2024年2月1日 星期四

sheer willpower, reciprocity, wield, pin, pin on attribute, ascribe, camera-wielding. Pins Blame on Social Media

"One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation and compassion." ~ Simone de Beauvoir
The Coming of Age by Simone De Beauvoir
“只要一個人透過愛、友誼、憤怒和同情賦予他人生命價值,那麼一個人的生命就有價值。” 〜西蒙娜·德·波伏瓦 書籍:https://amzn.to/3NXx76x 西蒙娜‧德‧波伏娃的《成年》

British Ruling Pins Blame on Social Media for Teenager’s Suicide

The internet, according to the ruling, “affected her mental health in a negative way and contributed to her death in a more than minimal way.”

Mike Pompeo’s warning comes days after Chinese officials vowed revenge over cuts in the quota for Chinese state media journalists working in the US.

Secretary of State’s warning comes days after Chinese officials vowed revenge over the slashing of the quota for Chinese state media journalists working in the US. ‘A ...

Pompeo warns US will answer China’s ‘harassment’ of journalists with ‘reciprocity’

Under New Rule, Chinese Diplomats Must Notify State Dept. of Meetings in U.S.
Under New Rule, Chinese Diplomats Must Notify State Dept. of Meetings in U.S.
State Department officials said the new measures were ordered in reciprocity for China’s strict limits on the actions of American diplomats there.

Allies See a Familiar Pattern in Trump’s Iran Reversal

The move intensified global doubts about the president’s judgment and the power wielded by the United States. But some analysts also praised Mr. Trump’s restraint.

Willpower: It’s in Your Head
It’s easy to attribute our failures of will to our biology. But it’s wrong.

Americans Blame Obesity on Willpower, Despite Evidence It’s Genetic
Three-quarters of participants in a new study said obese people should exercise more and eat better, even though science says it’s more complicated than tha

Iceberg watchers near Ferryland, Newfoundland.


A Chunk of the Arctic Stops By for a Photo Shoot


High winds have grounded a huge iceberg on the Newfoundland shore, to the delight of camera-wielding sightseers.

Darren Wilson, the police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., has told investigators that he was pinned in his vehicle and in fear for his life as he struggled over his gun with Michael Brown, according to government officials briefed on the federal civil rights investigation into the matter.

Just Think No

Why do Republicans have a gender gap when they ascribe superpowers to women, like the ability to block rape sperm with sheer willpower?

BP Report Pins Most of Blame on Others BP's internal investigation into the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig found that the British oil giant bears some responsibility for the disaster but laid most of the blame on its contractors.

3.‘“如果没有潘恩的这支笔,乔治·华盛顿所举起的剑将是徒然无功。”’(Without the pen of Paine, the sword of Washington would have been wielded in vain.)   4.‘“历史将会把美国的革命归因于托马斯·潘恩。”’(History would ascribe the American Revolution to Thomas Paine.)

(wēld) pronunciation
tr.v., wield·ed, wield·ing, wields.
  1. To handle (a weapon or tool, for example) with skill and ease.
  2. To exercise (authority or influence, for example) effectively. See synonyms at handle.
[Middle English welden, from Old English wealdan, to rule, and wieldan, to govern.]
wieldable wield'a·ble adj.
wielder wield'er n.

Hold (someone) firmly in a specified position so they are unable to move:she was standing pinned against the doorRichards pinned him down until the police arrived

pin something on

Attribute the blame or responsibility for something to (someone):

they pinned the blame for the loss of jobs on the trade unions
pin on
Attribute to someone, especially a wrongdoing or crime. For example, They pinned the murder on the wrong man. This expression uses pin in the sense of "attach." [First half of 1900s]


    To ascribe (a misdeed or an error, for example) to: affix, assign, blame, fasten, fix, impute, place. Seegive/take/reciprocity.
, -cribed, -crib·ing, -cribes.
  1. To attribute to a specified cause, source, or origin: "Other people ascribe his exclusion from the canon to an unsubtle form of racism" (Daniel Pinchbeck). See synonyms at attribute.歸因
  2. To assign as 

  3. Her team won by sheer will power.

    Showcasing more than 60 pieces from the Pierre Bergé-Yves Saint Laurent Foundation and the Museum of Lace and Fashion collections, 'Sheer: Yves Saint Laurent', out today, highlights the designer’s mastery over transparent fabrics.
    可能是 1 人和顯示的文字是「 SHEER YVES SAINT LAURENT Thames 」的圖形

    sheer (COMPLETE)
    adjective [before noun]
    used to emphasize how very great, important or powerful a quality or feeling is; nothing except:
    The suggestion is sheer nonsense.
    His success was due to sheer willpower/determination.
    It was sheer coincidence that we met.

    by (sheer) force/weight of numbers
    because the number of people or things was so great:
    The crowd managed to force its way in by sheer weight of numbers.willpower
    noun [U]
    the ability to control your own thoughts and the way in which you behave; determination:
    It took a lot of willpower to stay calm.
    I don't have the willpower to diet.

  4. sheer[sheer1]
  5. 発音記号[ʃíər]

[形](〜・er, 〜・est)((限定))
1 まったくの, 完全な
sheer luck
2 純然たる, 混ぜ物のない, 水で割らない.
3 険しい;ほとんど垂直の, 切り立った.
4 ((主に米))ごく薄手の〈織物など〉
a sheer negligée
1 完全に;まともに.
2 垂直に;急勾配(こうばい)
The plane plummeted sheer into the mountain.
[古英語scēr(明らかな). △SHINE, SHIMMER
  1. a quality or characteristic: was quick to ascribe jealousy to her critics.
[Middle English ascriben, from Old French ascrivre, from Latin ascrībere : ad-, ad- + scrībere, to write.]
ascribable a·scrib'a·ble adj.
