2017年4月29日 星期六

trivialize, soundbite/sound bites and bromides, cabin, white lie

'People think you're robotic'

New York Mayor Has Sharp Words for Both Candidates

With his critical assessment of President Obama and Mitt Romney, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg was speaking for voters who feel frustrated over a campaign that has been fought in sound bites and bromides as problems multiply.

trivializing effects of radio and TV made the art of soundbite important for him

(English) Eva Ng Kon Tia, Communications Associate, Nissan:

"Pivo2 is a concept car and it has been developed by Nissan based on market research that showed a lot of people have experienced difficulty with parallel parking, parking in general. So this car is revolutionary because the cabin rotates 360 degrees, so it allows you just to rotate the cabin, the wheels rotate as well and you just go straight through the parking. It's also an electric vehicle, so Pivo2 has been developed to have independence of 120 kilometres, so you can be health conscious and you know, saving the environment conscious."

Jan 29, 
The Pope launches a YouTube channel and a Facebook page, but urges Catholics to beware not to "trivialise the concept or the experience of friendship."

A defence white paper in China

White lies 

white lie
An often trivial, diplomatic or well-intentioned untruth.

plural noun
unimportant details or information:
She has an encyclopedic knowledge of pop trivia.
I'm fascinated by the trivia of everyday life.

1 having little value or importance:
I don't know why he gets so upset about something that is utterly trivial.
Sexual harassment in the workplace is not a trivial matter.

2 describes a problem that is easy to solve:
Getting computers to understand human language is not a trivial problem.

1 [C usually plural] something that is unimportant:
I'm a busy man - don't bother me with trivialities.

2 [U] lack of importance:
The prison sentence seemed rather harsh, considering the triviality of the offence.

trivializeUK USUALLY trivialise 
to make something seem less important than it really is:
I don't want to trivialise the problem, but I do think there are more important matters to discuss.

triv·i·al·ize (trĭv'ē-ə-līz'pronunciation
To make or cause to appear trivial: tried to trivialize their criticisms.

trivialization triv'i·al·i·za'tion (-ə-lĭ-zā'shənn.

noun [C]
a short sentence or phrase that is easy to remember, often included in a speech made by a politician and repeated in newspapers and on television and radio:
Most politicians want to master the art of the soundbite.

sound bite

サウンドバイト ((ニュース番組などで抜粋引用される政治家などのコメントの一部分)).

cabin (AIRCRAFT) Show phonetics
noun [C]
the area where passengers sit in an aircraft


 ━━ n. (丸太)小屋; キャビン ((船・旅客機の)).
cabin attendant (飛行機・船の)客室乗務員.
cabin boy (特別船室付きの)ボーイ, 給仕.
cabin class (客船の)特別2等.
cabin cruiser 大型モーターボート.
cabin fever いらだち, 疎外(そがい)感, 人恋しさ; 密室恐怖症.


  • 発音記号[bróumaid]
1 [C][U]《化学》臭化物.
2 《薬学》ブロム剤, 臭素薬.
3 ((略式))退屈な[平凡な, 月並な]人;陳腐な話[言葉], 決まり文句.
[brom-(臭素)+ide. 「退屈な人」はbromideの鎮静剤としての効果があることより]
bromide paper
[U]《写真》ブロマイド印画紙, 臭素紙.
