2020年4月6日 星期一

interstitial, pancreas, hormone, hormone leptin, pancreatic cancer/drug

4月4日上午12:30 ·
“The virus can’t live by itself, right? It needs our genes and proteins in order to live and to replicate.”
A pancreatitis drug is one of several drug candidates that aim to thwart the novel #coronavirus by targeting a different host: us.

These drugs don’t target the coronavirus—they target us
Scientists are testing dozens of compounds that might inhibit infection by blocki

An experimental device to help people with diabetes is close to becoming reality, but a new study suggests that tests have largely ignored minorities. 

Failure to include minority patients may lead to gaps in knowledge or delay its use

Really?: Gum Disease Tied to Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Some new studies suggest a link between poor gum health and cancer, and researchers hope that gum disease may help identify people at greater risk.

Obese Children Less Sensitive to Taste

A connection is not clear, but German researchers suggested that the hormone leptin might affect both body weight and taste buds.

間質性膀胱炎(interstitial cystitis, IC),是一種會造成尿急/頻尿(urgency/frequency
)和/或骨盆腔疼痛(pelvic pain)的臨床症狀症候群。它是膀胱的一種慢性炎性病變 ...

Patrick Swayze: He Had the Looks, and the Moves

By Richard Corliss
Actor Patrick Swayze, a romantic idol to millions, has died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 57

'Major win' in pancreatic cancer fight http://bbc.in/1XpvdfO

A new combination of chemotherapy drugs should become the main therapy for pancreatic cancer, say UK researchers.


n. - 胰腺    すいぞう 膵臓
膵臓炎 pancreatitis.


  • バイオ人工膵臓
  • bioartificial pancreas
  • ヒト膵臓
  • human pancreas
  • ホルモンを過剰に産生する膵臓の腫瘍
  • pancreatic tumor that produces excessive levels of the hormone
  • ラット膵臓腺房細胞
  • rat pancreatic acinus
  • 伝染性膵臓壊死症
  • infectious pancreatic necrosis

in·ter·sti·tial (ĭn'tər-stĭshəl) pronunciation
  1. Relating to, occurring in, or affecting interstices.
  2. Anatomy. Relating to or situated in the small, narrow spaces between tissues or parts of an organ: interstitial cells; interstitial fluid.
━━ n. 【結晶】侵入型.
interstitial cell 【組織】間(質)細胞.
interstitial-cell-stimulating hormone 【生化】間(質)細胞刺激ホルモン ((略 ICSH)).
interstitial compound 【化】侵入型化合物.

in'ter·stitial·ly adv.

2009年12月17日 ... 志賀 葉子さん(しが・ようこ、本名白銀小浪=しろがね・こなみ=歌人)11月12日 午前6時、間質性肺炎のため千葉市の病院で死去、88歳。朝鮮半島生まれ。葬儀は 済ませた。喪主は夫彦太郎(ひこたろう)氏。(2009/12/17-13:03)
一般的認為間質性肺炎(IIP)又稱肺纖維化(IPE)、纖維性肺泡炎(CFA)。本病在國內外還會有其他病名,但是這些病名都是一個繫列的性質相同的病,隻是在病情的進展過程 ...

  • 発音記号[léptin]
