2017年3月13日 星期一

prelude, fugue, amnesias, concussion, singular, headguards

德彪西的 Préludes 翻譯成前奏曲集
李斯特的交響詩 Les Préludes翻譯成前奏曲

Yale University Press
America has a long history of protest and a dangerous case of historical amnesia, says Sarah Jaffe of the Washington Post.

Tom Hayden argues that peace and justice movements can make difference.
One of the most common collision-related head injuries is a concussion, which occurs when the head moves at high speed and stops suddenly as it strikes a hard object. The brain, which is snug but not completely stationary inside the head, may continue moving, colliding with the inside of the skull. This leads to swelling or bruising or — much worse — bleeding. A brain-bleed is immediately life-threatening, but swelling is less so and may not even be evident for a little while, which is what appears to have happened in Richardson's case.
In 1953, he underwent an experimental brain operation in Hartford to correct a seizure disorder, only to emerge from it fundamentally and irreparably changed. He developed a syndrome neurologists call profound amnesia. He had lost the ability to form new memories.
War Veterans’ Concussions Are Often Overlooked
The complications from concussions, a signature injury of the Iraq war, often are not recognized in singular ways.

The miracle of Japan started off with a concussion in 1950.
W. Edwards Deming 博士這樣說。

也許吧? 重要的是記下每個人的史觀和際遇。

Do boxers' headguards protect them from concussion and injury? On Brain Awareness Week we look at new technology that might have the answer

這concussion是- 激動, 震蕩, 衝擊。━━ n. 衝撃; 【医】脳震とう.
Concussion is a trauma-induced change in mental status, with confusion and amnesia, and with or without a brief loss of consciousness.

Wikipedia article "Concussion".

singular (NOTICEABLE) Show phonetics
adjective [before noun] FORMAL
of an unusual quality or standard; noticeable:
It was a building of singular grace and beauty.
He showed a singular lack of skill in painting.

singularly Show phonetics
to an unusual degree:
singularly beautiful
a singularly unattractive individualsingular (STRANGE) Show phonetics
adjective FORMAL
unusual or strange; not ordinary

singularity Show phonetics
noun [U] FORMAL
the quality of being strange:
He has been behaving with great singularity.


━━ n. 【医】記憶喪失症, 健忘症.
 am・ne・si・acam・ne・sic ━━ a., n. 記憶喪失症の(人).

  1. Music. An imitative polyphonic composition in which a theme or themes are stated successively in all of the voices of the contrapuntal structure.
  2. Psychiatry. A pathological amnesiac健忘的 condition during which one is apparently conscious of one's actions but has no recollection of them after returning to a normal state. This condition, usually resulting from severe mental stress, may persist for as long as several months.記憶喪失
[Italian fuga (influenced by French fugue, from Italian fuga), from Latin, flight.]
fugal fu'gal (fyū'gəl) adj.
fugally fu'gal·ly adv.
fugue fugue v.
fuguist fugu'ist (fyū'gĭst) n.


(prĕl'yūd', prā'lūd', prē'-) pronunciation

n. An introductory performance, event, or action preceding a more important one; a preliminary or preface.

Music. (Fr. prélude; Ger. Vorspiel; It. preludio; Lat. praeludium, praeambulum)

    A piece or movement that serves as an introduction to another section or composition and establishes the key, such as one that precedes a fugue, opens a suite, or precedes a church service.

    A similar but independent composition for the piano.
    The overture to an oratorio, opera, or act of an opera.
    A short composition of the 15th and early 16th centuries written in a free style, usually for keyboard.

v., -ud·ed, -ud·ing, -udes. v.tr.
  1. To serve as a prelude to.
  2. To introduce with or as if with a prelude.
v.intr.To serve as a prelude or introduction.
[Medieval Latin praelūdium, from Latin praelūdere, to play beforehand : prae-, pre- + lūdere, to play.]

1 則留言:

人事物 提到...

Apple unveiled a new iPhone model, in a possible prelude to a new version of the cellphone later this year that will be capable of surfing the Web at faster speeds.