2020年1月7日 星期二

【#逐字學英文國際日報】101:float, wharf, reviewing a military parade., elf, pushes scenarios, push

Wharf of Louvre, Paris, 1867 #frenchart #monet

Jeff Jarvis 分享了 1 條連結

The floats at Karneval parades across southern and western Germany are…

Each and every one of these floats was created with half a million flowers - all in honour of Van Gogh

Inside the Kawagoe Matsuri Kaikan, or festival museum, are ornate floats, some reaching as high as three stories, that are used in the festival each year.

Photo: Jim O'Connell for The New York Times

 On Oct. 6, 1981, President Anwar Sadat of Egypt was shot to death by Islamic militants while reviewing a military parade.

 reviewing a military parade 閱兵

The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade would be over soon, and the thousands of storm-scattered New Yorkers whom the city had invited to watch the floats go by in Columbus Circle were thinking about leaving. The subways would be crowded; and more work sorting through debris and filling out insurance claims awaited. Best not to linger until the last elf was out of sight.

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
NY Daily News Archive / Getty Images
In 1924, Macy's hosted its first parade, then known as the Macy's Christmas Parade. Macy's employees participated in the inaugural event, and the company borrowed live animals from the Central Park Zoo to accompany the floats. The parade's success was encouraging, and as a result, Macy's decided to make the event an annual occurrence. Above: a parade float from the Macy's 1926 Thank

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,2100160,00.html#ixzz1erwJCFeb

EU Pushes Scenarios for Euro Bond
The European Union's executive arm will this week float proposals for joint issues of bonds among the euro zone's 17 governments.

U.S. Push On Deficit Fizzles Out
A special congressional committee tasked with cutting the U.S. deficit was on the brink of collapse Sunday.

photoRyusei Uchiyama, a master "nebuta" craftsman from Aomori, works on a float at Meiji Shrine in Tokyo's Shibuya Ward. (Photo by Keisuke Tanaka/ The Asahi Shimbun)
photoRyusei Uchiyama, a master "nebuta" craftsman from Aomori, works on a float at Meiji Shrine in Tokyo's Shibuya Ward. (Photo by Keisuke Tanaka/ The Asahi Shimbun)
Several nebuta floats from Aomori Prefecture have traveled to Tokyo to help celebrate a venerable shrine's 90th anniversary of its founding.
Float crafters from the northern Honshu prefecture are busy reassembling four of the colorful paper-and-wood floats at Tokyo's Meiji Shrine, which was formally dedicated in 1920. Each float will be lit from the inside.

(sĭ-nâr'ē-ō', -när'-, -năr'-pronunciation
  1. An outline of the plot of a dramatic or literary work.
    1. An outline for a screenplay.
    2. A treatment for a screenplay.
    3. A screenplay.
  2. An outline or model of an expected or supposed sequence of events: "In the scenario posed by many climatologists, decades of continued global warming would raise sea levels anywhere from 20 inches to more than 11 feet" (San Francisco Chronicle).
[Italian, from scena, scene, from Latin scaena. See scene.]

パレードなどの)山車(だし), 台車;(家畜・重量物運搬用の)台の低い荷車;配達用電気自動車.v.float·edfloat·ingfloatsv.intr.
    1. To remain suspended within or on the surface of a fluid without sinking.
    2. To be suspended in or move through space as if supported by a liquid.
  1. To move from place to place, especially at random.
  2. To move easily or lightly: "Miss Golightly . . . floated round in their arms light as a scarf" (Truman Capote).
  3. Economics. To find a level in relationship to other currencies solely in response to the law of supply and demand: allowed the dollar to float.
  1. To cause to remain suspended without sinking or falling.
    1. To put into the water; launch: float a ship; float a navy.
    2. To start or establish (a business enterprise, for example).
  2. To flood (land), as for irrigation.
  3. Economics. To allow (the exchange value of a currency) to find freely its real level in relationship to other currencies.
  4. To offer for consideration; suggest: floated my idea to the committee.
  5. To release (a security) for sale.
  6. To arrange for (a loan).
  7. To make the surface of (plaster, for example) level or smooth.
  8. Computer Science. To convert (data) from fixed-point notation to floating-point notation.
  1. Something that floats, as:
    1. A raft.
    2. A buoy.
    3. A life preserver.
    4. A buoyant object, such as a cork, used to hold a net or fishing line afloat.
    5. A landing platform attached to a wharf and floating on the water.
    6. A floating ball attached to a lever to regulate the water level in a tank.
  2. Biology. An air-filled sac or structure that aids in the flotation of an aquatic organism. Also called air bladderair vesicle.
  3. A decorated exhibit or scene mounted on a mobile platform and pulled or driven in a parade.

  1. Something that floats, as:
    1. A raft.
    2. A buoy.
    3. A life preserver.
    4. A buoyant object, such as a cork, used to hold a net or fishing line afloat.
    5. A landing platform attached to a wharf and floating on the water.
    6. A floating ball attached to a lever to regulate the water level in a tank.
  2. Biology. An air-filled sac or structure that aids in the flotation of an aquatic organism. Also called air bladder, air vesicle.
  3. A decorated exhibit or scene mounted on a mobile platform and pulled or driven in a parade.
  4. A sum of money representing checks that are outstanding.
  5. A tool for smoothing the surface of plaster or cement.
  6. A soft drink with ice cream floating in it. See Regional Note at milk shake.


━━ v. 浮く[かべる], 漂う[わせる]; 流れるように[無理なく]行動する; (考えなどが)心に浮かぶ; さまよう; (うわさが)広まる; (物が)そこらにある; 【財政】(通貨が)変動相場制をとる[にする]; (会社が)設立される[する]; 提案する; (手形が)流通する; 水びたしにする; (公債を)発行する; (左官が)こてでならす; 【コンピュータ】(データを)浮動小数点表記に変える.
━━ n. 浮き(袋); いかだ; (釣りの)うき; 山車(だし), 屋台; (水上機の)フロート, 浮舟; (劇場の)フットライト; (左官の)仕上げごて; 手持金, (用意した)釣銭; クリームソーダ; 【コンピュータ】CPUの処理待ち時間.


elves (複数形)
[名](複 elves 〔élvz〕)
1 小妖精(ようせい);小びと;ちび, (特に)子供.
2 いたずら者, (特に)おちゃめな子.

