2020年1月1日 星期三

【#逐字學英文國際日報】46: pack the court, punchline, pack, pack a punch/wallop, Throw punches, splice, packing, pack on, rinse, repress, coriander

Now Nokia is throwing punches too.

"'Velázquez Portraits: Truth in Painting' is a small show that packs a big punch."— The Art Newspaperhttp://met.org/2lkKUE1

Special ingredients include Kosher salt and coriander🍺

How Sam Adams Came Up With The Perfect Post-Marathon Beer

Batches of 26.2 Brew commemorate the Boston Marathon.

"The secret of a good old age is simply an honorable pact with solitude."
--from "One Hundred Years of Solitude" (1967) by Gabriel García Márquez

Packing a punch: 85,000 pills, powders and elixirs are available in America alone

THIS is a strange time for supplement-makers. From one angle, the industry’s prospects look bright. Demand is rising for products that promote health...

Microsoft, News Corp. Discuss Web Pact

Microsoft and News Corp. have held discussions about a partnership that could result in News Corp. removing its newspaper content from Google's search engine while continuing to feature it on Microsoft's online properties.
The world’s largest fast-food company said earlier that all three of its restaurants in Iceland would shut down October 31. The outlets have been packed since the announcement, with lines at one restaurant backing up out the door and onto the street. 這家全球最大速食公司先前表示,冰島的三間麥當勞餐廳會在10月31日關閉。自從這項消息宣布後,麥當勞餐廳就擠滿了顧客,其中一間餐廳的排隊人龍更一直排到門外的街道上。俞智敏

Britain Seeks Its Essence, and Finds Punch Lines紐約時報這篇報導.
punch line, punchline noun [C]
the last part of a story or a joke which explains the meaning of what has happened previously or makes it amusing
張貼者: Hanching Chung 下午7:31

Throw punches definition is - to swing one's arm and try to hit someone with one's fist. How to usethrow punches in a sentence.

punchline Line breaks: punch|line

Pronunciation: /ˈpʌn(t)ʃlʌɪn/


The final phrase or sentence of a joke or story, providing the humour or some other crucial element:his humour did not depend on punchlines

  • ‘You want me to give you all my punchlines,’ he joked.
  • Latterly she was even behind her audiences, who could see the punchlines for her onstage jokes rolling up on her Teleprompter before Streisand could mouth them.
  • I expected ambient recordings of you giggling like a girl, telling jokes and forgetting the punchlines, looking for your car keys and so on.


When a Punch Line Is No Longer a Lifeline

The sudden turn from humor in Egypt points to a sense of revolution fatigue that has swept over a nation where people had hoped for overnight change.

《中英對照讀新聞》Brains of bilingual readers repress negative words 雙語閱讀者的大腦會抑制負面字眼

Reading a nasty word in a second language may not pack the punch it would in your native tongue, thanks to an unconscious brain quirk that tamps down potentially disturbing emotions, a new study finds.

When reading negative words such as "failure" in their non-native language, bilingual Chinese-English speakers did not show the same brain response as seen when they read neutral words such as "aim." The finding suggests that the brain can process the meaning of words in the unconscious, while "withholding" information from our conscious minds.

"We think we’ve identified, for the first time, the mechanism by which emotion controls fundamental thought processes outside consciousness," study researcher Yanjing Wu, a psychologist at Bangor University in the United Kingdom, said in a statement.
「我們認為,我們首次找出了情緒在人的意識之外控制基本思維過程的機制」,進行這項研究的英國班戈大學心理學家吳嚴金(Yanjing Wu)在聲明中說。

It’s not yet clear why the brain dampens the response to these words, the researchers report in the Journal of Neuroscience.

pack a punch:動詞片語,猛力一擊,有非常大的威力、效力或影響力。例句:I don’t know what she has said to him, but it really packed a punch.(我不知道她對他說了什麼,但真的很有效。)

 pack a punch  (informal)
if someone can pack a punch, they can hit very hard when they are fighting
He's a big guy - I should imagine he can pack a fair punch.

pack a punch
to have a powerful effect or influence For big flavor, a blend of cumin, chili powder, coriander, cayenne, and black pepper packs a punch.
Etymology: based on the literal meaning of pack a punch (hit very hard)

pack a punch

Also, pack a wallop.
1. Be capable of a forceful blow; also, deliver a forceful blow. For example, Knowing Bob could pack a wicked punch, they were carefulnot to anger him, or She swung her handbag, really packing a wallop. [Colloquial; c. 1920]
2. Have a powerful effect, as in That vodka martini packed a wallopThomas Wolfe had this figurative usage in a letter (c. 1938): "I thinkmy play, The Housewill pack a punch."


