2016年10月8日 星期六

numismatics, sterile

Michel Prieur, a numismatist, called the euro's design sterile.
Julien Goldstein for The New York Times

No Fireworks for Euro’s 10th Birthday

As the currency ends its first decade, the word “euro” in a headline is usually paired with the word “crisis.” Michel Prieur, a numismatist, called the euro’s design sterile.

Image for the news result
Alphabet Inc.'s health technology company, Verily Life Sciences LLC, is joining the fight ...

  1. 1.
    not able to produce children or young.
    "the disease had made him sterile"
  2. 2.
    free from bacteria or other living microorganisms; totally clean.
    "a sterile needle and syringes"


('mĭz-măt'ĭks, -mĭs-, nyū'-) pronunciation
(used with a sing. verb) The study or collection of money, coins, and often medals.

numismatist nu·mis'ma·tist (nū-mĭz'mə-tĭst, -mĭs'-, nyū-) n.
