2018年2月26日 星期一

push, internship, withdrawal, recall, disavow, hijink, high jink, retract itsApple Exposé

Trump Seems to Retreat on Some Promises

In an interview with The New York Times, President-elect Trump offered the Clintons an olive branch, said he would keep an “open mind” on a climate accord and disavowed the alt-right.
Google goes Hollywood with 'The Internship'
Amidst the comedic hijinks, the film indeed delivers a picture of a kind and gentle Google, a company that offers free food and exercise classes and is in every respect the place you'd like to work. Various Google products get plugs in the film, and co ...

U.S. Disavows 2 Drone Strikes Over Pakistan

Officials' best guess is that Pakistan carried out one or both of the strikes and blamed the C.I.A., a striking reversal from years past, when the Pakistani Army would falsely claim responsibility to mask American drone activities.

This American Life host Ira Glass in New York City in 2011. Photo by Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for The Webby Awards
In a surprising turn of events, This American Life announced this afternoon that it is retracting its exposé of the working conditions at Apple’s factories in China. The show will address the retraction in this week’s episode, in which they’ll devote an entire hour to the subject. The episode will go up tonight, a couple days earlier than most episodes, which are usually posted on Sunday. They explained the decision on the episode’s page:
Regrettably, we have discovered that one of our most popular episodes was partially fabricated. This week, we devote the entire hour to detailing the errors in "Mr. Daisey Goes to the Apple Factory," Mike Daisey’s story about visiting Foxconn, an Apple supplier factory in China. Rob Schmitz, a reporter for Marketplace, raises doubts on much of Daisey's story . . . Ira also talks with Mike Daisey about why he misled This American Life during the fact-checking process. And we end the show separating fact from fiction, when it comes to Apple's manufacturing practices in China.
In a statement on his website, monologist Mike Daisey, whose one-man show provided the basis for the episode, explained that he was standing by his work:
My show is a theatrical piece whose goal is to create a human connection between our gorgeous devices and the brutal circumstances from which they emerge. It uses a combination of fact, memoir, and dramatic license to tell its story, and I believe it does so with integrity …

What I do is not journalism. The tools of the theater are not the same as the tools of journalism. For this reason, I regret that I allowed THIS AMERICAN LIFE to air an excerpt from my monologue. THIS AMERICAN LIFE is essentially a journalistic ­- not a theatrical ­- enterprise, and as such it operates under a different set of rules and expectations. But this is my only regret. I am proud that my work seems to have sparked a growing storm of attention and concern over the often appalling conditions under which many of the high-tech products we love so much are assembled in China.
In another statement on the radio show’s blog, host Ira Glass insisted, “Our program adheres to the same journalistic standards as the other national shows … in this case, we did not live up to those standards.”
But while This American Life has been putting out great work for years, the idea that it’s “essentially a journalistic . . . enterprise” seems debatable. The show frequently excerpts and reproduces fictional short stories, pieces of memoir, and stories told at storytelling events like those held by The Moth.

In fact, this isn’t the first time This American Life has been the subject of an unsolicited fact-check. Writing for Slate in 2008, Jack Shafer found that a Malcolm Gladwell story from The Moth, reproduced on an episode of This American Life, was “mostly bunk.” That story recounted (supposed) personal hijinks of Gladwell’s, and didn’t take on one of the world’s largest and most admired corporations, so perhaps different standards apply.

Those standards, in any case, continue to be debated. This American Life’s retraction comes amidst an ongoing debate about whether nonfiction storytellers, when they’re not calling themselves journalists, are bound to tell the truth. Creative nonfiction luminary John D’Agata has defended writers' right to fudge the truth in his book The Lifespan of a Fact, co-written with fact-checker Jim Fingal. (Dan Kois expressed mixed feelings about the book when reviewing it for Slate.) D’Agata’s book brought to mind, for many, the various partly true memoirs of the last ten years.

For more on this story, head over to This American Life’s press release. To read the investigation that led to the retraction, stay tuned for Rob Schmitz’s story for Marketplace. For more on working conditions at Apple’s suppliers, read the New York Times’s special report.

Fallout From Fatigue Syndrome Retraction Is Wide

As the published evidence for the source of chronic fatigue syndrome fell apart, a legal melodrama erupted, dismaying and demoralizing patients and many members of the scientific community.

召回大使 可用 recall ... to 或withdraw

Egypt withdraws ambassador from Israel over police deaths

Obama: Afghan Buildup Will Be Temporary
By pushing hard for a surge but also vowing to begin withdrawal in 18 months, the president attempts to push a middle ground that leaves him vulnerable to attacks from all sides.

GM CEO Pushed Out
The automaker's board didn't believe that a 25-year veteran of the company could really usher in the changes it needed. His bad relationship with the chairman seems to have sealed the deal.

A 22-year-old New Zealander flew to the other side of the world to take up a prestigious (unpaid) UN internship in Geneva, but couldn't afford to live: "I want to make it clear that no person forced me to sleep in a tent"

Image for the news result
Flags in front of the UN headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. Accommodation rents in the ...