Pronunciation: /ˌkɒrɪˈandə/ NOUN

An aromatic Mediterranean plant of the parsley family, the leaves and seeds of which are used as culinary herbs.
  • Coriandrum sativum, family Umbelliferae

quirk:名詞,古怪的舉止、特性,怪癖,妙語,突然出現的莫名轉變。例句:Taking cold showers is one of his many quirks.(洗冷水澡是他許多怪癖中的一個。)

dampen:動詞,抑制、減弱。例句:The car accident has dampened our spirits.(這起車禍讓我們很掃興。)

《中英對照讀新聞》Who let the dogs pig out?誰讓狗大吃特吃?
Who let the dogs pig out?

Someone once said that if your dog is fat you’re not getting enough exercise.
So it’s no surprise that as human obesity rates soar, man’s best friend is loyally packing on the pounds as well.
"Overweight people are more likely to have overweight dogs," said Victoria Stilwell, dog trainer and author of "Fat Dog Slim:How to Have a Healthy, Happy Pet."
Over 34 percent of people in the United States are considered obese, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Most estimates say up to 40 percent of household pets are overweight.
"An overweight dog shows real negligence by the owner. There’s pressure on the bones and the heart and the organs. It’s just not pleasant," she said.
But unlike their dog-owning counterparts, couch potato cat people can stay put. "You don’t have to rush around. Just shine a laser light or throw a ping pong ball. Cats will chase moving things."

pig out (on something):非正式用法,大吃特吃,狼吞虎嚥般地狂吃。例句:I love to pig out on sashimi.(我熱愛大啖狂吞生魚片。)
pack on:俚語,增加(體重)。例句:He packed on 5 kilograms over the Lunar New Year holiday.(他在農曆春節期間暴肥5公斤。)
stay put:俚語,不移動,保持原狀。

Girl Scout cookies are cookies sold by Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) as one of its major fundraisers for local Scout units. Members of the GSUSA have been selling cookies since 1917 to raise funds. Girls who participate can earn prizes for their efforts. There are also unit incentives if the unit as a whole does well. As of 2007, sales were estimated at about 200 million boxes per year.[1]

G recalls mouth rinse product
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Thursday advised consumers about the voluntary recall of a batch of mouth rinse products of Procter & Gamble Philippines Inc. In an advisory, the FDA said the consumer goods firm initiated the voluntary recall ...

(rĭns) pronunciation
tr.v., rinsed, rins·ing, rins·es.
  1. To wash lightly with water.
  2. To remove (soap, for example) by washing lightly in water.
  1. The act of washing lightly.
  2. A solution, such as water, used in rinsing.
  3. A solution used in coloring or conditioning the hair.
[Middle English rincen, from Old French rincier, from Vulgar Latin *recentiāre, from Latin recēns, recent-, fresh. See recent.]
rinsable rins'a·ble or rins'i·ble adj.
rinser rins'er n.

