2022年2月12日 星期六

carnival, Gotham, open-air festival, 2022 Venice Carnival

2022 Venice Carnival began on
February 12
Carnival of Venice
Carnevale di Venezia
Venice Carnival - Masked Lovers (2010).jpg
The Venetian carnival tradition is most famous for its distinctive masks
Inaugurated1979 (modern event)
FounderCity of Venice
AttendanceUp to 3 million

Uruguayans participate in Montevideo's famous llamadas, an annual parade hailed as a celebration of African heritage and the highlight of the capital's carnival.


It’s carnival time! From Oruro in Bolivia, through Recife in Brazil, Barranquilla in Colombia, El Callao in Venezuela, to Belgium and Austria, Croatia and Hungary, many festivities figure on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity for you to discover and enjoy!
Find out more here: http://on.unesco.org/2mpWJOe
It’s carnival time! The exact dates of these traditional celebrations vary from one year to the next but they usually begin just before the Christian observance of Lent between February and early March. They generally start…

Gotham is finding out the hard way that free and open Internet access is ripe for abuse. 
New York City’s street-corner Internet plans are being curtailed because…
This week in Inbox: you can hear about the Carnival of Cultures – a
four-day open-air festival when Berlin pays tribute to its multicultural
spirit. The centerpiece of the colorful festivities is the carnival parade
on Sunday, which brings a bit of Rio de Janeiro into the streets of the
German capital!

The DW-WORLD Article


 ━━ n. 謝肉祭, カーニバル ((Lent前の祭り)); 祝祭, お祭り騒ぎ; 巡業ショー.

The Venetian Macao, not Venetian festivals

在電視看到這家的建構 six months to go....
到開張首月百萬人 財源滾滾


Masks Are Mandatory

Masks Are Mandatory

Marc Jacobs hosted his annual company holiday party at Gotham Hall. The theme was Venetian Carnivale, and guests got into the spirit with an extravagant display of elaborate costumes.

Venetian festivals are held in cities in Europe and North America. They are based on carnival, or carnevale, the period just before Lent, as celebrated in 1600s in Venice, Italy. Venetian festivals re-create the fantasy of the earlier events with food, costumes, masks, music, theater, juggling and other spectacles. The masks and costumes are worn by people who often travel from other countries to attend and perform (or parade) in these festivals. The elaborate costumes and masks are handmade by artisans from various countries. Many involve male and female or group versions and are based on old Venetian characters and costumes.

Nickname for New York City; Washington Irving gave the name Gotham to New York City in his Salmagundi Papers (1807). A village in Nottinghamshire, England, associated in folklore with insanity. A fictional city, the hometown of Batman.
