2016年10月18日 星期二

banter, egg someone on, scot, scot-free, lawless, double standard

In an interview with CNN, Melania Trump stated that her husband was “egged on” into “boy talk”. But such talk can pave the way to harassment and assault. Research on fraternities and sports teams suggests that banter can make sexual assaults more likely

"And I applaud, I mean I value, I egg you on in, your study of the American life that surrounds you. Let yourself go in it & at it—it’s an untouched field, really: the folk who try, over there, don’t come within miles of any civilized, however superficially, any “evolved” life.

【情何以堪:對自擲千蛋的雙重標準】 文:山地媽

// 「浪費食物又無聊!放她下鍋煎人肉煎餅啦!她怎配做母親?這種身教真是會教壞小孩!一千個雞蛋可以餵飽幾多個非洲饑童?學人做行為藝術嗎?真想揍她!倒不如絕食啦!」

為甚麼與政治有關的舉動,就要用近乎潔癖的標準去量度,大家忽然很關心抗爭行為環不環保、浪不浪費,而當類似舉動出現在公仔箱時,就忽然收起道德量尺,輕輕鬆鬆地覺得很搞笑、很 entertaining?//


Police cautions get a bad rap in Britain. Many people, egged on by the tabloids, believe these warnings for minor offences allow criminals to walk away scot-free, leaving victims dissatisfied with an apparent lack of justice. Now, the government, keen to look tough ahead of next year's election, wants to try scrapping them http://econ.st/145shvl

The Mortgage Fraud Fraud

The banks get off scot-free, while the small fry go to prison. That's how this Justice Department gets tough on mortgage fraud. It's shameful.

The investment banks that helped Enron managers conceal from the markets and the investing public that the company was essentially a huge fraud, could get off scot-free, Ben Stein writes in The New York Times.

Law and lawlessness in America

The clearing of various Occupy Wall Street camps around the US reveals a double standard, writes James Galbraith. Legal protesters are hit with the full force of the law, while criminal bankers remain scot-free.

  1. 1.
    the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.
    "there was much good-natured banter"
  1. 1.
    exchange remarks in a good-humoured teasing way.
    "the men bantered with the waitresses"


Line breaks: egg


[WITH OBJECT] (egg someone on)
Encourage someone to do something foolish or risky:he liked to boast and she would egg him on shamelessly

  1. Without having to pay: got away from the restaurant scot-free.
  2. Without incurring any penalty or punishment: came away from the incident scot-free.
scot-free scot'-free' adj.
[名][U]《英国史》支払い, 割り前, 負担額 pay scot and lot割当税を払う(▼これで投票権を得た).
[名]1 スコットランド人. ⇒SCOTCH[形]2 スコット族(の一人):6世紀ごろ英国に渡って来たゲール人の一種族.[もとは後ラテン語Scott(アイルランド人)]
[形]((略式))害を受けない, 無傷の, 罰を免れた go [get off, get away, escape] scot-free無罪放免になる.:  completely free from obligation, harm, or penalty

(skŏt) pronunciation
Money assessed or paid.

[Middle English, tax, partly from Old Norse skot and partly from Old French escot, of Germanic origin.]
