2023年5月20日 星期六

paradigm, diktat, raucous, blaspheme, reissues, come to an end, tired of endless pandemic diktats

His raucous lunches with friends and fellow writers like Ian McEwan, Julian Barnes, Salman Rushdie, Clive James, James Fenton and Mr. Hitchens were written up in the press and made other writers feel that they were on the outside looking in. He seemed to be having more fun than other people. His detractors considered him less a bad boy than a spoiled brat.

From WSJ Opinion: Americans are tired of endless pandemic diktats, and in Pennsylvania they showed it with a resounding electoral rebuke of Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf’s emergency powers. https://on.wsj.com/3yndgUO

“We are turning into Pakistan”
Modi’s government is extremely sensitive to criticism
Macedonia: 'Colorful Revolution' paints raucous rainbow

Bright colors are everywhere in downtown Skopje. Protests happen every
evening at 6, and people are demanding change in what has become known as
Macedonia's "Colorful Revolution," Kristina Ozimec reports from Skopje.

Best practices for the new innovation paradigm

In an online-only interview, MIT Sloan's Eric von Hippel, co-author of the article above, follows up with guidance on how to take advantage of the new innovation paradigm. Companies, he says, should systematically search for promising user innovation and provide "toolkits" to users to modify products. Read more >>

Revisiting Rock's Golden Era A recent rush of reissues, rock documentaries, biographies, memoirs and reunion tours breathes life into one of rock 'n' roll's most raucous times.

Rebels Claim They Have Captured Two Qaddafi Sons

Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s grip on power dissolved with astonishing speed as rebels marched into the capital and arrested two of his sons, while residents raucously celebrated the prospective end of his four-decade-old rule.

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The White House issued a statement saying that Colonel Qaddafi must recognize that his rule has come to an end.



  1. Rough-sounding and harsh: raucous laughter.
  2. Boisterous and disorderly: "the raucous give and take of American democracy" (Charles Kuralt).
[From Latin raucus.]
raucously rau'cous·ly adv.
raucousness rau'cous·ness or rau'ci·ty ('sĭ-tēn.

come to an end 
1. Conclude, terminate, as in the familiar proverb, All things come to an end, stated by Geoffrey Chaucer in Troilus and Cressida (c. 1374).
2. come to a bad endcome to no good. Have a bad outcome or die in an unpleasant way. For example, I always suspected this venture would come to no good, or Her parents feared he would come to a bad end.
3. come to or meet an untimely end. Die at a young age, terminate much sooner than desired or expected. For example, The blow was fatal, causing the young boxer to meet an untimely end, or Our partnership came to an untimely end when I became too ill to work. Also see dead end.

paradigm 集體的共同想法/範式..

diktat (dik-TAT)

1. An order or decree imposed without popular consent.
2. A harsh settlement imposed upon a defeated party.

From German Diktat (command, order), from Latin dictatum (something dictated), from dictare (to dictate), frequentative of dicere (to say). Ultimately from the Indo-European root deik- (to show, to pronounce solemnly), which is also the source of words such as judge, verdict, vendetta, revenge, indicate, dictate, paradigm, interdict and fatidic. Earliest documented use: 1922, in reference to the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, by Germany.

"Public participation in politics [in China] may not yet be approaching the raucousness in India, but it is equally incorrect to view the Chinese as obedient zombies silently following the State's every diktat." — Cultural Evolution; Hindustan Times (New Delhi, India); Dec 19, 2010.

dik·tat (dĭk-tät') pronunciation
  1. A harsh, unilaterally imposed settlement with a defeated party.
  2. An authoritative or dogmatic statement or decree.
[German, from Latin dictātum, from neuter past participle of dictāre, to dictate. See dictate.]

━━ n. (戦勝国による)絶対的命令.


━━ v. (神に対して)不敬なことを言う; …の悪口を言う.
blas・phem・er ━━ n.
blas・phe・mous ━━ a.
blas・phe・mous・ly ad.
〔blǽsfimi〕  ━━ n. 不敬, 冒涜(とく); 汚い言葉.
