2020年4月27日 星期一

Euro, Icarus, rend, asunder, root cause, root-and-branch, Eurosceptic


Eurosceptics believe the lack of a fiscal centre will tear the currency apart. But for all the bickering, the euro zone has become good at lasting another day

"Man is the only real enemy we have. Remove Man from the scene, and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished for ever."
―from ANIMAL FARM by George Orwell
Since 2011 the euro zone has stagnated; Lithuania’s GDP has grown by 4.3% a year. Its ratio of government debt to GDP is among the lowest in the EU. Moreover, this impressive performance is the result of the sort of root-and-branch reform most euro-zone countries have shirked. So why does Lithuania want to adopt the euro?http://econ.st/1ytpybO

But as for me, my limbs are rent
Because I clasped the clouds as mine.
---The Laments of an Icarus
1889.3.11 Journals by Gide 引用過. 通行版{惡之華}待查
Icarus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Annmarie Nicolson, a 26-year-old design engineer, built herself wings for the last one and came as Icarus, the son of the master craftsman Daedalus, who, according to Greek myth, flew too close to the sun.
Lewis Hine's "Icarus Atop Empire State Building" , Steamfitter
"The Fall of Icarus," 1945, by Henri Matisse."The Fall of Icarus" "led directly to one of the twentieth century's most extraordinary printed books, the triumphant cut-paper inventions of 'Jazz' . . . "

Euro, Meant to Unite Europe, Seems to Rend It
The crisis has roots in imbalances between north and south, rich and poor, export- and service-led economies.

Definition of root and branch in English:

Used to express the thorough or radical nature of aprocess or operation:root-and-branch reform of personal taxation


Pronunciation: /rɛnd/
verb (past and past participle rent /rɛnt/)
[with object]
  • tear (something) into pieces:snapping teeth that would rend human flesh to shreds figurativethe speculation and confusion which was rending the civilized world
  • [with object and adverbial of direction] archaic wrench (something) violently:he rent the branch out of the tree
  • literary cause great emotional pain to:you tell me this in order to make me able to betray you without rending my heart


rend the air
literary sound piercingly:a shrill scream rent the air

rend one's garments (or hair)
tear one’s clothes (or pull one’s hair out) as a sign of extreme grief or distress: the women began to wail and rend their garments


Old English rendan; related to Middle Low German rende

  • [rénd]

1 …をずたずたにする, 粉砕する;…を引き裂く, 二分する, 分裂させる
a party rent in two by factional strife
Lightning rent the tree asunder.
2 …を(…から)無理やり引き離す, 奪い取る((away, off, up/from, out of ...)).
3 〈服を〉引き裂く;〈頭髪を〉かきむしる
She wept and rent her hair.
4 〈心を〉かき乱す, 引き裂く;〈ごう音が〉〈静寂を〉破る.
1 物を(引き)裂く, もぎ取る, ちぎる.
2 (引き)裂ける, 分裂する, 割れる.
  • [əsʌ'ndər]

1 〈1つのものが〉ばらばらに[で]
The storm split the sail asunder.
2 〈2つ以上のものが〉離れ離れに[で], 隔たって[た]
The sheep were driven asunder.
[古英語onsundrum (on-で+sunder離れて=ばらばらの状態で). △SUNDER
