2016年12月23日 星期五

condemn, sacrilegious, damn, sacrilege, rile, rub sb the wrong way

Oakmont Country Club has cut down 7,500 trees since it last hosted the U.S. Open—a once sacrilegious move that has blazed a trail for other golf courses.

Op-Ed: An Assault on the Amazon

Brazil’s agribusiness interests are pushing for a law that would condemn vast areas of the Amazon rainforest to extermination.
The lawyer of an engineer jailed in Abu Dhabi for insulting Islam by referring to “damn” mosques has insisted a UAE court look up the word in the Oxford English Dictionary.

The Briton, an engineer who was in charge of a project to build gardens around mosques, is alleged to have asked a colleague “When will we finish with the damn mosques?” according to a police report.

But the lawyer of the engineer this week asked a translator during the trial to look up the meaning of the word “damn.

“The first meaning for the word ‘damned’ says: ‘According to Christianity, a damned (person) is someone who God is angered with forever... the second meaning says ‘damn’ can be used for strong criticism in an unofficial way and is a way of expressing anger,” read out the translator at the Appeals Court, according to a report from The National.

“You were accused of saying ‘damn mosques’ during a meeting, what do you say about that,” the Appeals Court judge asked the engineer, the newspaper reported.

But the defense lawyer interrupted, saying the evidence was invalid and that the case should be dropped.

“We have to carry out our procedures and ask the defendant,” the judge replied. “Are you afraid he will say something now that will give us proof? He has already been questioned in court before.”

The Briton, named JM by the newspaper, has pleaded not guilty to insulting Islam and said he respects the religion.

“I said it out of concern for the project because I wanted to be ready as soon as possible,” he said at the appeal trial, after already being sentenced to a month in prison by the Misdemeanor Court.

The Appeals Court and will announce its new verdict on April 30, the newspaper stated.

(Written by Eman El-Shenawi)

To visit the town of Whitstable, in the southeastern corner of England, without a raging appetite would be a near-sacrilegious waste. Its cuisine is inescapably fixed on the fruits of the nearby sea. Left, traditional shops on Harbour street.

The Sportsman, a pub on Whitstable's wild outskirts, was awarded a Michelin star last year.

For plenty of Germans, especially up north, the contention that Munich is the place to be could verge on sacrilege. This city polarizes, riles people up like nowhere else in a country of long-established regional rivalries. Its premier soccer team, Bayern Munich, is the dominant Yankees-style club people love to hate. Something about Munich’s affluence, its self-satisfaction, its strong Bavarian identity and its Catholicism seems to rub the rest of the country the wrong way.

US allows UN Security Council to condemn Israeli settlements

U.N. Votes to Condemn Israel Settlements as U.S. Abstains

  • The Obama administration allowed the Security Council to adopt a resolution that condemns Israeli settlement construction.
  • The decision not to veto broke an American tradition of serving as Israel’s diplomatic shield, and defied pressure by President-elect Donald J. Trump and Israel.

noun [S or U]━ n. (聖物・聖所に対する)不敬, 冒涜(ぼうとく)(行為); ((一般に)) 罰当たり.
(an act of) treating something holy or important without respect:
[+ to infinitive] Muslims consider it sacrilege to wear shoes inside a mosque.
It would be a sacrilege to put a neon sign on that beautiful old building.

sacrilegious practices/actsrile
to make angry:
Don't let her rile you.

