2017年7月12日 星期三

bricklayer, gauge, inexperienced, with feeling

Henry David Thoreau was born on July 12th 1817. His writings—particularly “Civil Disobedience” and “Walden”—have had a wide-reaching influence; one critic said that his words “are quoted with feeling by liberals, socialists, anarchists, libertarians and conservatives alike”

The President is so inexperienced that he only just determined that health care is a “complicated” issue.

Pursuing major health-care reform is difficult for Presidents in even the most…

Campaigns Shift as McCain Choice Alters the Race By ADAM NAGOURNEY, JIM RUTENBERG and JEFF ZELENY
The parties are gauging the risks and opportunities of a young, relatively inexperienced woman being on a ticket.

with feeling

in a way that shows you feel very angryhappy etc Chang spoke with great feeling about the injustices of the regime.• Baktiar spoke of Iran with deep feeling.• I want you to sing it once more, this time with feeling.• She writes with great feeling about the fate of the refugees, having been a refugee herself in the last year.

Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words.
The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: a craftsman skilled in building with bricks

n. - 磚匠

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 煉瓦職人
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gauge (JUDGE), US ALSO gage
verb [T]
to make a judgment about something, usually people's feelings:
A poll was conducted to gauge consumers' attitudes.
[+ question word] It's difficult to gauge how they'll react.

noun [S]
a way of judging or showing something, especially the success or popularity of something:
The fact that the play has transferred to New York is a gauge of its success.
gauge work或許包括8-10意

1. The thickness of sheet metal or metal tubing, usually designated by a number.
2. The diameter of wire or a screw, usually designated by a number.
3. The distance between two points, such as parallel lines of connectors.
4. A strip of metal or wood used as a guide to control the thickness of a bituminous or concrete paving; called a screed when used in plastering.
5. A measuring instrument, esp. one for measuring liquid level, dimensions, or pressure.
6. See mortise gauge.
7. In roofing, the length of a shingle, slate, or tile that is exposed when laid.
8. The quantity of gauging plaster used with common plaster (lime putty) to hasten its setting, etc.
9. To mix gauging plaster with lime putty, to effect better control of the set, to prevent shrinkage of the lime putty, and to increase its strength.
To cut, chip, or rub stone or brick to a uniform size or shape.葺腳


 ━━ n. 標準寸法, 規格; (散弾銃の)ゲージ, 口径値; 定規; 計器, ゲージ; (レールの)軌間; 標準, 尺度; (風と他船に対する)関係位置; 範囲.
take the gauge of …を測る, 評価する.
━━ vt. 測定する; 判定[判断]する; 評価する.
gaug・er ━━ n. 計量者; 計器; 〔英〕 (酒だるの)検査官, 収税官.
gauge theory 【物】ゲージ理論.
