優勢な, 優越している; 優位, 勢力.
in the ascendant 日の出の勢いで.
as・cend・er ━━ n. 【コンピュータ】上方突出部, アセンダ ((b,d,hなどの小文字で,a,c,eなどよりも上に出る部分;その部分を持つ活字)).
as・cend・ing ━━ a.
ascending order 【コンピュータ】昇順.