2007年8月29日 星期三



noun [C]
a short length of time in a show which is given to a particular performer:
She's doing a regular five-minute spot on his show.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)


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Radio broadcasting began at the beginning of the 20th century. Could commercials be far behind? On this date in 1922, WEAF broadcast the first radio commercial. It was a ten-minute live spot for the Queensboro real estate corporation, read by a representative of Queensboro. The commercial cost $100 for 10 minutes. The broadcasting world has never been the same. Now, radio advertising is done in 10-second to two-minute spots; prices vary according to the size of the expected audience and the time of day the ad will be presented.

the No. 3 spot

我們舉諸如Acer 躋身個人電腦第三大之用法
A position or an item in an ordered arrangement.


The deal, announced Monday, will put Taiwan-based Acer firmly in the No. 3 spot in global PC market share by unit shipments, supplanting Lenovo Group Ltd., which itself vaulted into the global top tier two years ago by purchasing the PC operations of International Business Machines Corp.

Taiwan-based Acer 另外用法為 Taiwan's Acer




■Today's Paragraph

Conine's two-run double in the fourth off reliever Daniel
Cabrera gave the Marlins a 6-2 advantage. Pierre reached
on an infield single, and Luis Castillo's hit-and-run single
through short put runners on the corners. Miguel Cabrera
walked, loading the bases for Conine.

MLB.com, "Choi celebrates birthday with homer" (03/16/2004)


4回、Conineはリリーフ投手Daniel Cabrera から2点タイムリー
二塁打を放ち、Marlinsのリードを 6-2 とした。
Pierre が内野安打で出塁すると、Luis Castilloのヒットエンドランが
ショートを抜けるヒットになり、1、3塁になったあと、Miguel Cabrera が
フォアボールを選び、満塁で Conineに打順がまわった。




1. a two-run double:2点タイムリー二塁打

2. a reliever :リリーフ投手

A substitute pitcher who enters the game to take over
for the starting pitcher or another relief pitcher.

 [同意語] a relief man / a relief pitcher / an ice man /
      a fireman

 a closer
A relief pitcher who tries to get the final out or outs in a game.
  ので、たいていはthe closer となります。

 a setup man
 A relief pitcher who tries to hold the lead, usually in the
seventh or eighth innings, before turning the game over
to the closer.
  リリーフ投手で、試合をthe closerに託す前に登板する 〕

 a middle man
A relief pitcher who works in the middle of the game.

a mop up man
A relief pitcher who commonly enters a game when the
pitcher's team is far behind.
 *これは日本語で言う、「敗戦処理投手」。ちなみに a mop up man の

3. to reach:
  to get to first base

  Miguel Cabrera has reached in 25 straight games.
  〔Miguel Cabreraは連続出塁試合を25にしました。〕
  On-base Percentage:出塁率 *成績表の略語はOBP 


4. an infield single:内野安打

5. put runners on the corners:1、3塁にする

6. to load the bases:満塁にする

*英文の定義は全て The Dickson Baseball Dictionary

■Magazine Title : 野球英語の達人
■Magazine ID (Mag2) : 0000124803
■Issuer : Nao
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This magazine is made within the fair use exception to the
US Copyright Law by the guidance of a US attorney.

2007年8月28日 星期二

wording, turf (AREA), the No. 3 spot

我們舉諸如Acer 躋身個人電腦第三大之用法
A position or an item in an ordered arrangement.


The deal, announced Monday, will put Taiwan-based Acer firmly in the No. 3 spot in global PC market share by unit shipments, supplanting Lenovo Group Ltd., which itself vaulted into the global top tier two years ago by purchasing the PC operations of International Business Machines Corp.

Taiwan-based Acer 另外用法為 Taiwan's Acer

Mr. Mueller will be faced with fierce competition from cable companies that are increasingly encroaching on the company's home turf of Denver and other key markets such as Seattle and Portland, Ore., with competitively priced phone, Internet and video services.

2. What used to be your exclusive turf will be identified as parts of turf-spanning processes; your budget authority may be usurped by new "Process Owner."
TURF 是畫地盤 變成自己統治的王國
不過SIX SIGMA等是以PEOCESS來看事 它把兩TURFS連接 像兩高壓電線之間連起
這是預算或績效等以整 PROCESS為之


carefully/strongly worded statement

noun [U]
the choice and meaning of the words used when you say or write something:
Norman agreed that the wording of the advertisement was unnecessarily offensive and it was changed.
We don't yet know the exact/precise wording of the agreement.

turf (AREA)
noun [U]
1 INFORMAL a subject in which a person or group has a lot of knowledge or influence:
Antiques are very much her turf.

