2017年1月22日 星期日

vainglory, localist, shrillness or pushiness, racism against their own people

Donald J. Trump spoke briefly about eradicating “radical Islamic extremism,” a cornerstone of his foreign policy. But he devoted more than twice as many words to the dispute over the turnout at his Inauguration.

The President’s remarks at Langley on Saturday, delivered in front of a hallowed memorial, stirred anger and astonishment among current and former agency officials.

Comment: "It is a terrible shame to see the same students who showed the world how eloquently peaceful, orderly and sustained a protest could be during the 79 days of Occupy... now support a barbarous mob of anti-China localists whose crude denunciations of the mainland go far beyond objections to central government policy and Communist Party ideology, shrilly descending into what can only be characterised as a peculiarly perverse form of racism against their own people." - Kent Ewing.

The volume of rubbish written and spoken about events that unfolded in…

戲作2005/3/30 RL每日一字vaunt 之類似字:VAINGLORY


━━ n. うぬぼれ; 虚栄(心), 見せびらかし.
vain・glorious  a.
vain・gloriously ad.
vain・glory ━━自誇, 虛榮, 自負
日本語 (Japanese) n. - 慢心, 虚栄心, 見え//n. うぬぼれ; 虚栄(心), 見せびらかし.

Middle English vein glory, from Old French vaine gloire, from Latin vāna glōria, empty pride : vāna, feminine of vānus, empty; see vain + glōria, glory, pride.]

Feeling or indicating vainglory; elated by vanity; boastful.
``Arrogant and vainglorious expression.'' --Sir M. Hale. --
By the 1990s, Mr Kennan seemed to change this view. He wanted America to withdraw from its public advocacy of democracy and human rights: "this whole tendency to see ourselves as the centre of political enlightenment and as teachers...strikes me as unthought-through, vainglorious, and undesirable." Behind this apparent shift, however, was the old George Kennan, who had always advocated caution, subtlety and patience in the use of power, without shrillness or pushiness, and had been proved right.

到了90 年代稍前, George Kennan 先生的看法似乎改變了。 他要美國從公然鼓吹、擁護民主和人權的做法退出:「這種整體傾向把美國看作為世界政治的啟蒙中心和想作為他國的老師...令我覺得這是未經深思的、虛榮的、對國家不利的。」這種明顯的變臉之後的思想源頭其實一直是老喬治・肯南的本色,他一貫主張;在應用權力時,務必戰戰兢兢、深諳微妙之道、和並要有耐心,而不要張楊、霸道,這些想法,事後都證實他是對的。(hc翻譯 The Economist)

1 having a loud and high sound that is unpleasant or painful to listen to:
She had a shrill high-pitched voice.

2 DISAPPROVING describes a way of arguing or criticizing that seems too forceful:
He launched a shrill attack on the Prime Minister.


noun [U]

The curious combination of Boswell's own character (he was vainglorious, a heavy drinker, and a libertine) and his genius at biography have intrigued later critics, many of whom conclude that he is the greatest biographer in Western literature. Misconduct led to poverty and ill health in his final years.
After Amelia's completation of studies at Miss Pinkerton's Academy, she invited her friend Becky to her home. It was there that Miss Sharp met with Amelia's lover George Osborne and her brother, Joseph Sedley, a clumsy and vainglorious official who serves in India.

Webster's 1913 Dictionary

Definition: \Vain`glo"ry\, n. [Vain + glory.]
Excessive vanity excited by one's own performances; empty
pride; undue elation of mind; vain show; boastfulness.

He had nothing of vainglory. --Bacon.

The man's undone forever; for if Hector break not his
neck i' the combat, he'll break't himself in vainglory.

Troiles and Cressida: Act 3.3 :Henry VI 1.1.179 Salisbury to Warwick.

WordNet Dictionary

Definition: [n] outspoken conceit

Synonyms: boastfulness

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vainglorious (vayn-GLOR-ee-uhs)

adjective: Filled with, exhibiting, or proceeding from excessive pride, especially in one's achievements or abilities.

From Latin vana gloria (empty pride), from vana, feminine of vanus (empty) + gloria (pride, glory).

"But some see James Cameron as a vainglorious auteur and seek to puncture his perceived pretension." — Nick Watt; Is the 'Avatar' Movie Making Viewers Nauseous?; ABC News (New York); Dec 18, 2009.