2022年12月25日 星期日

beard, chin whiskers, Bluebeard, pogonophile/ pogonophobia, chin whisker, soul patch, body piercings

“French” beards (a term that might surprise Parisians) are sprouting all over the urban centres of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


Pakistan’s rugged north-west sees an outbreak of pogonophilia
Young Pakistani men are saying it with facial hair. What they mean is a mystery

Bluebeard, his wife, and the keys in a 19th-century illustration by Gustave Doré.

Bluebeard - Childhood Reading

The Conservative Party shows every sign not only of riding out the challenge of populism, but using it to extend and entrench its power

Established political parties are crumbling. Why not the Tories?
The world's oldest party is marching to an election landslide


Pogonophiles unite for World Beard Day

Academic to study history of beards


The love of, or attraction to, beards
Kate: I love Bill Bailey, hes so hot
Beth: You're such a pogonophile

  1. extreme dislike of beards.

    "my pogonophobia possibly stems from my inability to grow one"

福爾摩沙信簡---馬偕 Mackay---The Black Bearded Bible Man ...有時只簡寫為福爾摩沙信簡---馬偕Mackay---The Bible Man ...

Edward Teach, aka Blackbeard
Edward Teach, aka Blackbeard
Edward Teach: the pirate known as Blackbeard was killed during a battle with the British Navy off the coast of Virginia (1718)

Disneyland Lifts Ban on Beards

Soul patches, however, still won't be part of the official "Disney Look."

Under Disneyland's new dress code, employees can grow a beard -- but not one the length of Doc's or any of the other bearded Dwarfs

Photo by GABRIEL BOUYS/AFP/Getty Images.
The happiest place on earth is about to get a little more hairy.
The Los Angeles Times reports that Disneyland is loosening its legendary dress code – the so-called Disney Look, which is known to be one of the strictest in the corporate world – to allow employees to grow more facial hair.
Previously, employees had been allowed to grow a mustache but, under the new guidelines that will go into place on Feb. 3, they will now also be able to grow a beard or a goatee as long as it’s shorter than a quarter of an inch. So six of the Seven Dwarfs are still out of luck. (Dopey is more or less hairless.)
The rules still forbid visible tattoos, body piercings anywhere except in the ears of a woman, "extreme" hairstyles and, thankfully, soul patches.
"While we are careful to maintain our heritage and the integrity of our brand, a recent review of our guidelines led to a decision that an update was appropriate at this time," Betsy Sanchez, a Disneyland Resorts spokeswoman, said in a statement.

The soul patch (also known as a mouche[1]) is a small patch of facial hair just below the lower lip and above the chin. It came to prominence in the 1950s and 1960s, when it was a style of facial hair common among African American men, most notably jazzmen.[2] It became popular with beatniks, artists, and those who frequented the jazz scene and moved in literary and artistic circles. Jazz trumpeters in particular preferred the soul patch for the comfort it provided when using a trumpet mouthpiece.[3]

Howie Mandel with a soul patch
The photographer Samuel G. Alschuler took the first known image of the president-elect with his newly-grown beard in 1860. Lincoln wore his tie loose; his low, soft collar slightly open, a break from the more formal portraits of other leaders.
Opinionator | Disunion

Lincoln: A Beard Is Born

One hundred and fifty years ago today, a photographer recorded the first image of the world's most famous chin whiskers.