the pact's impact on Taiwan's economy


  1. A formal agreement, such as one between nations; a treaty.
  2. A compact; a bargain.
[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin pactum, from neuter sing. past participle of pacīscī, to agree.]
1 (個人間の)約束, 契約
make [sign] a pact with ...
2 (国家間の)条約, 協定
a peace pact
[中フランス語←ラテン語pactum (pacere一致する). △PACK1
1 (持ち運びに便利な)包み, 束;荷(物);背のう;荷造り.
(1) ((主に米))(…の)1箱, 1包み, 1容器(((英))packet)
a six-pack of beer
three packs of cigarettes
(2) パック:量目の単位で羊毛は240ポンド, 穀物は280ポンド, 石炭は3ブッシェル.
3 (年間・季間の)出荷量, 生産高.
(1) (人・動物の)群れ, 集団, (悪人たちの)一味((of ...));ボーイ[ガール]スカウトの年少隊の一団;(潜水艦・航空機の)一隊;((軽蔑))大量, 多数
a pack of wolves [hoodlums]
lead the pack
a pack of lies
be a notch above the pack
(2) (一隊となって獲物を追う)猟犬の一群. ⇒FLOCK1[類語]
hunt in packs
5 ((英))((しばしばa pack of cardsで))《トランプ》(通例52枚の)一組(((主に米))deck).
6 浮氷群, 大氷塊.
7 湿布(用の布);氷のう;(美顔用の)パック
a mud pack
8 《採鉱》ぼた積み(壁).
9 《写真》フィルム(パック).
10 ((集合的))《ラグビー》前衛;スクラム.
11 《コンピュータ》パック:データの原形が復元できる方法で記憶媒体にデータを圧縮して記憶させること.
(1) 〈物を〉(箱などに)入れる, 包む, 束ねる, 梱包(こんぽう)[荷造り]する((away, up/into, in ...));〈物を〉荷造りして送る((off))
I packed a two-week supply of clothes for the trip.
(2) 〈商品などを〉(容器に)包装する, 缶[箱]詰めにする((in, into ...))
pack fish in cans
2 〈入れ物に〉(物を)ぎっしり詰め込む((out/with ...));〈物・人などを〉(狭い場所などに)詰め込む((in, into ...))
pack books in [into] a box [=pack a box with books]
The book is packed full of information.
3 [pack A for B/pack B A]〈B(人)にA(食べ物など)を〉詰めて持たせてやる
pack one's children some rice balls
4III[名]([副])]〈人・動物・物を〉集める, まとめる((up));〈資料などを〉集めて(本などに)まとめる((into ...)).
5 〈管の継ぎ目などに〉詰め物をする[当てる];〈詰め物を〉(…の周りに)置く((around, round ...)).
6 〈馬・牛などに〉荷を積む[つける].
7 ((米略式))〈銃などを〉持ち歩く, 携帯する
pack a gun
8 〈人を〉(…へ)追い出す[払う];((略式))解雇する((away, off/to ...))
pack oneself off
pack the children off to school
9 ((略式))〈強打を〉くらわせる(力がある)
pack a punch
10 〈患者・患部に〉湿布[温布, 乾布]する;〈顔に〉美容パックをする.
11 ((米))〈自動車の値段を〉(値引きを大きく見せるために)つり上げる.
12 《コンピュータ》パックする:データをより少ないビット数に圧縮して記憶させる.
13 〈雪・土などを〉固める((down));〈風が〉〈雪を〉(…に)吹き寄せる((against ...)).
1 荷造り[梱包, 包装]する;旅じたくをする((up)).
2 荷造り[包装]できる, 箱に納まる((up))
The goods pack (up) easily.
3 〈動物が〉一群となる, 群れをなす;[I[副]]〈人が〉(…に)群がる;詰めかける((into ...));ぎっしりはいる((in ...));物をいっぱいに詰め込む((out)).
4 〈雪・土などが〉固まる.
5 急いで立ち去る, すぐに解散する((away, off)).
6 《ラグビー》スクラムを組む((down)).
pack in [up]
(1) ⇒(自)1, 2
(2) ((俗))死ぬ;((略式))〈機械・体の器官などが〉止まる, だめになる;((英略式))〈人が〉仕事をやめる.
[pack ... in [up]/pack in [up] ...]
(1) ⇒(他)1, 4
(2) ((俗))〈試合・任務などを〉放棄する, 終える;〈喫煙・飲酒などを〉やめる;〈人との〉関係を絶つ;〈機械を〉止まらせる.
(3) ((略式))〈人を〉魅了する.
pack it in [up]
(1) ((略式))((しばしば命令文))(はた迷惑なことを)やめる.
(2) ((米俗))敗北を認める.
(3) ((米俗))有利な立場を最大限に利用する.
(4) 〈機械などが〉働かなくなる, だめになる.
pack them in
send a person packing
1 〈動物が〉運搬用の;〈道具・材料が〉荷造り用の.
2 ((スコット))〈動物が〉(飼い)慣らされた(tame);〈人が〉親しい.
3 ぎっしり詰まった.
━━[副]((スコット))親しく, 親密に.
[オランダ語pac. 原義は「締めつけたもの, 束」. △PACT

    1. A collection of items tied up or wrapped; a bundle.
    2. A container made to be carried on the body of a person or animal.
  1. The amount, as of food, that is processed and packaged at one time or in one season.
  2. A small package containing a standard number of identical or similar items: a pack of matches.
    1. A complete set of related items: a pack of cards.
    2. Informal. A large amount; a heap: earned a pack of money.
    1. A group of animals, such as dogs or wolves, that run and hunt together.
    2. A gang of people: a pack of hoodlums.
    3. An organized troop having common interests: a Cub Scout pack. See synonyms at flock1.
  3. A mass of large pieces of floating ice driven together.
  4. Medicine.
    1. The swathing of a patient or a body part in hot, cold, wet, or dry materials, such as cloth towels, sheets, or blankets.
    2. The materials so used.
    3. A material, such as gauze, that is therapeutically inserted into a body cavity or wound; packing.
  5. An ice pack; an ice bag.
  6. A cosmetic paste that is applied to the skin, allowed to dry, and then rinsed off.

