2023年7月10日 星期一

architect, starchitect, architecture, tectonics, architectonic, . monograph, monographic exhibition, starch, Big-name

Studio Museum in Harlem and Other Clients Cut Ties to David Adjaye

Cultural institutions try to move projects forward without the star architect in the wake of sexual harassment allegations.

Fischer was the first living artist to receive a monographic exhibition at the Palazzo Grassi.[23]

Urs Fischer's Francesco 2017 on display at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, April 2019.
Everybody from tech giants and established carmakers to startups is jumping on the driverless bandwagon
The tectonic plates of technology and carmaking are colliding

Big-name architects have existed for decades but today’s celebrity culture is ideally suited to the blockbuster builder.

An exhibition on the Red Road apartment buildings, marked for demolition, at the People's Palace museum.
Heads Up

Amid the New, Glasgow Looks to the Past

A wave of nostalgia is sweeping Glasgow, touching everything from restaurants to museums, even as the city's skyline becomes more studded with starchitecture.

马铃薯淀粉(Potato Starch)

Coaches For Winners
Last week I shared Peter Drucker's classic monograph, "Managing Oneself." The idea is that a business leader eventually founders and fails if that leader ...

The life and works of an architectural genius

Our commemorative tribute to America's greatest architect features every single design he produced from 1943 until his death. This is the first book in an exhaustive three-volume monograph featuring all of Wright's 1,100 designs, both realized and unrealized, and covers the postwar years and the "living architecture" period. Based on unlimited access to the Frank Lloyd Wright Archives in Taliesin, Arizona, this penetrating study gives an unrivalled overview of Wright's groundbreaking work and eventual "starchitect" status.

Starchitect or also stararchitect [star + architect] is a term used to describe architects whose celebrity and critical acclaim have transformed them into idols of the architecture world and may even have given them some degree of fame amongst the general public. Celebrity status is generally associated with avant-gardist novelty. Developers around the world have proven eager to sign up "top talent" (starchitects) in hopes of convincing reluctant municipalities to approve large developments, of obtaining financing or of increasing the value of their buildings. A key characteristic is that the architect's designs are almost always iconic and highly visible within the site or context.
Wikipedia article "Starchitect".

A scholarly piece of writing of essay or book length on a specific, often limited subject.
tr.v., -graphed, -graph·ing, -graphs.
To write a monograph on.
monographer mo·nog'ra·pher (mə-nŏg'rə-fər) n.
monographic mon'o·graph'ic adj.
monographically mon'o·graph'i·cal·ly adv.


(of an art gallery or exhibition) showing the works of a single artist. 'This artist's first monographic exhibition in the U.S.

1 澱粉(でんぷん);[C][U]((〜es))((主に米))澱粉質の食品.
2 (洗たく用)のり.
3 (性格などの)堅苦しさ, ぎこちなさ.
4 ((米略式))元気, 活力, 持久力, ずぶとさ
take the starch out of ...
1 …にのりをつける[つけて堅くする]
a starched white shirt
2 ((主に過去分詞形))…を堅苦しくさせる, ぎこちなくさせる, 形式ばらせる((時にup)).
[古英語stercean (stearc硬い+-ianさせる). △STARK]


Syllabification: (star·chi·tect)
Pronunciation: /ˈstärkiˌtekt/
informal, chiefly derogatory
  • a famous or high-profile architect.




1940s (denoting a movie star who designed a house): blend of star (sense 3 of the noun) and architect


Definition of architect


  • a person who designs buildings and in many cases also supervises their construction.
  • a person who is responsible for inventing or realizing a particular idea or project:a chief architect of the plan to slash income taxes


[with object] (usually be architected) Computing
  • design and make:few software packages were architected with Ethernet access in mind


mid 16th century: from French architecte, from Italian architetto, via Latin from Greek arkhitektōn, from arkhi- 'chief' + tektōn 'builder'

MD公司高級副總裁兼總經理Lisa T. Su以“Architecting the Future through Heterogeneous Computing”為題發表演講,介紹了異構計算技術

Architectonic may mean:
  • pertaining to architecture, or suggesting the qualities of architecture


  1. Geology. Relating to, causing, or resulting from structural deformation of the earth's crust.

About 2000 people live on the island. Japan is one of the world's most earthquake-prone countries because it sits atop four tectonic plates.
    1. Relating to construction or building.
    2. Architectural.
[Late Latin tectonicus, from Greek tektonikos, from tektōn, builder.]
tectonically tec·ton'i·cal·ly adv.


━━ a. 構造の, 建築の, 構築の; 【地学】地質構造の; 地殻変動の[による].
 tectonic plate 【地学】プレート.
 tec・ton・ics ━━ n. 築造学; 構造地質学.

構築的人文性(Tectonic for Humanity)

磚想成為甚麼? 它想成為一座拱。

                                                Louis Isadore Kahn (1901 –  1974)
  • in Aristotelianism, as well as Kantianism, systematization of all knowledge (see also Kantian architectonics)

What is an earthquake?
The Earth's crust, or lithosphere (hard outer surface) is made up of "tectonic plates", or large plates. There are about 7 major plates and many smaller plates, around 100 km thick, which sit upon a lower soft layer (the asthenosphere). When these plates move against each other along plate boundaries (where two plates meet) or along faults (a rift), an earthquake occurs. This may be through a variety of movements: sideways, up and down or apart...     More
 元々は俗ラテン語の tectonics(建築物の意)に由来する。
 元々は俗ラテン語の tectonics(建築物の意)に由来する。


ar • chi • tec • ture
architectures (複数形)
1 [U]建築, 建築術[学]
civil architecture
navalmarine] architecture
2 [U]建築様式
Greek architecture
3 [U][C]((しばしば集合的))建築[建造]物
the surrounding architecture
4 [U](一般に)構造, 構成
the architecture of a symphony
5 [C][U]《コンピュータ》アーキテクチャ:コンピュータ設計の仕様または方式.
