2019年12月7日 星期六

forger, vat, burst, hoop, college hoops, cock-a-hoop, rich vat of brands

Brimming  with Beer

with Beer

The acquisitions hand Mengniu a rich vat of brands that China's middle class covets
The Chinese giant seeks scale and know-how to meet its country’s growing thirst for milk

"Dad took the art to the dealers. He was bored with retirement: he liked the excitement."

Shaun Greenhalgh has turned his hand to everyone from Leonardo da Vinci to Lowry. He’s been to prison, but has never revealed the whole picture. Until…
Lin, an Asian-American (rare in the NBA) who played college hoops at Harvard (even rarer in the NBA), was cut from two teams before landing with the Knicks this year. When injuries to starters gave Lin a chance to play more, he blossomed into a star in just a few games, setting off an episode of "Lin-Sanity" that swept New York and swept up many Asian fans. 

Was there really a time when beer flowed through the streets of London?
Yes. But it wasn't necessarily a good thing. In the 19th century, beer fermented for months at a time in huge vats that rested on the roof of the Horse Shoe Brewery on Tottenham Court Road and Oxford Street. On October 17, 1814, the iron hoops supporting the largest vat — which held some 600,000 liters (160,000 gallons) of porter — collapsed under the weight. The vat burst and all the beer came gushing out, causing the vats nearby to explode as well. More than a million liters (265,000 gallons) of beer knocked down the 25-foot (7.6-meter) brick wall of the brewery and flooded the surrounding streets. Roofs collapsed and houses toppled. Nine people died, mostly due to drowning or from fatal injuries from passing timber. One man died of alcohol poisoning, after drinking too much of the beverage. Neighborhood residents rushed out with mugs, pots and buckets to collect the free beer. Though a lawsuit was brought against the brewery, the London Beer Flood was ruled an act of God and the brewery was not held legally responsible.

[名]1 (液体貯蔵用の)大おけ, 大タンク;《化学》建染(たてぞめ)剤;建染染料タンク.2 皮なめし用のおけ, 製紙用おけ.3 塩田.━━[動](〜・ted, 〜・ting)(他)…を大おけに...


  • 発音記号[húːp]
1 (金属・木などの)輪, (おけなどの)たが;輪状の物(輪回し遊びの輪など).
2 (スカートを広げる)輪骨, 張り骨.
3 《クローケー》柱門;《バスケット》リング.
go [jump] through the hoops
jump through a hoop
put a person through the hoops
roll one's hoop
shoot hoops



  • predicative Extremely and obviously pleased, especially about a triumph or success.
  • Origin
Mid 17th century: from the phrase set cock a hoop, of unknown origin, apparently denoting the action of turning on the tap and allowing liquor to flow (prior to a drinking session).



In a state of exuberant elation.


First, a health warning. If you are hoping to find a straightforward explanation of the origin of the term 'cock-a-hoop' here you will be disappointed. The expression has one of the most Byzantine etymologies of all the phrases in English. If you aren't daunted by that caveat, read on...