2 MAINLY US INFORMAL the area which a group considers its own:
Judges feel that the courtroom is their private turf.

The gymnastics team won the championship on home turf.

2007年8月27日 星期一

brownie, adventurer

費里尼(Federico Fellini, 1920-93)

ad・ven・tur・er ━━ n. 冒険[投機]家, 山師.
 ad・ven・tur・ess ━━ n. 女性投機[冒険]家.

A plane flown by record-breaking US adventurer Steve Fossett is missing in Nevada, officials say.

2007年8月21日 星期二

German Gastronomic Revolution Eradicates Need for Waiters

From the Fringe | 20.08.2007

German Gastronomic Revolution Eradicates Need for Waiters

"Waiter, there's a fly in my soup!" Rather than the standard, "Don't shout sir, everyone will want one," response, diners at a new German restaurant will just hear the smooth hum of computerized equipment.

Wannabe actors who wait on tables and sadistic customers who love to berate service staff beware: your livelihood and malicious pleasures may soon be at an end thanks to a German entrepreneur who has created a completely automated restaurant.

verb [T] FORMAL
to criticize or speak in an angry manner to someone:
As he left the meeting, he was berated by angry demonstrators.
Doctors are often berated for being poor communicators, particularly when they have to give patients bad news.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

At a time when most economies need more jobs, not fewer, Michael Mack has gone and invented a futuristic eatery which will, if it takes off, deprive thousands of desperate workers of their income and deny grouches the chance to swear at inept waiters.

grouch Show phonetics
to complain in an angry way:
Oh, stop grouching!

a person who often complains

adjective INFORMAL
easily annoyed and complaining:
Don't be so grouchy!


(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Pompous old men who spend their retirements complaining will no longer be able to send their soup back for being a tad on the tepid side because the machines in Mack’s Frankfurt restaurant won’t listen and will give even less of a toss than a clock-watching teenager earning minimum wage.

Food served via a silver slide

Let's see how the serving spirals deal with this orderBildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: Let's see how the serving spirals deal with this order

That may not stop the most determined moaner, however. If the dissatisfied customer still wants to scream at something then maybe he or she can take pleasure in tearing a few strips off the metallic, spiral chute that has replaced the quivering, underpaid servant standing nervously beside the diner’s table. So when a plate of bratwurst in puff pastry comes sliding down from the kitchen above, maybe an assault on the chute will suffice.

Mack has eradicated the need for staff both in the ordering and payment processes, leaving nameless, faceless chefs as the only humans beavering away in the converted factory which houses the “‘s Baggers” restaurant.

Safely in the upper reaches of the converted industrial building away from the ravenous hordes below, the chefs read all the information off the eatery's computer system, create their masterpieces to order, put them on the serving spirals and let gravity do its work.

Computers operate front of house

Bildunterschrift: Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: "Which one is it to complain to the manager?"

Down at ground level, customers are required to order everything from seating arrangements to refreshments through the touch screens at the tables. The information is then fed into the system which then calculates the prospective delivery time for food and drinks.

The fully-automated restaurant, if it takes off in the way Mack hopes -- and he has already patented the serving spirals in advance of a global franchise plan -- will become just another area of our lives in which personal connection with service staff has been reduced.

It will join Hotelmats (where guests check- in 24 hours a day with just a credit card) and supermarkets with self-scanning and automated pay booths in the growing list of dehumanized experiences.

Luckily there are enough old-fashioned, people-powered service industries still around for those who like to shout and bawl at disinterested staff.

Nick Amies

Show phonetics
verb [I or T]
to shout in a very loud rough voice, or to cry loudly:
She bawled at me to sit down.
The two girls were now bawling (= crying loudly) in unison.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

Animal Health 動物衛生

Animal Health 動物衛生

動物衛生研究所 National Institute of Animal Health(NIAH),

Animal Health and Production Compendium (AHPC)は、疾病・. 栄養・繁殖・家畜や家禽の扱い方など動物衛生のあらゆる分野に. 関して、科学的な情報を提供する相互的な百科事典的データベース. です。 また、強力な問題解決と参照ツールを第一に設計 ...

WSJ animal health 翻譯有問題:

The uncertainty about the nature of the disease has prompted Vietnam to look into unusual pig deaths within its borders. Carolyn Benigno, animal health officer with the Food and Agriculture Organization in Bangkok, along with two other animal-health experts, have flown to
Vietnam to investigate.

