2021年2月15日 星期一

arbitration, arbitrary detention, arbitrary action, arbiter, domineering, go figure!

羅冠聰 Nathan Law

【國際戰線|加拿大夥57國發起國際宣言 反對「人質外交」 聯署國共同應對外交恫嚇】
聲明承諾,日後一旦出現「人質外交」事件,簽署國將共同應對問題。聯署的國家包括日本、英國、澳洲,以及歐盟27個成員國。發起聲明的前外相Francois-Philippe Champagne解釋,相關寫法參考了北約第五條成員國集體防衞條款,一旦成員國受攻擊,其他成員國將作出即時反應。這意味日後一旦發生胡亂濫捕外國人的事件,其他國家都會介入,令雙邊問題變成多國事件,共同抵卸威權國家的外交壓力。……

‘Scared to Death’ by Arbitration: Companies Drowning in Their Own System

Lawyers and a Silicon Valley start-up have found ways to flood the system with claims, so companies are looking to thwart a process they created.


“In most cases, US citizens only become aware of the exit ban when they attempt to depart China, and there is no method to find out how long the ban may continue,” the State Department said. “US citizens under exit bans have been harassed and threatened.”

After graduating she enrolled at Hunter College, where she intended to become a schoolteacher until she took an elementary physics class with Rosalyn Yalow, a future Nobel laureate, who urged her to consider a career in science.

“She was a very domineering person,” Dr. Dresselhaus said in an interview in 2012. “She had definite ideas about everything.”
To kill a few. they call you a murder. To kill a million, they call you a conqueror, go figure!

The finding will ring true for men who have been egged on to do better in life by their domineering mothers.

 Goldman's $20 Million Consequence The Wall Street giant lost in arbitration. Now a federal judge says the firm should live with the findings.

 Is Consumer Panel Arbitrarily Funded? The president of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis raises some concerns about the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

the ultmate arbiter of his work

gerund or present participle: domineering
  1. assert one's will over another in an arrogant way.

    "Cathy had been a martyr to her gruff, domineering husband"

Tending to domineer; overbearing.

香港據法新社報導,聯合國一機構呼籲中國當局立即釋放諾貝爾和平獎得主劉曉波。聯合國任意拘押問題工作組(UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention)本週一(8月1日)通過人權組織“立即自由(Freedom Now)”公佈了一份簽署於今年5月5日的聲明。這一聯合國所屬的獨立工作機構在聲明中強調,剝奪劉曉波夫婦的自由是違反國際法的行為。聲明要求北京政府立即採取步驟,改善有關狀況,其中包括釋放劉曉波,並給予賠償。聲明呼籲聯合國秘書長潘基文參與對中國當局的這一呼籲。聯合國任意拘押問題工作組由來自5個國家的人權問題專家組成。
By TARA PARKER-POPE Questions have been raised about some popular brands of sunscreen, but some experts say a new rating system is arbitrary.

Google Is Europe’s Accidental Arbiter of Internet Privacy

The search giant is now at the forefront of Europe’s enforcement of Internet privacy, with the power to police search results.

Children outnumbered by over-60s

Bowls players   
The statistics point to the ageing nature of the UK's society

People aged over 60 in the UK outnumber children for the first time, according to official figures.
The Office of National Statistics (ONS) revealed 13,262,256 people were 60 or over in mid-2007 - up from 12,928,071 the previous year.
Meanwhile, the number of under-18s fell from 13,119,654 to 13,111,023 over the same time period.
Help the Aged said an older population would require social care reform and the end of "arbitrary" retirement ages.

go figure!

North American informal Said to express the belief that something is amazing orincredible:there’ll even (go figure) be an Elvis impersonator

arbitrary━━ a. 任意の, 勝手な; 気まぐれな; 専横な.

arbitrary (CHANCE)
based on chance rather than being planned or based on reason:
arbitrary decision-making
What guided your choice of destination or was it arbitrary?

We made the decision to go to Italy quite arbitrarily.

arbitrary (UNFAIR)
using unlimited personal power without considering other people's wishes:
an arbitrary ruler
The company has been the subject of an arbitrary take-over.

  1. Determined by chance, whim, or impulse, and not by necessity, reason, or principle: stopped at the first motel we passed, an arbitrary choice.
  2. Based on or subject to individual judgment or preference: The diet imposes overall calorie limits, but daily menus are arbitrary.
  3. Established by a court or judge rather than by a specific law or statute: an arbitrary penalty.
  4. Not limited by law; despotic: the arbitrary rule of a dictator.
[Middle English arbitrarie, from Latin arbitrārius, from arbiter, arbitr-, arbiter. See arbiter.]
arbitrarily ar'bi·trar'i·ly (-trâr'ə-lēadv.
arbitrariness ar'bi·trar'i·ness n.

SYNONYMS arbitrary, capricious, whimsical. These adjectives mean determined by or arising from whim or caprice rather than judgment or reason: an arbitrary decision; a capricious refusal; a whimsical remark.

v., -neered, -neer·ing, -neers. v.tr.
To rule over or control arbitrarily or arrogantly; tyrannize.

To exercise arbitrary or arrogant rule or control.
[動](自)(…を)独裁的に支配する, (…に)暴威をふるう((over ...));高くそびえ立つ.
[Dutch domineren, from French dominer, from Latin dominārī, to dominate. See dominate.]

domineeringly dom'i·neer'ing·ly adv.



money for arbitration発音を聞く例文帳に追加
仲裁金 - EDR日英対訳辞書
court of arbitration発音を聞く例文帳に追加
仲裁裁判所. - 研究社 新英和中辞典
the financial cost of arbitration発音を聞く例文帳に追加
仲裁金の額 - EDR日英対訳辞書
an arbitration proposal発音を聞く例文帳に追加
仲裁の立案 - EDR日英対訳辞書
law called an arbitration law発音を聞く例文帳に追加
調停法という法律 - EDR日英対訳辞書
仲裁の規定期間 - Weblio Email例文集
refer [submit] a dispute to arbitration発音を聞く例文帳に追加
争議を仲裁に付する[持ち込む]. - 研究社 新英和中辞典


Pronunciation: /ˈɑːbɪtə/


  • a person who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter:the Secretary of State is the final arbiter
  • a person whose views or actions have influence in a particular sphere:an arbiter of taste


late Middle English: from Latin, 'judge, supreme ruler'
