2013年3月1日 星期五

archipelago, center on, delusions of grandeur, wisp/ ignis fatuus,delude

Report Says Syria Built ‘Archipelago’ of Torture Centers
By ALAN COWELL 2 minutes ago

Human Rights Watch accused Syria on Tuesday of having at least 27 torture centers, where abuse of the government’s opponents points to a crime against humanity.

Recently, during the run-up to the Taiwanese 2012 general election, I remember talking to a Taiwanese friend of mine, a staunch supporter of the DPP. When asking him what he thought of Ma Ying-jeou, the KMT candidate, he answered: “自我感覺良好”, which could be translated as having delusions of grandeur, high views of oneself, someone with impossible targets to meet, etc. A few days later I mentioned this same conversation to my KMT supporting friend, and she responded by laughing it off and saying that Tsai Ing-wen, the DPP candidate, was the deluded one.

Takashige Ichise, a producer, writer and director with dozens of successful horror films on his resume, said the movie will focus on the life stories of animals up and down the archipelago.

Director Keizo Izuta, who asked photographers to focus on stories of parents and children, said: "We want to produce a film that offers deep insight into lives of animals in Japan, unlike foreign documentaries on animals centered on the grandeur of their presentation."

The waitress turned and faced Takeru Kobayashi, a wisp of a guy but a giant in the calories-be-damned universe of competitive eating, a sometime champion at downing double-digit loads of hot dogs or bratwurst or whatever some contest promoter happens to be serving. The moment the noisy crowd around him had been waiting for had arrived. The what-is-he-having moment.

delude Pronunciation (verb) To deceive the mind or judgment of.
Synonyms:cozen, deceive, lead on
Usage:You cannot delude me into believing that you ate your vegetables, because I saw you feeding broccoli to the dog!

  1. A small bunch or bundle, as of straw, hair, or grass.
    1. One that is thin, frail, or slight.
    2. A thin or faint streak or fragment, as of smoke or clouds.
  2. A fleeting trace or indication; a hint: a wisp of a smile.
  3. A flock of birds, especially snipe. See synonyms at flock1.
  4. See ignis fatuus (sense 1).

v., wisped, wisp·ing, wisps. v.tr.
To twist into wisps or a wisp.

To drift in wisps: smoke wisping from chimneys.

[Middle English.]
wispily wisp'i·ly adv.
wispiness wisp'i·ness (wĭs'pē-nĭs) n.
wispy wisp'y adj.

ig·nis fat·u·us (ĭg'nĭs făch'ū-əs) pronunciationn., pl., ig·nes fat·u·i (ĭg'nēz făch'ū-ī').
  1. A phosphorescent light that hovers or flits over swampy ground at night, possibly caused by spontaneous combustion of gases emitted by rotting organic matter. Also called friar's lantern, jack-o'-lantern, Also called will-o'-the-wisp, wisp.
  2. Something that misleads or deludes; an illusion.
[Medieval Latin : Latin ignis, fire + Latin fatuus, foolish.]

  • [ɑ`ːrkəpéləgòu]
[名](複〜s, 〜es)
1 多島海;((the A-))多島海, エーゲ海(Aegean Sea).
2 群島, 列島.

v., -tered, -ter·ing, -ters. v.tr.
  1. To place in or at the center: centered the vase on the table.
  2. To direct toward a center or central point; concentrate or focus: tried to center the discussion on the main issues.
  3. Sports.
    1. To pass (a ball or puck) toward the center of a playing area.
    2. To play as a center on (a line), as in ice hockey.
  4. Football. To pass (the ball) back between the legs to begin a down.