疫情發生原因上的不確定性已促使越南政府著手調查該國境內豬只的非正常死亡事例。FAO駐曼谷的獸醫官員卡羅琳貝尼尼奧(Carolyn Benigno)已和另兩位獸醫專家飛往越南展開調查。

2007年8月20日 星期一

a tinted photograph of his wife


DHsu:「{老人與海} 中英對照 閒來無事的看著 當中有 a tinted photograph of his wife 中文譯作 彩色照片

我記憶中 小時候所見的一些彩色照片 事實上是人工著色的 是否是這裡所說得 tinted photograph? 1952年海明威出版此書時 不知道彩色照片是否已經問世?」

adjective [before noun]
(of glass) with colour added:
Tinted glasses (= glasses with slightly darkened lenses) are good for driving in bright sunlight.
The President arrived at the airport in a car with tinted windows (= windows with darkened glass so that people cannot see into the car).

所以 或許指泛黃暗色照片」

DHsu :「今天順便查了 wiki, color photo 1861年就已出現 所以 tinted photo 的確可能是泛黃的照片。」



n. - 色彩, 淺色
v. tr. -
...著色, 使受影響,
v. intr. -

日本語 (Japanese)
n. -
, ほのかな色, 線ぼかし, 性質, 気味, 淡い色, 陰影
v. -
色を着ける, 陰影を付ける, 色をおびる

━━ n. 色合い; ほのかな色; (赤みなどの); (白色)ぼかし; 染髪剤; (版画の)線ぼかし, けば; (ほのかに)髪を染めること.
━━ vt. 色合いをつける, 薄く色をつける; (髪を)ほのかに染める.



neutral-tinted glass 中性有色玻璃

glasstinted 染色玻璃

tinted areas 套色區域

tinted (hill) shading 分層設色,地貌(?)

所謂 tinted photo 的一些樣本可參考


容易搞混 hand colored tinted photo

Some possibilities might include how to achieve the look of certain types of
film (such as Kodachrome), or even how he made the hand colored/tinted photo he ...

Hand-colouring should be distinguished from tinting, toning and
retouching. Tinted photographs are made with dyed printing papers
produced by commercial manufacturers. A single overall colour
underlies the image and is most apparent in the highlights and
mid-tones. From the 1870s albumen printing papers were available in
pale pink or blue, and from the 1890s gelatin-silver printing-out
papers in pale mauve or pink were available. There were other kinds of
tinted papers as well. Over time such colouration often becomes very

Toning refers to a variety of methods for altering the overall colour
of the photographic image itself. Compounds of gold, platinum or other
metals are used in combination with variations in development time,
temperature and other factors to produce a range of tones, including
warm browns, purples, sepias, blues, olives, red-browns and
blue-blacks. A well-known type of toning is sepia /Sepia tone. Besides adding
colour to a monochromatic print, toning often improves image stability
and increases contrast.

2007年8月18日 星期六

fall through, say when, Barcelona Arena

TXU said in a regulatory filing Monday that if its $45 billion acquisition by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and the Texas Pacific Group falls through, it will split itself into three units.

Go to Article from Reuters»

say when

fall through phrasal verb
to fail to happen:
We found a buyer for our house, but then the sale fell through.

a puckish turn of mind

adjective LITERARY
liking to make jokes about other people and play harmless tricks on them:
a puckish sense of humour
a puckish grin

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

In 1948, Dr. Alpher published two papers based on research for his doctoral dissertation. The first was written with his adviser, George Gamow, a Russian-born physicist with a puckish turn of mind who obtained permission to include as a co-author Hans Bethe, an authority on the origin of cosmic elements. The authorship by Alpher, Bethe and Gamow was a scientific pun on the first letters of the Greek alphabet, which seemed appropriate for a paper on cosmic genesis.

--Ralph Alpher, 86, Expert in Work on the Big Bang, Dies

2007年8月17日 星期五

white paper 中国が「食品安全」白書公表

white paper noun [C]
in various countries, including Britain and Australia, a government report on a particular subject giving information and details of future planned laws:
a white paper on employment
Compare green paper.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)



(一) 製品の品質と食品の安全に関する重大な問題を全体的、計画的に管理し、重 大な活動を統一指導する。

(二) 製品の品質と食品の安全の検査に関する政策の徹底と実施の進行状況を監督する。(編集YT)














Click here to find out more!


