2017年2月3日 星期五

botched. botch-up, implement, touchback, Situation Room

The Seahawks benefited from the same Fail Mary play three years ago.

Ball intentionally batted out of end zone by LB K.J. Wright should've given…

Pakistan's Censors Target YouTube, Trigger Brief World-Wide Outage
Service on Google Inc.'s YouTube site was disrupted around the world for several hours Sunday after a botched effort by the Pakistan government to block access to a video clip critical of Islam.
AMD apologized for botching its handling of a high-end chip line and said it plans to implement cost-cutting moves.

Touchback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


In American football, a touchback is a ruling which is made and signaled by an official when the ball becomes dead on or behind a team's own goal line (i.e., in an end zone) and the opposing team gave the ball the momentum, or impetus, to travel over or across the goal line.

In a Baghdad courthouse, Mr. Hussein, in his customary black suit, remained seated as the judge read the verdict finding him guilty of ordering the killings of 148 Shiite-Arab civilians as retribution for a botched 1982 assassination attempt against him in the town of Dujail.

retribution 報應;懲罰

Situation Room 戰情室

noun [C] (UK ALSO bodge(-up))
The company made a series of botches before it went bankrupt.
The concert was very badly organized. In fact, the whole thing was a real botch-up. ━━ v. へたに繕う; だいなしにする ((up)).
━━ n. つぎはぎ; 不細工 (botch-up).
botch・er ━━ n. 下手な人.
botch・y ━━ a. まずい.

verb [T] (UK ALSO bodge)
to spoil something by doing it badly:
We botched (up) our first attempt at wallpapering the bathroom.

adjective (UK ALSO bodged)
Our landlord redecorated the bedroom, but it was such a botched job (= it was so badly done) that we decided to redo it.
Thousands of women are infertile as a result of botched abortions.

noun [C] (UK ALSO bodge(-up))
The company made a series of botches before it went bankrupt.
The concert was very badly organized. In fact, the whole thing was a real botch-up.


  1. A tool or instrument used in doing work: a gardening implement. See synonyms at tool.
  2. An article used to outfit or equip.
  3. A means of achieving an end; an instrument or agent.
tr.v., -ment·ed, -ment·ing, -ments. (-mĕnt')
  1. To put into practical effect; carry out: implement the new procedures.
  2. To supply with implements.
[Middle English, supplementary payment, from Old French emplement, act of filling, from Late Latin implēmentum, from Latin implēre, to fill up : in-, intensive pref.; see in–2 + plēre, to fill.]
implementation im'ple·men·ta'tion (-mən-tā'shən, -mĕn-) n.
implementer im'ple·ment'er or im'ple·men'tor n.
━━ n. (仕上げるための)道具, 用具; 手段; 手先.
━━ vt. 道具を与える; なし遂げる, (復讐などを)実行する; (法律・条約などを)実施[履行]する; 【コンピュータ】実装する.
im・ple・men・ta・tion ━━ n. 遂行, 履行, 実施; 【コンピュータ】実現方法, 実装.
