2021年2月8日 星期一

supremacy, savior / saviour, bid, vetitive, unsurprisingly

Republicans are unsurprisingly going to let their lord and savior get away with everything.

Indians are the fourth largest consumers of online porn. The country's most searched term on porn sites? Wife http://econ.st/1OG96wA

The internet blew the porn industry’s business model apart
Its response holds lessons for other media firms.


Motley Fool - USA
By Tim Beyers The battle for mobile supremacy is getting more serious by the day, thanks to Google (Nasdaq: GOOG). Last week, the company announced the ...
1.on Page 4:
" ... become a more or less permanent enemy, and certainly a constant rival in the battle for supremacy overseas. The scale of conflict was also novel. The Nine Years War (1688-97 ... "
2.on Page 18:
"leaving the way open for a new era of Walpolian supremacy, or as his opponents were to term it'Robinocracy'. I m Sickness and Death Contemporaries, of course, could not be expected ... "
3.on Page 26:
"theory the Whig supremacy continued unabated. In practice Walpole subtly transformed the basis of the Hanoverian regime"
4.on Page 27:
" ... Ireland had not lost its Parliament but in practice rarely challenged the supremacy of Westminster"
5.on Page 30:
" ... which it posed Walpole. Even without these internal strains, the Whig supremacy faced considerable opposition"
6.on Page 56:
"Politically, their supremacy was rarely challenged in towns of any size, and even in many rural parishes they more nearly represented the ruling class than ... "
7.on Page 88:
" ... mercantilist one. Colonies which declined to accept the full extent of parliamentary supremacy were not merely worthless"
8.on Page 97:
" ... which was to endure, albeit uneasily, until 1867. In many ways, Pitt's supremacy had a very traditional appearance"


━━ n. 至高, 最高; 主権, 至上権, 覇権.
 su・prem・a・cist ━━ n. (特定集団・人種についての)至上主義者.

supreme (GREATEST) 
very great or best:
She was awarded a medal for showing supreme courage/bravery.
For me, dieting requires a supreme effort of will.

Wales are supremely confident of winning the match.

noun [U]
when someone or something is the best:
a struggle for supremacy
This victory clearly proves the supremacy of the West Indies in world cricket.

University of Essex
Could Facebook be the new conservation saviour? Jon Chamberlain's research explains all. bit.ly/1Gxeezl


1. Relating to a veto.
2. Having the power to forbid.

From Latin vetare (to forbid).

"The only case in which our executives have a real vetitive power, is the case of pardon, and most unfortunately it is used in an alarming degree, against the supremacy of the law and the stability of the right -- both essential to civil liberty." — Francis Lieber; On Civil Liberty and Self-government; 1853.

It was convenient, to say the least, that Mr Lo ran a port, a highway to China, and even a plastic-bag company. But scepticism was waved aside. In new democratising Myanmar, the generals’ saviour remained a man of influence and honour. In Yangon a splendid tombstone was designed for him.

Taiwan "saviour" says lining up AIG unit bid
TAIPEI, Aug 30 (Reuters) - A former Taiwanese diplomat who says he wants to "save" American International Group's (AIG.N) Taiwan unit from being bought by a ...


sav・ior, ((主に英))-iour〔séivir〕

1 救済者, 救い手
the savior of the country
2 ((the S-, our S-))救い主, 救世主:キリストの称号. ▼この意味では((米))でもSaviourとつづることが多い.