Internship - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


An internship is a job training for white-collar and professional careers. Internships for professional careers are similar in some ways to apprenticeships for trade ...

千葉県銚子市長のリコール成立 市立総合病院診療休止問題 - MSN産経 ...


千葉県銚子市の市立総合病院の診療休止をめぐり、住民らが起こした岡野俊昭市長(63 )のリコール(解職請求)の賛否を問う住民投票が29日、投開票された。市長の解職に

  1. To ask or order to return: recalled all workers who had been laid off.
  2. To summon back to awareness of or concern with the subject or situation at hand.
  3. To remember; recollect. See synonyms at remember.
  4. To cancel, take back, or revoke.
  5. To bring back; restore.
  6. To request return (of a product) to the manufacturer, as for necessary repairs or adjustments.
n. (also 'kôl')
  1. The act of recalling or summoning back, especially an official order to return.
  2. A signal, such as a bugle call, used to summon troops back to their posts.
  3. The ability to remember information or experiences.
  4. The act of revoking.
    1. The procedure by which a public official may be removed from office by popular vote.
    2. The right to employ this procedure.
  5. A request by the manufacturer of a product that has been identified as defective to return it, as for necessary repairs or adjustments.
recallable re·call'a·ble adj.

high jinks or hijinks [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]. —n. lively enjoyment. hijinks or hijinks.

Definition of high jinks

  • boisterous fun:high jinks behind the wheel of a car


late 17th century: see jink

Pronunciation: /dʒɪŋk/

Definition of jink

[no object]
  • change direction suddenly and nimbly, as when dodging a pursuer:she was too quick for him and jinked away every time


  • a sudden quick change of direction: people remember him for his runs on the wing, his jinks


late 17th century (originally Scots as high jinks, denoting antics at drinking parties): probably symbolic of nimble motion. Current senses date from the 18th century

(wĭTH-drô', wĭth-) pronunciation

v., -drew (-drū'), -drawn (-drôn'), -draw·ing, -draws. v.tr.
    1. To take back or away; remove.
    2. To remove (money) from an account.
    3. To turn away (one's gaze, for example).
    4. To draw aside: withdrew the curtain.
    1. To remove from consideration or participation: withdrew her application; withdrew his son from the race.
    2. To recall or retract: withdrew the accusation.
    1. To move or draw back; retire.
    2. To retreat from a battlefield.
    1. To remove oneself from active participation: withdrew from the competition.
    2. To become detached from social or emotional involvement.
  1. To recall or remove a motion from consideration in parliamentary procedure.
    1. To discontinue the use of an addictive substance.
    2. To adjust physiologically and mentally to this discontinuation.
[Middle English withdrawen : with, away from; see with + drawen, to pull; see draw.]
withdrawable with·draw'a·ble adj.
withdrawer with·draw'er n.

  • [wiðdrɔ'ː, wiθ-]
[動](-drew 〔-drú-〕, -drawn 〔-drn〕)(他)[III[名]([副])]
1 …を(…から)引っ込める((from ...))
withdraw oneself from ...
withdraw one's eyes from a scene
2 〈人を〉(学校などから)退かせる;〈軍隊などを〉(…から)引き揚げる, 撤退させる;〈預金などを〉(銀行などから)引き出す((from ...))
withdraw savings from an account
口座から預金をおろす(▼×the withdrawn money「引き出した金」とはいわない)
withdraw a son from school
withdraw troops from a position
3 〈約束・命令・申し出などを〉取り消す, 撤回する;〈訴訟を〉取り下げる;〈特権・恩恵などを〉取り上げる, (…から)取り戻す((from ...))
withdraw an order
withdraw a scholarship from a person
4 〈通貨などを〉(…から)回収する, 取り除く((from ...))
withdraw soiled banknotes from circulation
withdraw a name from a list
1I([副])](…から;…へ)退く, 引き下がる, 引っ込む, 立ち去る((from;into, to ...))
withdraw into one's room
withdraw into silence
2I([副])](活動・競争などから)身を引く, 隠退する;〈軍隊などが〉(…から)退去[撤退, 撤兵]する;(学校を)やめる, 受講をやめる;(会などから)脱退する((from ...))
withdraw from politics
withdraw from a war
The program's sponsors withdrew.
3 前言[約束]を取り消す, 提案[動議など]を撤回する.
4 (催眠薬・麻薬などの)使用をやめる, 断つ((from ...))
withdraw from cocaine

(rĭ-trăk'shən) pronunciation
  1. The act of retracting or the state of being retracted.
    1. The act of recanting or disavowing a previously held statement or belief.
    2. A formal statement of disavowal.
    3. Something recanted or disavowed.
  2. The power of drawing back or of being drawn back.


  • [ritrǽkt]
1 〈意見・法令・約束を〉撤回する, 引っ込める
refuse to retract one's insults
2 《チェス》〈こまを〉元に戻す, 待ったをかける.


dis • a • vow
disavowed (過去形) • disavowed (過去分詞) • disavowing (現在分詞) • disavows (三人称単数現在)
[動](他)((形式))…を拒否する, 知らないと言う;…の責任を否定する;…との関係を否認する.