    1. A collection of items tied up or wrapped; a bundle.
    2. A container made to be carried on the body of a person or animal.
  1. The amount, as of food, that is processed and packaged at one time or in one season.
  2. A small package containing a standard number of identical or similar items: a pack of matches.
    1. A complete set of related items: a pack of cards.
    2. Informal. A large amount; a heap: earned a pack of money.
    1. A group of animals, such as dogs or wolves, that run and hunt together.
    2. A gang of people: a pack of hoodlums.
    3. An organized troop having common interests: a Cub Scout pack. See synonyms at flock1.
  3. A mass of large pieces of floating ice driven together.
  4. Medicine.
    1. The swathing of a patient or a body part in hot, cold, wet, or dry materials, such as cloth towels, sheets, or blankets.
    2. The materials so used.
    3. A material, such as gauze, that is therapeutically inserted into a body cavity or wound; packing.
  5. An ice pack; an ice bag.
  6. A cosmetic paste that is applied to the skin, allowed to dry, and then rinsed off.

v., packed, pack·ing, packs. v.tr.
  1. To fold, roll, or combine into a bundle; wrap up.
    1. To put into a receptacle for transporting or storing: pack one's belongings.
    2. To fill up with items: pack one's trunk.
  2. To process and put into containers in order to preserve, transport, or sell: packed the fruit in jars.
    1. To bring together (persons or things) closely; crowd together: managed to pack 300 students into the lecture hall.
    2. To fill up tight; cram.
  3. Medicine.
    1. To wrap (a patient) in a pack.
    2. To insert a pack into a body cavity or wound.
  4. To wrap tightly for protection or to prevent leakage: pack a valve stem.
  5. To press together; compact firmly: packed the clay and straw into bricks.
  6. Informal. To carry, deliver, or have available for action: a thug who packed a pistol; a fighter who packs a hard punch.
  7. To send unceremoniously: The parents packed both children off to bed.
  8. To constitute (a voting panel) by appointment, selection, or arrangement in such a way that it is favorable to one's purposes or point of view; rig: "In 1937 Roosevelt threatened to pack the court" (New Republic).
  1. To place one's belongings in boxes or luggage for transporting or storing.
  2. To be susceptible of compact storage: Dishes pack more easily than glasses.
  3. To form lumps or masses; become compacted.
pack it in Informal.
  1. To cease work or activity: Let's pack it in for the day.
[Middle English pak, possibly of Low German origin.]
packability pack'a·bil'i·ty n.
packable pack'a·ble adj.

verb [T]
to join two pieces of rope, film, etc. together at their ends in order to form one long piece:
Scientists have discovered how to splice pieces of DNA.

noun [C]
a join between two pieces of something so that they form one long piece

Electrical Wire Splices Recalled Due to Shock and Fire Hazards

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, in cooperation with the firm named below, today announced a voluntary recall of the following consumer product. Consumers should stop using recalled products immediately unless otherwise instructed.
Name of Product: Electrical Wire Splices (also known as Butt Splice Connectors)
Units: About 53,000
Manufacturer: Molex, of Lisle, Ill.
Hazard: The splice can fail to hold the wires adequately together, posing a shock and fire hazard to consumers.
Incidents/Injuries: Gardner Bender has received one report of a recalled butt splice failing to hold wires together. No injuries have been reported.
Description: The recalled butt splices are used to connect electrical wires to one another. They are typically used for wiring small electrical appliances, like audio equipment, or in automotive applications. The splices are yellow insulated vinyl and measure about one inch long and ¼ inch wide. They were intended for use with 12-10 AWG wire. 12-10 is stamped on the side of the splices. Model numbers 10-126, or 21-126, and Gardner Bender are printed on the product’s packaging. They were sold in packages of 8 or 50.
Sold at: Electrical distributors, hardware stores, and home centers nationwide from June 2005 through April 2008 for between $1 and $5.
Manufactured in: United States
Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using products that contain the recalled butt splices and contact the firm for free replacement splices.
Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Gardner Bender at (800) 624-4320 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CT Monday through Friday, or visit the firm’s Web site at www.gardnerbender.com

