2024年2月21日 星期三

hidebound, bruit. Domestic helper. Homework Helpers/ therapists

Domestic helper Joan Sarmiento Guting was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 2017 and died the following year.

Watch: In “Twilight’s Kiss,” a 70-year-old Hong Kong taxi driver and a retiree try to find love together — a look at a hidden romance that comes late and is burdened by a lifetime of hidebound norms.

Marriage is becoming less hidebound, less dutiful and less obligatory—but even more important From the archive

Marriage is becoming less hidebound, less dutiful and less obligatory—but even more important

bruited by herself

Homework Helpers Who Solve More Than Math Problems

“Homework therapists” deal in an amalgam of schoolwork and counseling, offering academic and psychological support.

The World Bank Is Remaking Itself as a Creature of Wall Street

Jim Yong Kim, the World Bank’s president, is trying to revitalize a hidebound institution. But his embrace of Wall Street is controversial.

As an old (emphasis on old) Dylan fan, I was knocked off my chair by the news he had won the literature prize — a possibility that had been bruited hopefully about for years, but who knew? Everything that has happened and not happened since has cemented in my mind the first thought I had that day: The Nobel Prize needs Bob Dylan more than Bob Dylan needs the Nobel Prize.

The Nobel Prize is the most honored and prestigious award in the world, but lately I fear it has seemed more and more hidebound, and in danger of being strangled by its own rules.

To start with, there is the rule, which is not in the will, that no more than three people can share a prize. That anchors the Nobels in a bygone romantic era of the myth of the lone genius.
Modern science, however, is an internet blur of competition and collaboration. That means that no matter how well the Nobel committees do their homework, somebody is often left out in a kind of intellectual triage.

  1. unwilling or unable to change because of tradition or convention.
    "they are working to change hidebound corporate cultures"

past tense: bruited; past participle: bruited
  1. spread (a report or rumour) widely.
