2024年3月24日 星期日

animus of every escapade, bootstrap, libido, anima, boots on the ground, snooze, neuroses.harbors a deep animus towards...the uprising known as the second intifada instilled fear in Israelis through a series of suicide bombings,

In the early 2000s, as the uprising known as the second intifada instilled fear in Israelis through a series of suicide bombings, Kenneth Marcus, then an official in the U.S. Department of Education, watched with unease as pro-Palestinian protests shook college campuses.

“We were seeing, internationally, a transformation of anti-Israel animus into something that looked like possibly a new form of antisemitism,” Mr. Marcus recalled in an interview, adding that U.S. universities were at the forefront of that resurgence.

Donald Trump’s obsession with Germany has frequently come up in his meetings with other world leaders. German officials believe the President harbors a deep animus towards Germany in general, and Angela Merkel in particular.

The Supreme Court has never held that a president’s pre-inaugural statements or social-media posts taint a policy with an unconstitutional suggestion of animus
Donald Trump’s travel ban heads back to the Supreme Court

How is your sex life? Why not try highly prized caterpillar fungus from Tibet?

A "little pink pill" designed to boost women's libido won approval from the FDA, becoming the first drug of its kind allowed on the market.

FDA approves world's first pill to boost women's libido

"It's been a long time coming," says Cindy Whitehead, CEO of drug-maker...


About 41% of Americans surveyed said the campaign against ISIS should include "air strikes and combat troops."

More Americans Say Boots Are Needed on the Ground to Fight ISIS

Many believe the air campaign is not enough, a poll finds

boots on the ground

informal Ground troops who are on active service in a military operation:they could have gone to their allies and got more boots on the groundwhile he backs high-tech warfare, he also sees boots on the ground as essential


Agree with Eric Holder that there’s some ‘racial animus’ towards himself and Obama? Reply Yes or No using ‪#‎Crossfire‬

As the years wore on, it became clear that her ambition—and not her sex drive—had been the animus of every escapade. A person doesn't bootstrap her way to media royalty by snoozing over the typewriter. At age 71, she was still doing book tours that could've exhausted Russell Brand. And writing, at some length, about penises.

Fathers' shortcomings, on the other hand, are often sins of omission rather than commission. In this age of unpaid alimony, workaholics and elderly fathers doting on the tots of their second families, there's plenty of animus to go around.


plural li·bi·dos
  1. 1:  instinctual psychic energy that in psychoanalytic theory is derived from primitive biological urges (as for sexual pleasure or self-preservation) and that is expressed in conscious activity
  2. 2:  sexual drive

Carl Jung, the father of analytical psychology, was born on this date in 1875. Jung believed that extroversion and introversion were integral in the study of personality types. He also theorized that there is a female element in the unconscious of men — the anima — and a male element in the unconscious of women — the animus. Jung believed that people share a collective unconscious, appearing as archetypes, including mythology, and symbols and patterns that appear in dreams. Although he worked closely with Sigmund Freud for some five years, and was thought to be Freud's likely successor, Jung finally broke with Freud over their different definitions of the word "libido," and their diverging belief in the part sexuality plays in the development of neuroses.

Robert Reich
America is an aristocracy of people who have never worked a day in their lives.


pull [haul] oneself up [=lift [raise] oneself] by one's (own) bootstraps
━━[動](他)((〜 -self))自分で努力して(…に)なる((into ...));努力して(…から)抜け出す((out of ...)).
━━[形]自助[自立]の, 独立[独力]の
for all my bootstrap efforts


  • 発音記号[éskəpèid]

1 とっぴな行為, 向こう見ずな[むちゃな]いたずら[冒険]
childish escapades
2 (拘束・制約からの)脱出, 逃避;脱線行為.


1 (…への)敵意, 悪意, 敵愾(てきがい)心, 憎悪((against ...))
feelhave] animus against ...
2 意図, 意志, 志向, 生命力, 生気を与える[活動的な]魂.
3 (Jungの心理学で)アニムス(⇔anima):特に女性における抑圧された男性的特性.
[ラテン語. 原義は「魂, 感情, 怒り」]


Line breaks: ani¦mus
Pronunciation: /ˈanɪməs/


1[MASS NOUN] Hostility or ill feeling:the author’s animus towards her
2[MASS NOUN] Motivation to do something:
the reformist animus came from within the Party

3Psychoanalysis (In Jungian psychology) the masculine part of a woman’s personality. Often contrasted with anima.


early 19th century: from Latin, 'spirit, mind'.


  • 発音記号[snúːz]

━━[名]((通例a 〜))うたた寝, 居眠り(nap);眠くなるほど退屈なもの.