rub sb up the wrong way UK (US rub sb the wrong way)
to annoy someone without intending to:
As soon as they met they started to rub each other up the wrong way.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[kəndém]
1III[名]([副])/V[名]as[名][[形]]]〈人・行為を〉(…であると)非難する, 責める, とがめる((for ...)). ⇒BLAME(他)1
condemn a person's conduct
condemn a person for his error
condemn violence as evil
She condemned the attack of defenseless citizens.
2III[名]([副])]〈人に〉(…の件で)有罪の判決をする((for ...));(…の)刑を宣告する((to ...));[V[名]to do]〈人に〉(…する刑を)宣告する
condemn a murderer to death
The judge condemned the criminal to remain in prison for life.
3III[名]([副])]〈人に〉(苦しい状態を)強要する, 運命づける((to ...));[V[名]to do]〈人に〉無理に(…)させる, (…するよう)運命づける(▼to doの形が好まれる)
He was condemned to live a life of loneliness.
4III[名]/V[名]as[名][[形]]]〈物を〉(不良品と)決定する, 廃棄処分に決める;〈建物などを〉(安全性の点で)使用禁止にする;〈密輸品などを〉没収する
This exhaust system has been condemned as unfit for trucks.
5 〈表情・言葉などが〉…を非難すべき根拠となる, …の有罪を証する.
6 〈病人を〉不治と宣言する, 見放す.
7 ((米))〈財産・土地を〉(公共の使用のため)接収[収用]する.
[古フランス語←ラテン語condemnāre (con-完全に+demnāre非難する). △DAMN
[形]非難すべき, とがめるべき.

[形]神聖を汚す, 冒涜(ぼうとく)的, 神を恐れない, 不信心の.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
  • 発音記号[dǽm]
1 〈人・事・物を〉悪い[だめ, けしからぬ]と決めつける;〈批評家などが〉〈作品を〉失敗作だと評する, けなす, こきおろす.
2 〈人・前途などを〉破滅させる, だめにする
I damned myself when I opposed my boss.
3 〈神が〉〈人間を〉地獄に落とす, 永遠の罰に処する.
4 ((略式))…をのろう, ののしる
Damn you!
God damn him!
Damn your foolishness!
Damn this weather!
Damn me, but I'll go.
━━(自)“damn”と言う, のろう.
as near as damn it
damn it
しまった, ちくしょう, いまいましい
Damn it, I love you.
こんなにかわいがっているのに, なんてこった.
damn ... with faint praise
━━[間]((俗))((怒り・当惑・嫌悪))こんちくしょう, くそっ. ▼damnなど宗教に関する語はののしりに使うことが多い.
1 ((のろい・強調))“damn”という語を発すること;のろい, ののしり.
2 ((a 〜))((否定文))ほんの, 少しも
be not worth a damn
I don't care a damn for anyone.
I don't care a damn (if you like me or not).
give a damn
((否定文))((略式))気にする(care);関心を持つ, 重視する
do not give a damn about
I don't give a damn whether he comes or not.
damn all
She knew damn all about cooking.
damn thing
This damn thing is broken.
damn well
ちゃんと, たしかに;絶対に.
[古フランス語←ラテン語damnāre (damnum損害+-āre不定詞語尾). △DAMAGE


Violating what is considered sacred.

From Middle English, from Old French, from Latin sacrilegium, from sacrilegus (one who steals sacred thing), from scar, from sacer (sacred) + -legere (to gather, steal)

The word has no etymological connection to "religious" though its pronunciation has altered due to its similarity with the latter. It comes from the same Indo-European root (sak- : to sanctify) as the words saint, consecrate, and sacred.

"A media buyer for a company whose clients include Volkswagen, Fidelity and McDonald's told the Journal: `I don't think you will see any of our clients advertising during the special 9/11 coverage on the TV networks.' Here you have companies -- some of them pillars of the economy -- saying, in effect, that there is something inherently vulgar about commerce, perhaps even sacrilegious." — Tunku Varadarajan, No Television Ads This 9/11?, The Wall Street Journal (New York), Jul 31, 2002.

"The chief executive, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, says the government believes in complete freedom of the press but it would not allow the publication of any derogatory and sacrilegious material. Condemning the publication of an outrageous and sacrilegious letter in an English language daily of Peshawar, he said stern action would be taken against those responsible. Firm action under the law has already been taken and offenders will be proceeded against strictly in accordance with the law." — Radio Pakistan (Islamabad), Jan 30, 2001.
