2016年8月26日 星期五

pied-à-terre, be the envy of sb

Amid a slide in the euro, Americans are at last seeing bargains when they hunt for property in prime European locations.

American Real Estate Buyers Take Advantage of the Falling Euro
U.S. buyers dreaming of a Tuscan villa or a Parisian pied-à-terre are...

Morgan Stanley's huge real estate deals in Shanghai have been the envy of the industry since the height of China's property boom. Then, scandal hit.

Go to Article from The New York Times»

be the envy of sb
to be liked and wanted by a lot of people:
Her hair is the envy of the office.

pied-à-terreLine breaks: pied-à-terre
Pronunciation: /ˌpjeɪdɑːˈtɛː/   /pjetatɛʀ/

Definition of pied-à-terre in English:

noun (plural pieds-à-terre pronounced same)

small flat, house, or room kept for occasional use.


Early 19th century: French, literally 'foot to earth'.
