2024年4月16日 星期二

milling,Tetrad, Big Bang. Total Solar Eclipse What to Know Cloud Outlook in Your Area How to Watch Safely

big bang

Sudden deregulation of financial markets. The best such example is the London "Big Bang" of 1986, acclaimed as a major step toward a single world financial market. It eliminated fixed-rate brokerage commissions and ownership limits on non-British firms.


  1. To move around in churning confusion: “A crowd of school children milled about on the curb looking scared” (Anne Tyler).
  2. Slang. To fight with the fists; box.
  3. To undergo milling.

on Page 88:
"A notable event here was the so-called `Big Bang' in the City of London, 27 October 1986, which replaced the age-old spectacle of jobbers milling on the Stock Exchange floor with an almost invisible, highly sophisticated computer-based network for dealers ... "

On April 8th, founders at the i-lab took a short break from working on their startups to collectively witness a partial solar eclipse.
Together, they shared moon pies, mars bars, and a mission: don’t look directly into the sun without your eclipse glasses.
Thank you for the pictures, Jorge Cortell!
#partialsolareclipse #2024eclipse #harvard

Tetrad may refer to:

500年來僅3次 「血色滿月」將降臨


據英國《鏡報》報導,所謂「連環四月蝕」,指的是在2年內連續有4個月份會發生月全蝕現象,而且月球表面會呈現紅銅色或暗紅色,因此被稱為血月(Blood Moon)。NASA也指出,「連環四月蝕」在歷史上相當罕見,500多年來僅出現過3次,就有專家研究發現,「連環四月蝕」出現的時候,歷史上都會出現重大事件。

研究血月的牧師梅吉(John Magee)就整理出「連環四月蝕」與3大歷史事件,包括1493~1494年的西班牙政權傾覆,猶太人遭驅逐出境。同一年,哥倫布發現美國新大陸。1949~1950年以色列復國。1967~1968年,以色列發生六日戰爭。