 白書は、食品合格率が昨年の77・9%から、今年上半期に85・1%になったことを紹介した上で、「食品の品質の全体的レベルは安定的に向上し、 安全状況は絶えず改善している」と強調。特に、輸出用食品に関しては、一貫して99%以上の合格率を保っていると主張している。


(2007年8月18日12時1分 読売新聞)

big enchilada 與"大腕"

晚上詳讀Hayek's Challenges

big or top enchilada, Slang. someone regarded as the most important, influential, or dominant person in an organization: The police are hoping to catch the syndicate's big enchilada in the next raid.

翻譯為"大腕" 不太正確 尤其是作者指這是套用 WATERGATE證詞




大腕. 英文片名:Big Shot's Funeral.

中國五將球星大腕雲集. .. 名批評姚明耍大牌。文章認為:姚明的公益活動再崇高,也不能在現役球員的生活中佔據首位;姚明的個人生活再甜蜜,也比不過為國爭光之後的


大腕來形容NetscapeNavigator一點兒也不為過,如果你是一個比較資生的網蟲,一定知道NetscapeNavigator的輝煌歷史!雖然其被微軟的集成策略而盡失先機,但其 ...

Wasei-eigo (和製英語 "Made-in-Japan English")

Wasei-eigo (和製英語Wasei-eigo "Made-in-Japan English") are Japanese pseudo-Anglicisms: English constructions not in use in Anglophone countries nor by English native speakers, but only by speakers of Japanese.


musical chairs

《國際先驅論壇報》對這次由美國次級按揭借貸開始的金融危機,猶如一次"音樂椅子"(musical chairs)遊戲,當音樂停頓了,參加者才發現所有椅子已經消失。

musical chairs plural noun
a game in which children walk around a group of chairs while music plays. When the music stops they have to sit quickly on a chair, but because there is always one fewer chairs than children, the child that is left standing must leave the game:
FIGURATIVE It's a game of musical chairs (= a situation in which people change jobs often) as editors move from one newspaper to another.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

musical chairs ((単数扱い)) いす取り遊び; 〔話〕 (人事で役職の)持ち回り.

2007年8月16日 星期四


我們演出的戲院叫Mercat de les Flors。最後一個字是花,我以為是花神劇院。非也。花市劇院。…..



----林懷民 {花市劇院}2007.06.28. 巴塞隆納.西班牙

Mercat means market in Catalan, the language spoken in the Spanish region that inspired this restaurant and tapas lounge in Noho.

這Mercat 在全世界如愛丁堡 紐約等等都很普遍....

2007年8月14日 星期二

高禩瑾 和 Harvard Business Review的聯想和懷念

最近寫篇趣談 REVIEW等之翻譯:網路妖言惑眾

Gao, Yijin.(高禩瑾) and HBRs 我將它潤色一下

Harvard Business Review (and Some Chinese Translations)

review 作為「評論 (雑誌)」,可以用Harvard Business Review 為例。這雜誌(現在為月刊,簡稱為HBR),台灣和中國各有中文版--HBR 創刊於1922年。2001年才從雙月刊改為月刊。

中文版:台北:{哈佛商業評論}天下文化出版社 / 北京:{商業評論}中信出版社


{外國設計藝術經典論著選讀 ( 下) } 將 翻譯成{哈佛商業回顧} (北京:清華大學出版社,2006,頁309)

有人將HBR翻譯成 {哈佛貿易雜誌},載{榮譽的邏輯:企業管理與民族傳統}(LA LOGIQUE DE LHONNEUR) ( 北京:商務印書館,2005,頁278-81)

External link




2006-09-10 23:40:23


2006-08-14 09:20:20

我大學(1972)管理學的啟蒙老師是高禩瑾院長,他大二教我們工業管理。我是課堂中能回答他問決策學派 Herbert A. Simon 的人;他經常指定的課外研習 Harvard Business Review文章和商學院的個案分析。

他是見過大世面的人,現在網路上還可以找到這樣的說法:「.......1960 年代初期,「中國生產力及貿易中心」總經理高禩瑾有感於一國的工業,最後都要經過「工業設計」這一關,才能和國外.......」其實「提倡之功」只是該單位的一項小小業績,他們對於將現代管理引進台灣之功是不可沒的。

他的許多舊部屬都是我的兼課師長,譬如說教品質管制的劉振,教實驗計劃的吳玉印,教工模夾具設計的徐先生...... 我聽過一場他請趙鐵頭來講中鋼創辦史的感人故事...這場演講幾乎可說改變我志向,讓我決心走向工業界......





