2022年3月3日 星期四

delusional, panicked, panicky bride-to-be, puddle, The sun shining into a puddle

Lithuania’s prime minister, Ingrida Simonyte, says Russia’s invasion was predictable
The West was too greedy for Russian money and too delusional in its negotiations with a pathological liar
(Google)立陶宛總理英格麗達·西蒙尼特表示,俄羅斯的入侵是可以預見的 西方對俄羅斯的金錢過於貪婪,在與病態騙子的談判中過於妄想

Panicked Shoppers Empty Shelves as Coronavirus Anxiety Rises

Panicked Shoppers Empty Shelves as Coronavirus Anxiety Rises

The scene inside one crowded store: There was no chicken available, nor garbanzo beans or chips. Another had no flu or cold medicines.

No matter how great a negotiator Mr Trump is, no good deal with Russia is to be had

Seeking a deal is a terrible idea

Bizarrely, Sanders appears to sincerely believe he can win. This seems so unlikely as to be almost delusional.***
Dr. Anderson is the author of "Doctor Dolittle's Delusion," to be published by Yale University Press in November. The book is a linguistics-based argument that if kindly John Dolittle of Puddleby-on-the-Marsh was hearing voices, they weren't coming from Jip the dog or Gub-Gub the pig.

The idea that animals have all-but-human mental lives, emotions and powers of communication has become increasingly fashionable, after centuries in which such notions were considered absurd. (The Doctor Dolittle Books--John Dolittle,MD, the animals' Doctor, whose exploits were documented, illustrated and…
http://www.pauahtun.org/doctor_dolittle.html )

Here Come the Brides, Really Simply
In Advertising
Editors’ Note: This newsletter is coming to you today because of the Dr. King holiday yesterday.
The bride-to-be in the Stephen Sondheim musical "Company" may have stopped the show with a comic song expressing doubt about whether she was "Getting Married Today."
But in real life, more than two million American women go ahead with weddings each year. The trend has drawn considerable attention from advertisers, media companies and Madison Avenue.

2 Sides of a Troubled Governor, Sinking Deeper
By MONICA DAVEY 13 minutes ago

Many who know Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich well say that he has seemed panicked or delusional in recent months.delusional
a. Of or pertaining to delusions; as, delusional monomania.

noun [C or U]
when someone believes something that is not true:
[+ that] He's under the delusion that he will be promoted this year.

adjective (ALSO delusory)


noun [C usually singular; U]
a sudden strong feeling of anxiety or fear that prevents reasonable thought and action:
a state of panic
Panic spread through the crowd as the bullets started to fly.
Carmel was in a panic about her exam.
He got in(to) a panic that he would forget his lines on stage.

verb [I or T] panicking, panicked, panicked
to suddenly feel so worried or frightened that you cannot think or behave calmly or reasonably:
Don't panic! Everything will be okay.
The sound of gunfire panicked the crowd.
The boss always panics over/about the budget every month.

adjective INFORMAL
a panicky feeling/expression/action
Is he the panicky type?


noun [C] plural brides-to-be
a woman who is going to be married soon
A puddle in a forest clearing 
A water puddle on a Danish beach
A puddle is a small accumulation of liquid, usually water, on a surface. It can form either by pooling in a depression on the surface, or by surface tension upon a flat surface. A puddle is generally considered to be small enough to step over or shallow enough to walk through, and too small to traverse with a boat, raft or submarine.

The sun loses nothing by shining into a puddle

Cf. [Diogenes Laertius vi. lxiii.] ὁ ἥλίος ɛἰς ṯοὺς ἀροράṯους, ἀλἸ οὐ μίαίνɛṯαί, the sun shines into dung but is not tainted (attributed to Diogenes); [Tertullian De Spectaculis xx.] sol et in cloacam radios suos defert nec inquinatur, the sun spreads his rays even into the sewer, and is not stained.
The sunne, hys feyrnes neuer he tynes [loses], Thogh hyt on the muk hepe shynes.
[1303 R. Brunne Handlyng Synne (EETS) l. 2299]
Though that hooly writ speke of horrible synne, certes hooly writ may nat been defouled, namoore than the sonne that shyneth on the mixne [midden].
[c 1390 Chaucer Parson's Tale l. 911]
The Sun shineth vppon the dungehill and is not corrupted.
[1578 Lyly Euphues I. 193]
The Sun is never the worse for shining on a Dunghill.
[1732 T. Fuller Gnomologia no. 4776]
Dreadful words did fly about then, but the sun loses nothing by shining into a puddle.
[1943 E. M. Almedingen Frossia iv.]
