2024年4月4日 星期四

sticker, sticker price/shock, overshoot, overrun, arteries, sticker album, tenacious, Get Over It

Diapers are a pricey, essential item for parents. Now, they're getting even more expensive, hurting low-income families already struggling with the pandemic's economic woes.


Health ministry officials are using the term to refer to an explosive spike in coronavirus infections.

Sticker Books for Grown-Ups: Inside a Publishing Incubator - WSJ

12 hours ago - The team creating a new line of Workman Publishing books is grappling with Madonna's mole. It is too small to work as a sticker for a “Paint by ...

U.K. Inflation Accelerates to Near Bank of England Limit
Gov. Mark Carney Will Have to Explain Potential Overshoot

Sam Kang Li for TIME

 Mr. Hosogai says he hopes such tenaciousness will help give Ota the drive to build a better bobsled. He also hopes to tap another cultural asset, Japan’s perfectionist obsession with quality.

Sticker Shock Over Amazon Growth
Amazon rang up robust sales in the holiday season, but the Internet company's increased expenses and a lukewarm profit forecast raised concerns about how it is navigating the line between growth and spending. Shares tumbled.

"Start every day with a smile, and get it over with." — W.C. Fields

Get Over It

1. Overcome, surmount, as in We have finally gotten over our biases"Late 1600s"
2. Recover from, as in I just got over the flu, or I hope the children get over their parents' divorce quickly[c. 1700] This usage sometimes appears as get over it, as on a bumper sticker following the 1992 presidential election: "Bush Lost, Get Over It."
3. Also, get over with. Complete, have done with, especially something unpleasant. For example, When I finally got the proofreading over, I was ready for a day off, or I'm glad to get all that dental work over with. It also is put as get it over with, as in I might as well sign the check and get it over with. The first usage dates from the late 1800s, the second from the early 1800s.

(stĭk'ər) pronunciation
  1. One that sticks, as a gummed or adhesive label or patch.
  2. A tenacious, diligent, or persistent person.
  3. A thorn, prickle, or barb.
  4. Something puzzling or bewildering, as a riddle.

sticker price


North American
the advertised retail price of an article.

sticker album is a book in which a person sticks collectable stickers in designated sections. Sticker album themes can be sporting events such as the FIFA World Cup or TV shows like Doctor Who.
The stickers are usually sold in blind packs, so the purchaser does not know which bumper stickers they are buying. This can mean a collector has to buy huge numbers of packs to complete their collection. Collectors get around this problem by swapping or selling their spares with other collectors. Panini, the largest producer of sticker books insist that they produce equal numbers of all the stickers in every collection. It has become increasing common to swap stickers banner and trading cards online on websites such as www.stickerpoints.com this quickly enables traders to complete the albums without the expense of buying multiple duplicate cards and stickers.


te • na • cious
1 ((叙述))(…を)しっかりつかんで離さない, 固執する((of ...))
be tenacious of memory
2 〈人が〉ねばり強い, 強情な.
3 保持する力の強い;〈記憶力が〉よい.
4 ねばりつく;結合力のある;粘着力のある, ねばっこい.

Fearful that it will become overrun with vehicles, the government has damped demand by making them expensive. The price of a BMW 320i sedan, for example, is around $140,000, more than three times its average U.S. sticker price.

 On June 22, 1940, during World War II, Adolf Hitler gained a stunning victory as France was forced to sign an armistice eight days after German forces overran Paris.


 v., -ran (-răn'), -run, -run·ning, -runs.
    1. To seize the positions of and defeat conclusively: The position of the forward infantry was overrun by large numbers of enemy troops at dawn.
    2. To spread or swarm over destructively: Locusts overran the prairie.
  1. To spread swiftly throughout: The new fashion overran the country.
  2. To overflow: The river overran its banks.
    1. To run beyond or past; overshoot: The plane overran the end of the runway.
    2. To run or extend beyond (a limit); exceed: Your speech has overrun the time limit.
  3. Printing.
    1. To rearrange or move (set type or pictures) from one column, line, or page to another.
    2. To set too much type for.
    3. To print (a job order) in a quantity larger than that ordered.
  1. To run over; overflow.
  2. To go beyond the normal or desired limit.
n. (ō'vər-rŭn')
  1. An act of overrunning.
  2. The amount by which something overruns.
    1. The exceeding of estimated costs for product development and manufacture covered by contract.
    2. The amount by which actual costs exceed estimates.
  3. Printing. A run over and above the quantity ordered by a customer.


[動](-ran, -run, 〜・ning)(他)
1 〈害虫・害獣が〉〈場所などに〉群がる, たかる;〈雑草が〉〈場所に〉はびこる.
2 …を走り越す;…を超過する;…にあふれ出す
The jet overran the runway.
Hospitals are overrun with patients.
3 〈国などを〉侵略する, 荒らす, 〈敵軍を〉撃破する, 壊滅させる.
4 〈思想・風潮などが〉…に急速に広まる.
5 《印刷》…を余分に刷る;〈文字・語句を〉次行[欄, ページ]へ送る.
6 《海事》〈停止点を〉うっかり通過する;〈寄港日程を〉予定より早く完了する.
7 ((〜 -self))走りすぎて疲れる.
1 あふれる, 洪水になる.
2 限度を越す;走り越す.
━━[名] 〔
1 超過(量);走り越すこと.
2 《印刷》送り.

Pronunciation: /ˌōvərˈSHo͞ot/
(past and past participle overshot) [with object]
  • go past (a point) unintentionally, especially through traveling too fast or being unable to stop:they overshot their intended destination [no object]:he had overshot by fifty yards but backed up to the junction
  • (of an aircraft) fly beyond or taxi too far along (the runway) when landing or taking off:he has overshot the landing strip again
  • exceed (a target or limit):the department may overshoot its cash limit


Pronunciation: /ˈōvərSHo͞ot/
an act of going past or beyond a point, target, or limit.

Emperor Hadrian gave orders to build his mausoleum in 135 AD on the model of the funerary monument of the first emperor of Rome, Octavian Augustus.
The construction has spanned almost twentieth centuries and will celebrate its nineteen hundred years of history in 2035.
The Hadrian mole, as it was called at the time of ancient Rome, was a privileged witness to the history of this extraordinary city and thanks to its structure and strategic position it did not suffer the fate of ancient monuments, but was integrated from time to time into the daily life in Rome, adapting to the needs of the city.

