2012年4月28日 星期六

garter, Garter, stocking, bluestocking

bluestocking (noun) A woman having literary or intellectual interests.
Synonyms:bas bleu
Usage:Calling me names like bluestocking or nerd will only strengthen my resolve to learn.


[名][C]((英古風))学問好きの女, 文学かぶれの女.
[1750年ごろ, Mrs. Montagu家でのLondonの文芸愛好家の集りで, その女子会員が正装でない青の毛編み靴下をはいていたので, その会合が嘲笑(ちょうしょう)的にBlue Stocking Society(青鞜(せいとう)会)と呼ばれたことより]
 bluestocking, derisive term originally applied to certain 18th-century women with pronounced literary interests. During the 1750s, Elizabeth Vesey held evening parties, at which the entertainment consisted of conversation on literary subjects. Eminent men of the day were invited to contribute to these conversations. Hannah More, Elizabeth Montagu, and Elizabeth Carter, among others, continued this tradition. Boswell, in his Life of Dr. Johnson, states that these "bluestocking clubs" were so named because of Benjamin Stillingfleet, who attended in unconventional blue worsted stockings rather than the customary black silk stockings. In time the name bluestocking was applied solely to women of pedantic literary tastes.


往: ,
  • (漢語拼音)tà
  • (倉頡碼)TJEA

  • 【玉篇】鞮也。
  • 【廣韻】革履。
  • 【揚雄·長楊賦】革鞜不穿。
  • 【註】師古曰:鞜,革履也。 又【集韻】達合切,音沓。本作鞈。詳前鞈字註。



(gär'tər) pronunciation
    1. An elasticized band worn around the leg to hold up a stocking or sock.
    2. A suspender strap with a fastener attached to a girdle or belt to hold up a stocking or sock.
    3. An elasticized band worn around the arm to keep the sleeve pushed up.
  1. Garter
    1. The badge of the Order of the Garter.
    2. The order itself.
    3. Membership in the order.
tr.v., -tered, -ter·ing, -ters.
  1. To fasten and hold with a garter.
  2. To put a garter on.
[Middle English, band to support socks, from Old North French gartier, from garet, bend of the knee, probably of Celtic origin.]

n. - 襪帶
v. tr. - 用襪帶系緊, 授嘉德勳位(騎士級最高階)
  • garter belt 吊襪腰帶

日本語 (Japanese)
n. - 靴下留め, ガーター勲位, ガーター勲章