品管學會的林秘書 還到他的故居,取回許多他遺贈的英文書籍雜誌有一些很難得的 Harvard Business Review,因為台灣很少有這樣早的刊號,可惜很少人問津。

我學的中文輸入法一直無法打他的全名昨天問陳寬仁老師,才知道:「高祀瑾院長 其中間的祀字就是祭祀的祀 他名字用的是古寫可在Word的『符號』中 " 衣部"找到。」



在香港某大學圖書館竟然有一本「物料管理」(Title Wu liao guan li. )作者(Autho)r Gao, Yijin. 高禩瑾, 台北 : 中國生產力及貿易中心, 1962.( Publisher Taibei : Zhongguo sheng chan li ji mao yi zhong xin, 1962. Edition 3 ban. 3.)




其中「活動照片」的原文 不知道是什麼?

moving picture (1896)--1912 美國才將其簡寫為 movie

━━ n. 〔米〕 映画館; 〔米〕 (普通pl. 映画(の上映); ((形容詞的)) 映画の; the s 映画産業.
go to the movies
movie camera
 〔米〕 映画カメラ.
moviegoer 〔米〕 映画のファン.
movie house 〔話〕 映画館.
movie star
 〔米〕 映画スター.

motion picture noun [C]

2007年8月13日 星期一

be music to sb's ears, burly, plywood and nail guns, on the bubble

be music to sb's ears

某英文補習班在某電台廣告說,“THANK YOU”的同義語之一是:
That’s music to my ears."

IBM's price for Symphony support is music to ears of cost ...
Computerworld - Framingham,MA,USA
IBM said last week that it will provide unlimited remote support for up to 20000 Symphony users for a flat fee of $25000 a year. ...

Even casual followers of the newspaper industry could rattle off the doomsday tick-tock: a digitally enabled free fall in ads and audience now has burly guys circling major daily newspapers with plywood and nail guns. The Rocky Mountain News is gone, The San Francisco Chronicle is on the bubble, and dozens of others are limping along on the endangered list.

describes a man who is large and strong:
a burly policeman

nail gun

A compressed-air device for driving nails.

with plywood and nail guns 喻要為眾報封棺

on the bubble
In tournament play, a player who's position is close to being in the money.
SoundPoker Says: Most commonly used to describe players who finished just out of a cash position. For example, if the top 16 players were in the money, the player who finished 17th would have been "on the bubble".

This term is often used in bad beat stories to describe how close a player was to winning.

be music to sb's ears
to be something that you are very pleased to hear:
The rattle of the letterbox was music to my ears - the letter had arrived at last.

新聞英文:Chinese inspection authorities are being more Catholic than the Pope

新聞英文:Chinese inspection authorities are being more Catholic than the Pope


By Tom Mitchell and Robin Kwong in Hong Kong Tuesday, August 14, 2007


英国《金融时报》汤姆•米切尔(Tom Mitchell)、邝彦晖(Robin Kwong)香港报道

2007814 星期二

The notice requires that factories produce quality standard statements and testing reports for all textile and fashion shipments, and EU-bound shoe exports.

“They are being more Catholic than the Pope,” said one toy executive, who asked not to be identified. “I hope the Chinese authorities will back off a bit. My opinion is that they have overreacted.”



catholic(1) 天主教;公教;至公:代表至一、至聖、至公、傳自宗徒的真正的教會。(2) 天主教教友;信徒。(3) 天主教會。(4) 大公教會的:此字原為希臘字,指大公、普遍之義。107年安提約基雅的聖依納爵(St. Ignatius of Antioch)始用之。

pope:教宗;教皇;教化皇(舊稱):羅馬教會主教享有耶穌特別賜給宗徒之長伯鐸的職位,此職位亦應傳遞於其繼承人,因此教宗為世界主教團的首領、基督 的在世代表、天主教的首領、普世教會在現世的牧人、主教團的首領;而經由此職務,教宗在普世教會內享有最高、完全、直接的職權,且得經常自由行使之(法典 331)。首位教宗為聖伯鐸,至教宗若望保祿二世共計265位(詳見本書附錄)。教宗又可稱 Papa,簡稱 PP. Pp.。法典未明定教宗的任期(法典335)。

back off (STOP) phrasal verb INFORMAL
to stop being involved in a situation, usually in order to allow other people to deal with it themselves:
She started to criticize me, then she suddenly backed off.
Just back off and let us do this on our own, will you?

back off (MOVE) phrasal verb
to move backwards away from someone, usually because you are frightened:
I saw the knife and backed off.

