2010年1月29日 星期五

object of outrage

Senate, Weakly, Backs New Term for Bernanke
The Senate vote, 70-30, was a victory for President Obama, but signaled how much the Fed has become the object of outrage over high unemployment and bailouts.

2010年1月26日 星期二

Market Easy, No-Fee Sell to Applicants

Colleges Market Easy, No-Fee Sell to Applicants
Taking cues from politics and business, some colleges are sending applications that cut steps and fees.

2010年1月17日 星期日

all hell breaks loose, break loose

It has been more than a year since all hell broke loose on Wall Street and, remarkably, almost nothing has been done to prevent all hell from breaking loose again.

break loose
Escape from restraint, as in The boat broke loose from its moorings, or He finally broke loose from the school of abstract expressionism. This expression also appears in all hell breaks loose, which indicates a state of fury or chaos, as in When Dad finds out you broke his watch, all hell will break loose, or When the children saw the dead pigeon in the hall, all hell broke loose. [Early 1400s]

2010年1月15日 星期五

聖經中的英文學習 the Word

太初有道 ( the Word)

Knowledge of speech, but not of silence;     語言和辭彙 
Knowledge of words, and ignorance of the Word.
All our knowledge brings us nearer to our ignorance,
All our ignorance brings us nearer to death,
But nearness to death no nearer to GOD.


. S. Eliot (1888-1965):

The Rock (1934)

one thing is needful:

one thing is needful:

one thing is needful:

Luke 10

. 41But the Lord answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art anxious and troubled about many things: 42but one thing is needful: for Mary hath chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

The adjective needful has one meaning:
Meaning #1: necessary for relief or supply
Synonyms: needed, required, requisite

2010年1月14日 星期四

brownie points, gut reaction

A source close to Huawei said: “My first gut reaction to the Google news was, this doesn't add any brownie points. This brings the issue about trust to the fore again.”



brownie points

Credit for a good deed, as in John earned a lot of brownie points for doing his boss's report for him. The term originated with the points earned for various achievements by the youngest group of the Girl Scouts, called Brownies. In the mid-1900s it was transferred to general use.

AT&T tied for last place with Sprint in the overall rankings

Zagat has published its first-ever nationwide survey of what consumers think about wireless carriers. And guess what? AT&T tied for last place with Sprint in the overall rankings.

2010年1月13日 星期三

-ese, olden, off-season

Many Japanese schoolchildren are likely enjoying their winter holidays now. But in olden days in China, I understand, this was the season of winter schools.
Such schools were small private academies that taught children in rural areas only during the months of the agricultural off-season.
Back then, the Chinese believed winter was the best time for reading books. In fact, their three favorite times for reading were on a rainy day, at night and in winter. That means any winter's night was the perfect time for this pursuit.


  1. Of, relating to, characteristic of, or originating in a specified place: Vietnamese.
  2. Native or inhabitant of: Taiwanese.
    1. Language or dialect of: Chinese.
    2. Literary style or diction of: journalese.
[Middle English, from Italian, from Latin -ēnsis, originating in.]

Of, relating to, or belonging to time long past; old or ancient: olden days.
[Middle English : old, old; see old + -en, adj. suff.; see -en2.]

2010年1月11日 星期一

pullulating, full-blooded, belly- rubbing wahoo-yahoo

Both were masters of dissimulation and lovers of delay; but the leaden foot of Philip was the symptom of a dying organism, while Elizabeth temporised for the pullulating energies were coming swiftly to ripeness and unity under her wings. She sat still; but every feather bristled; she was tremendously alive. Her super-abundant vigour was at once alarming and delightful. While the Spanish ambassador declared that ten thousand devils possessed her, the ordinary
Englishman saw in King Hal s full-blooded daughter

Tom Wolfe Excerpts
In short, this has been America's period of full-blooded, go-to-hell, belly-
rubbing wahoo-yahoo rampage--and what architecture has she to show for it? ...


    1. Of unmixed ancestry; purebred.
    2. Related by way of having the same parents.
    1. Not pale or anemic; florid or ruddy.
    2. Vigorous and vital.
  1. Complete in all respects.
full-bloodedness full'-blood'ed·ness n.


intr.v., -lat·ed, -lat·ing, -lates.
  1. To put forth sprouts or buds; germinate.
  2. To breed rapidly or abundantly.
  3. To teem; swarm: a lagoon that pullulated with tropical fish.

[Latin pullulāre, pullulāt-, from pullulus, diminutive of pullus, young fowl. See pullet.]

━━ vi. 急速に繁殖する.
pul・lu・la・tion ━━ n.

wa·hoo 4
interj. Used to express exuberance.
n. pl. wa·hoos
An exuberant cry: He let out a wahoo. Also called regionally rebel yell.

2010年1月10日 星期日

2010年1月9日 星期六

capitonym, tangier, flokati rug



A word that changes pronunciation and meaning when it is capitalized.

