2016年4月14日 星期四

steelyard, yardstick, working- and middle-class, yardstick to measure

「尊重人權等於是為我們自己提供一面明鏡,客觀地映照出我們在過去幾世紀以來究竟進步了多少,未來又有多長遠的路要走。對於人權的尊重就是一把尺,讓我們藉以衡量生命。」 - 美國國務卿約翰‧凱瑞。
“… Respect for human rights provides the truest mirror that we have of ourselves, the most objective test of how we have come over the centuries, and how far we still have to go. It is a yardstick by which we can measure life itself.” - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry
Want to know about the state of ‪#‎HumanRights‬ around the globe? Check out the @ Department of State’s 2015 Human Rights Reporthttp://www.state.gov/…/r…/hrrpt/humanrightsreport/index.htm…

British Museum

Weighing up the options? Today's ‪#‎MysteryObject‬ is a Roman steelyard used for weighing food http://ow.ly/ObwH2

working- and middle-class, yardstick to measure

President-elect Barack Obama's creation of a task force to improve the standard of living of middle-class families. The White House Task Force on Working Families will be led by Vice President-elect Joe Biden and will include several cabinet secretaries as well as economic officials from various government agencies. "Our charge is to look at existing and future policies across the board and use a yardstick to measure how they are impacting the working- and middle-class families," Biden said yesterday.

noun [C]
a fact or standard by which you can judge the success or value of something:
Productivity is not the only yardstick of success.

Definition of yardstick in English:


1A measuring rod a yard long, typically divided into inches.

1.1A standard used for comparison:league tables are not the only yardstick of schools' performance

steelyardLine breaks: steel|yard
Pronunciation: /ˈstiːljɑːd/

Definition of steelyard in English:


Image of steelyard
An apparatusfor weighingthat has a short arm taking the item to be weighedand a longgraduated arm along which a weight is moved until itbalances.