2007年8月12日 星期日

body, on a shoestring

on a shoestring
If you do something on a shoestring, you do it with a very small amount of money:
The film was made on a shoestring.

The Race to Read Genomes on a Shoestring, Relatively Speaking

body (QUALITY)
noun [U]
a strong or thick quality:
This Bordeaux has a flowery bouquet and plenty of body (= strong flavour).
Conditioner can give your hair more body.

a medium-bodied wine
body (AMOUNT)
noun [C]
1 a large amount of something:
There is a growing body of evidence to support their claim.
She collected a huge body of information on the subject.
A substantial body of opinion (= A large group of people with the same opinion) is opposed to any change.

2 FORMAL A body of water is a large area of water, such as a lake.
the body (MAIN PART) noun [S]
1 the main part of a book, article, etc:
I thought the most interesting details in the book were not in the body of the text, but in the notes at the end.

2 the main part of a large building:
to enter the body of the cathedral

2007年8月11日 星期六

a trilogy and The Juran Trilogy (朱蘭品質三部曲)

談一下The Juran Trilogy 朱蘭品質三部曲

約十年前 我將 Juran的 Managerial Breakthrough (1964/1994)翻譯成 管理三部曲 (華人戴明學院 鍾漢清譯)"


譬如說30年代的巴金和矛盾等名作家 都有其"三部曲" (小說)留世

看今天Taipei Times轉載的一則書評:

David Peace's 'Tokyo Year Zero' is the first of a trilogy of crime novels that promises to address the creation of modern Japan, starting with the horrors of war

by Tim Adams
The Guardian, London
Sunday, Aug 12, 2007, Page 19

1964年版"管理三部曲" 只有"二部曲" ( 它是本"佳作")
可惜 "第三部曲" 是 硬的 "品質規劃" 與非 "管理"領域
Juran 在"品質規劃與設計"領域

"品質三部曲"的圖 (自圓其)說
也做得不太好 (對於大師級 我要求很高)


再介紹英國的 金融時報 (FT) 一標題

老欧洲不肯给中国“分权” 在IMF讨论赋予中国等快速发展的经济体更多投票权的提议上,以英法为首的欧洲国家与美国和加拿大出现严重分歧。这些欧洲国家拒绝让步,不愿看到中国在IMF影响力超过英国和法国。

現在FT的中文標題多是翻譯者"亂取"中文 他們可能覺得直譯不容易
所以想表達原意 可是經常"走樣"

hold out (DEFEND) phrasal verb
to continue to defend yourself against an enemy or attack without being defeated:
They won't be able to hold out much longer under this sort of bombardment.

shake sth up (CHANGE) phrasal verb [M]
to cause large changes in something such as an organization, usually in order to make improvements:
Technological changes have shaken up many industries.
The first thing the new chairman of the company did was to shake up the management.
Several new players have been brought in to shake up the team.

noun [C usually singular]
a large change in the way something is organized:
The company is undergoing a radical shake-up.
The arrival of the new baby caused a thorough shake-up of their family life.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

2007年8月8日 星期三

A customer is a cast of characters. 與 charactonym

on Page 42: "Sigmund Freud himself remarked in "The Relation of the Poet to Daydream- ing" that each of us is a cast of characters, but Freud had them locked within a single ... "

charactonym 人物(角色)如其名

A charactonym is a name which suggests the personality traits of a fictional character.

Examples: 這在 John Gay的 {乞丐歌劇譯注} (張靜二 , pp. xciv-xcv) 多例 情形類似中國舊小說

on Page 42: "Sigmund Freud himself remarked in "The Relation of the Poet to Daydream- ing" that each of us is a cast of characters, but Freud had them locked within a single ... "Dear HC,,

不了解 A customer is a cast of characters. 作何解? 這句話重複出現在 Juran on quality by design 的第二章 Identify the customers.

Best rgds

The actors in a play, movie, or other theatrical presentation.

A CUSTOMER 其實是由各類"角色" (相關人)所組成


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cast (ACTORS) PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Phonetic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
verb [T] cast, cast
to choose actors to play particular parts in a play, film or show:
He was often cast as the villain.
In her latest film she was cast against type (= played a different character than the one she usually played or might be expected to play).
FIGURATIVE They like to cast the opposing political party as (= to say that they are) the party of high taxes.
See also typecast.

cast PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Phonetic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
group noun [C]
the actors in a film, play or show:
After the final performance, the director threw a party for the cast.
Part of the film's success lies in the strength of the supporting cast (= the actors who were not playing the main parts).