As in the following poems: Job's Job In August, an august patriarch Was reading an ad in Reading, Mass. Long-suffering Job secured a job To polish piles of Polish brass. Herb's Herbs An herb store owner, name of Herb, Moved to a rainier Mount Rainier. It would have been so nice in Nice, And even tangier in Tangier.

tangier 該地產的橘子

also Tan·giers (-jîrz')

A city of northern Morocco at the west end of the Strait of Gibraltar. Founded in Roman times and later controlled by a variety of powers, including Portugal and Great Britain, it was administered as part of an international zone from 1923-1924 until 1956. Population: 669,000.

A flokati rug is a wool rug. They date back to 5th Century Roman province of Macedonia, where they were used by Vlach shepherds, near Samarina, currently in Greece, which is the highest village in the Pindos mountains.

After the rug is hand-woven from 100% wool, each flokati rug is placed, for up to approximately forty hours, in a soap-and–chemical-additive-free whirlpool bath filled with water from canal-channeled mountain streams from the Pindos river. It then emerges decadently thick because water pressure has caused its pile to swell. The flokati rug then is hung up to dry naturally, and “graded’ according to the weight of its wool (alphabetically). This is then usually put onto a synthetic backing. The heaviest, most luxurious flokati rugs weigh up to approximately 4000 grams per square meter.[citation needed]

Even though these rugs have been a part of Vlach tradition for centuries they are also a favorite of contemporary designers.[citation needed] Flokati rugs are available in a variety of colors.

Flokati rugs are very popular today for teenagers or preteens. Flokati rugs that you might find for a cheap price may not be genuine, not be made of wool, stain and get dirty very easily, unlike genuine rugs.[citation needed]

Flokati rugs became well-known as a prize on the 1980s TV game show Press Your Luck.[citation needed]

2010年1月7日 星期四

name the four moons after the lovers of Zeus


Jupiter and its Moons
Jupiter and its Moons
What did Galileo call the moons he spotted orbiting Jupiter? When — exactly four hundred years ago today, on January 7, 1610 — Galileo Galilei first reported seeing the moons orbiting Jupiter, he called them "Cosmica Sidera" or "Cosimo's Stars." They were named for his patron, the grand duke of Tuscany, Cosimo II de' Medici. Cosimo suggested the name be changed to "Medicea Sidera" ("Medici's Stars") to honor all four Medici brothers, and Galileo honored his wishes. But, in fact, it was astronomer Simon Marius, who claimed to have sighted the moons at the same time as Galileo, who chose the names that we still use to this day. He decided to name them after the lovers of Zeus. The four moons are called Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto.


"I've loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."Galileo Galilei

2010年1月6日 星期三

fare, snacks of crisps or chocolate most days

The poll of 3,000 workers found chefs smoked the most and consumed two snacks of crisps or chocolate most days.Farmers also fared poorly, smoking on average over 50 cigarettes and consuming 14 snacks each week.But the ad man smoked just nine cigarettes and drank in moderation, closely followed by the teacher.


fare:動詞,吃東西、進食;名詞,食物。如:a pub serving traditional British fare (一家供應傳統英國食物的酒館)。

  1. A hurried or light meal.
  2. Food eaten between meals.
intr.v., snacked, snack·ing, snacks.
To eat a hurried or light meal.

[Middle English snak, variant of snacche, trap, bite, from snacchen, to snap. See snatch.]

snacker snack'er n.

overreliance. rebalancing,

China's Rebalancing Act: How Much Do Consumers Stand to Gain?
After a tough grind through the Year of the Ox, it's easy to see why China is looking forward to the beginning of the Year of the Tiger in February. Thanks in large part to the government's ability to keep the Chinese economy moving in 2009 with a massive, two-year, RMB 4 trillion ($585 billion) stimulus program, most analysts expect robust growth in the year ahead. The challenge now is to reduce its overreliance on exports and manufacturing by increasing domestic consumption. Meanwhile, some experts warn that unemployment and the specter of inflation could threaten any new-found consumer confidence.

2010年1月4日 星期一

underscoring the changing economics

Cinema Surpassed DVD Sales in '09
Last year was the first since 2002 that U.S. consumers spent more money buying movie tickets than buying movies to watch at home, underscoring the changing economics of Hollywood.

philologist, Brothers Grimm


Brothers Grimm
Brothers Grimm
Did the Brothers Grimm actually write the tales they're credited with? When we hear the name Grimm, we think of fairy tales like "Rapunzel, " "Hansel and Gretel" and "Snow White." Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm were collectors of German folklore; they recorded and popularized traditional stories. The Grimm brothers were also renowned philologists. Jakob Grimm, born on this date in 1785, formulated Grimm's Law, showing how consonants shifted between the Indo-European and Germanic languages: the Indo-European p, t, and k became Germanic f, th, and h; Indo-European b, d, and g became Germanic p, t, and k; and Indo-European bh, dh, and gh became Germanic b, d, and g .


"The real Brothers Grimm were scholars; they were these amazing heroes in Germany who... made Germans proud of their heritage."Matt Damon

2010年1月1日 星期五

You are this far behind, go through the motions. scoreboard

漫畫來源: Ted Goff

go through the motions
Do something perfunctorily, or merely pretend to do it. For example, The team is so far behind that they're just going through the motions, or She didn't really grieve at his death; she just went through the motions. [c. 1800]


A large board that records and displays the score of a game or contest.